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Marie-Rose ATCHAMA was born on 1er november 1952 at Reunion Island in Indian Ocean.  While working at the Post Office in Paris in 1985 she becomes aware of the power that the mind can exert on the body and begins her inner evolution. "Spiritual Awarkening" An evolution that leads her to new horizons and various passions formes . ( astronomy-spirite-psychoanalysis). She questions herself a long time about the creation of Human and his position in the universe. She makes a training for 5 years in psychoanalysis + 4 cycles of a new therapy (the Art of Conscious). In 1993 turned back to Reunion she makes a training to center for alcoholics at Bellepierre hospital in Saint Denis and becomes sophrologist. In 1998 she becomes aware of spontaneous writing and writes several texts. And is interested to " Master Spiritual Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov" bulgarian esoteric , philosopher and pedagogue ( 1900-1986) to his vision of consciousness interior of energy. In 2000 the awareness of colors and images in warking dream leads her to the creation of a book " the snail - encounter with the Master of consciousness interior"   In 2001 with new knowledge she returned to Paris where she implements her creations. "Frantisek Kupka "Artist painter tczech (1871-1957) call her attention about his work art" around of a point ". And continues her evolution..... To create his artistic universe she juggles with fantasy and reality by bringing a touch of madness in his creations. She draws its imagination in the abstract, symbolic and spiritual. The spiritual surrealism comes spice up his world just as much on the pictural plane as scriptural. Artist multi-disciplinary. Painting-Writting- Creation of Mosaïc- Party games- Sculpture. ..... Around of the point -  L'universe of the consciousness - "The real mission Art is to can give to humans a taste, a presentiment of Sky " - Maître Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov -"Creation artistic et spiritual (click here) - 2015 Return to Imaginary - Imaginary Fantastic -Implementation studio mosaïc sculpture and painting  -Maestro d'Arte Associato Onorario e Benemerito - Gran Maestro e Socio Onorario- Italia in Arte-Brindisi - Academician associated -section art- at Accademia internazionale" Greci-Marino" - Accademia del Verbano di Lettere, Arti, Scienze - Accademico di Merito à l'Accademia Italiana "Gli Etruschi" Belle Arti - Lettere - Scienze. - Socio Onorario à l'Associazione culturale de Brindisi " Italia in Arte " - Merite Culturel français- Fédération Nationale de la Culture Française- - Maison des artistes - Sociétaire des Artistes Indépendants