Commons:Stroke Order Project/SVG

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->214 rad !e
(of 214+116)
You can use this to progress further. Yug (talk)

This page aims at the development of animated SVGs for the Commons:Stroke Order Project.

Work in progress.

Useful links[edit]

Commons:Chinese characters decomposition - showing the components of a hundred characters, with a code indicating their hierarchy.
Commons:Stroke Order Project/Kangxi radicals - with the 214 radicals, and data of their stroke-by-stroke decomposition.
en:Stroke order — about half of which was written by COM:SOP team members.
T: ROC standardized stroke order, Taiwan Ministry of Education's 常用國字標準字體筆順手冊 (authoritative). Four chapter : Introduction; overview; by radicals; most frequent.



Create an SVG containing all radicals, divide in stokes, and correctly ordered and labelled to allow later scripts to work further.

SVG creation process[edit]

Basic strokes
  • Tools: I use SVG & Inkscape.
  • Collect list: set the largest set of basic strokes => done: 37 strokes (8 basic, 29 complexes)
  • Work to do : draw this 37 strokes into an SVG file
  • Other to do : rename each stroke id according to its code name
  • Status : 90% done.

->214 rad !e
(of 214+116)
  • Tools: I use SVG & Inkscape.
  • Collect list: I gathered all radicals (214) and graph elements (116) that Unicode provide in one unique SVG.
  • Vectorisation : I converted their shapes into paths.
  • NOW HERE: Divide: Then, I divide each radical, one after one, into its strokes, together with improving the shape if need (->Stroke order friendly).

I still will have to :

  • SO: Check the stroke order, and order the SVG layers accordingly ;
  • i18l: Add Modern stroke order on the left ; and Japanese stroke order on the right, for cases where the shape is the same, but stroke order differ.
  • Square: add background square in the beyind of each radical. This will later be need to
  • Code: add semantic data. That means :
    • name each stroke such as 戈-t01 (label name)
    • group them into 戈-t (label name)
    • name background square such as rect戈-t (label name)

Scripts ideas[edit]

List of SVG function already available.

Common getting started code

All later script first need to be able to extract the radicals all together keep in a All_radicals.svg file. This need a script, such as:

In All_radicals.svg :

  • each radicals is labelled such as label="戈-t", or label="*-*". The first * provide the radical name. The 2nd * provide the country code.
  • this "戈-t" object is the a group <g > containing all 戈 strokes, in the correct order.
  • each radical is in the center, and associate to a background square, with label name being label="rect戈t".
  • this background square provide the referentiel of the radical.
  • the script have to get the value (x;y) of the left-bottom corner of rect戈t , import all the group <g label="戈-t"> into an empty SVG, and subtract (x;y) to the value of each dot of <g label="戈-t"> to get the radicals in the center of the new SVG.

Thus, a series of some hundred of svg is generate. Later scripts are needs to apply a "skin" to these products.

Or embeded SVG technology

Animations (-sbs.svg / -sbs.gif)
  • Need: script adding a line <animate id="*"> to each stroke code, with animation's name and timing according to to both the total of strokes and the specific stroke to colorate.
  • Difficulty: medium.
  • Doc: 'animate' ex. - Specifies color transformations over time. Not yet available.
  • SVG functions, on
    <path id="Stroke01" ...
	    <animate id="a1" attributeName="fill" begin="0.1s;a6.end" dur="3s" 
	    from="grey" to="black" fill="freezebroken"/>
SVG <animate> function explanations.
Aim: generate such animated SVG.
Red Diagrams (-red.png / .svg)
  • Status: Possible.
  • Need: script changing the colour according to both the total of strokes and the specific stroke to colorate.
  • Difficulty: easy.
Diagrams (-bw.png / svg)

Status: Possible.
Need : script making duplicata, translation, coloration (black/grey), according to both the total of strokes and the specific stroke to colorate.
Difficulty: medium.