Category:Armstrong Whitworth aircraft

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English: Armstrong Whitworth Aircraft was the Aerial Department of the Sir W. G Armstrong Whitworth & Company engineering group in Newcastle-upon-Tyne from 1912 to 1961. It was a sister company to Hawker Siddeley and some models were produced under both names. From 1963 all models were branded as Hawker Siddeley.
<nowiki>Armstrong Whitworth Aircraft; Armstrong Whitworth Aircraft; Армстронг Уитуорт; Armstrong Whitworth Aircraft; آرمسترانگ ویتورث ایرکرفت; 阿姆斯特朗·惠特沃思飞机公司; Армстронг Витворт; Armstrong Whitworth Aircraft; アームストロング・ホイットワース; Armstrong Whitworth Aircraft; 阿姆斯特朗·惠特沃思飞机公司; Armstrong Whitworth Aircraft; 阿姆斯特朗·惠特沃思飛機公司; Armstrong Whitworth Scimitar; Armstrong Whitworth Aircraft; Armstrong Whitworth Aircraft; Armstrong Whitworth Aircraft; أرمسترونغ ويتوورث للطائرات; Armstrong Whitworth Aircraft; Armstrong Whitworth Aircraft; Fabricante de aviones británico, desde 1912 hasta 1961; самолётостроительная фирма; 1912-1961 aircraft manufacturer in the United Kingdom; شركة بريطانية; proizvajalec zrakoplovov v Združenem kraljestvu (1912–1961); 1912-1961 aircraft manufacturer in the United Kingdom; Sir W. G. Armstrong Whitworth Aircraft Company; AW Aircraft; 阿姆斯特朗惠特沃斯飛機</nowiki>
Armstrong Whitworth Aircraft 
1912-1961 aircraft manufacturer in the United Kingdom
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Istanza di
Settore di attività
  • aviazione
  • Manufacture of air and spacecraft and related machinery (derived from NACE classification in 20th Century Press Archives)
  • vehicle construction
  • Regno Unito
Sede legale
Forma giuridica
  • private company limited by shares
Data di fondazione o creazione
  • 1912
Data di scioglimento o demolizione
  • 1961
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Authority file
Wikidata Q648292
identificativo VIAF: 168022830
identificativo della Biblioteca del Congresso: nb2011004864
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File nella categoria "Armstrong Whitworth aircraft"

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