Google Nexus

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Google Nexus devices use a type of "Always up to date" android OS that can easily be adopted for use on tablets as well as phones.

  • English: Google Nexus is a line of mobile devices using the Android operating system produced by Google in cooperation with hardware manufacturers.
  • Deutsch: Google Nexus ist eine Reihe von mobilen Android-Geräten, die von Google in Kooperation mit Hardware-Herstellern vertrieben werden.
  • 中文:Google Nexus是一个由Google提供技术并授权合作硬件厂商生产制造的基于Android操作系统的智能型设备系列,目的是提供给用户一种“纯粹的Android”体验。



Nexus One


Nexus S

参看:Category:Nexus S.

Galaxy Nexus


Nexus 4

参看:Category:Nexus 4.

Nexus 5

参看:Category:Nexus 5.

Nexus 5X


Nexus 6

参看:Category:Nexus 6.

Nexus 6P




Nexus 7

参看:Category:Nexus 7.

Nexus 9

参看:Category:Nexus 9.

Nexus 10




Nexus Q

参看:Category:Nexus Q.

Nexus Player
