Compact fluorescent lamp

Wikimedia Commons থেকে
(Fluorescent light bulbs থেকে পুনর্নির্দেশিত)
পরিভ্রমণে চলুন অনুসন্ধানে চলুন
Deutsch: Kompaktleuchtstofflampe - "Energiesparlampe" (ESL)
Nederlands: Spaarlamp
Dansk: Sparepære
আরও দেখুন : Incandescent light bulbs.

By connector type

English: G23 is 2-pin lamps with starter inside, it is need only inductor for their work
English: G24 is 2 or 4-pin lamps. 2-pin lamps contain starter like G23. 4-pin lamps can work using inductor and starter or electronic ballast.
English: 2G7 is 4-pin lamp, it is need inductor and starter or electronic ballast for their work
English: G53 is slim and round lamp with integrated ballast inside

Different forms of lamps:

Low voltage battery
