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<nowiki>asargado; Sarga; sarja; Köperbindung; Köperbindung; твіл; 斜紋織法; køperbinding; 綾織り; kypert; חיבור אלכסוני; toimikas; kepro; Kepr; saia; serge; twill; Sargetta; ligamento sarja; keprova vezava; 능직; kyperbinding; Silang kepar; Diagonal; kyperbinding; keperbinding; Corrán; twill; 綾; Кипер; twill weave; نسيج مبرد; διαγωνάλ; Twill; tejido; 織りの種類; armure de tissage; grundbindning i vävning; hoofdbinding van textiel; Grundbindungsart für gewebte Stoffe; yksi kudottujen kankaiden perussidoksista; textile weave in which weft threads pass over one and under two or more threads of the warp, producing a diagonal rib or pattern; نوع من أنواع القماش; textile weave in which weft threads pass over one and under two or more threads of the warp, producing a diagonal rib or pattern; ligamento cruzado; sargo; sarga; 綾織; 綾織物; Sergé croisé; Sergé; armure sergé; twill; twillbindning; kypertbindning; Twill; diagonalbinding; keperweefsel; Киперная ткань; Твилл; diagonalbinding; Twill; sarja; serge weave; twill; toimikassidos; twill; tvilli; 綾; 斜织; twill</nowiki>
textile weave in which weft threads pass over one and under two or more threads of the warp, producing a diagonal rib or pattern
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Wikidata Q1152241
identificativo della Biblioteca del Congresso: sh85139035
identificativo Thesaurus BNCF: 71247
identificativo BabelNet: 00078751n
identificativo J9U della Biblioteca nazionale israeliana: 987007558419805171
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Questa categoria contiene le 8 sottocategorie indicate di seguito, su un totale di 8.







File nella categoria "Twill"

Questa categoria contiene 48 file, indicati di seguito, su un totale di 48.