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Create the page "Carborundum" on this wiki!
- English An antique carborundum crystal radio detector from 1911 determination method or standard: SHA-1...(235 × 171 (10 KB)) - 16:28, 2 February 2024
- English operator: Open Images described at URL: determination method or standard: SHA-1...(Ogg Theora/Vorbis video file, 10 min 51 s) - 11:47, 19 February 2024
- BY-SA 4.0 Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 truetrue English Carborundum Silicon Carbide Black Rainbow Mineral object of statement has role: photographer...(1,168 × 1,007 (387 KB)) - 16:28, 2 February 2024
- English Container of Imported Carborundum - jade carving material, China (MET, 1981.296.57)...(2,596 × 1,819 (416 KB)) - 23:41, 30 January 2022
- publish it under the following license: English Synthetic silicon carbide: Carborundum, Moissanite (diamond cut) Russian Синтетический карбид кремния: карборунд...(1,632 × 1,224 (108 KB)) - 21:21, 19 October 2024
- File:Brexit the time has come for the UK to clarify its position (46766253871).jpg (category Illegitimi non carborundum)0 truetrue 19 January 2019 960 655 164 675 2048 1366 "Non Illegitimi Carborundum" English Former British politician Nigel Farage speaking before the European...(2,048 × 1,366 (1.57 MB)) - 12:33, 26 October 2024
- 0 Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 truetrue English large crystal of carborundum Wikimedia username: Beeblaine author name string: Beeblaine URL: https://commons...(6,000 × 4,000 (5.84 MB)) - 17:45, 6 September 2022
- DescriptionCarborundum 2.jpg Čeština: Od roku 2003 uzavřená továrna v Zákupech Date 28 January 2011 Source Own work Author Zákupák...(3,648 × 2,736 (3.58 MB)) - 16:28, 2 February 2024
- File:The preparation, properties, and composition of silundum .. (IA preparationprope00lowyrich).pdf (matches file content)were introduced into a mixture of sand and facture of 1 such as is carborundum was used F. Boiling, Chem. Ztg., 32, 1 104; Electrochem. 314193 ...(814 × 1,362 (1.62 MB)) - 13:27, 15 November 2020
- File:Twentieth century atlas of microscopical petrography .. (IA twentiethcentury00adyerich).pdf (matches file content)still, the " wonderful new material known as " carborundum powder, of about the same calibre. Carborundum U.S. A., to an been found in name given by...(920 × 1,487 (37.54 MB)) - 14:16, 25 December 2020
- File:Emery and the emery industry, a technical study of modern abrasives and the development of the modern grinding-machine industry (IA emeryemeryindust00haenrich).pdf (matches file content)Equipment and Operation of Carborundum Works 27 Purification and Properties of Carborundum 31 .32 Output of Carborundum (d) Electrite 1. 16 17 Experiments...(695 × 1,039 (14.52 MB)) - 10:38, 8 February 2022
- File:California Digital Library (IA manufactureuseso00searrich).pdf (matches file content)SILICATE, VITRIFIED, and ELASTIC PROCESSES, FROM CORUNDUM (NATURAL AND CARBORUNDUM & EMERY ARTIFICIAL) McEWEN, DENBY AND HART-BRIGGS, Ltd. TURRET WORKS...(602 × 950 (11.53 MB)) - 03:55, 27 January 2024
- File:The electric furnace; its evolution, theory and practice (IA electricfurnacei00stanrich).pdf (matches file content)researches Production of the diamond Willson's carbide furnace 7 Q 1) Carborundum 10 Ferro-alloys Iron and steel 12 12 CHAPTER II. Description and...(806 × 1,289 (15.61 MB)) - 03:18, 10 May 2024
- File:Some electro-chemical centres - a report to the electors of the Gartside scholarships (IA someelectrochemi00prinrich).pdf (matches file content)heating of the material is continued for about carborundum; same period and then masses of carborundum forty-eight hours to cause the formation of the...(677 × 1,064 (7.8 MB)) - 14:04, 21 November 2020
- File:The Engineering and Mining Journal 1898-01-29- Vol 65 Iss 5 (IA sim engineering-and-mining-journal 1898-01-29 65 5).pdf (matches file content)31st, 3\st, and CARBORUNDUM.—The counties in 97,562 tons, 255,211 tons against The production of production of carborundum in the United States...(1,400 × 1,991 (28.68 MB)) - 02:40, 1 January 2021
- File:Tests on concrete and mortar surfaces cast against various types of forms and form linings - USACE-p266001coll1-4011.pdf (matches file content)long, on each panel face near the sandblasted area, with a coarse-grit carborundum stone, to break the surface skin and reveal any sub-surface voids. Test...(1,195 × 1,558 (41.11 MB)) - 18:53, 13 November 2024
- numerous and supplied valuable data and photographs: Abrasive Co. The Carborundum Co. American Emery Wheel Works The Blanchard Machine Co. Brown & Sharpe...(620 × 1,002 (33.8 MB)) - 10:16, 4 July 2023
- Description20190615 - 08 - Carborundum Center.jpg English: Carborundum Center (Seneca Office Building), entrance. Date Taken on 14 June 2019, 14:14:33...(3,024 × 4,032 (8.26 MB)) - 20:59, 30 November 2024
- Description20190615 - 09 - Carborundum Center.jpg English: Carborundum Center (Seneca Office Building), north elevation. Date Taken on 14 June 2019, 14:15:14...(2,988 × 3,984 (4.14 MB)) - 20:59, 30 November 2024
- DescriptionBLW Carborundum crystals.jpg Date Photographed in February 2010 Source Originally uploaded at Author...(3,532 × 2,338 (1.71 MB)) - 03:27, 10 October 2023
- DescriptionCarborundum (48904728981).jpg Niagra Falls New York, USA Date 7 October 2019, 09:44 Source Carborundum Author Pacific Museum of Earth from Canada...(3,853 × 5,517 (2.44 MB)) - 17:59, 8 July 2024
- Description20190615 - 07 - Carborundum Center.jpg English: Carborundum Center (Seneca Office Building), viewed from the southwest at the corner of 3rd...(4,032 × 3,024 (7.36 MB)) - 20:59, 30 November 2024
- File:The Mineral industry (IA gri 33125014727180).pdf (matches file content)worth $450,000. No statistics were collected for 1906. Carborundum.—The output of carborundum in the United States in 1907 was 7,532,670 lb. ($451,960)...(1,087 × 1,504 (76.33 MB)) - 13:00, 14 December 2022
- invention and industry; how the world came to have aquadag and oildag; also carborundum, artificial graphite and other valuable products of the electric furnace...(814 × 1,418 (29.6 MB)) - 04:16, 27 January 2024
- File:Microscopical determination of opaque minerals - an aid to the study of ores (IA microscopicaldet00murdrich).pdf (matches file content)polishing surfaces. first is a J-inch carborundum wheel laid against one side of the first iron disc. The carborundum wheel that gives best results is a...(808 × 1,331 (32.3 MB)) - 22:02, 4 April 2022
- File:Seventeen years of experimental research and development, (IA seventeenyearsof00ache).pdf (matches file content)diamond. York. I had named it while on the way to New I called it Carborundum, under the belief that it contained carbon and corundum. The diamond-cutter...(1,285 × 2,118 (1.12 MB)) - 01:09, 3 May 2024
- File:Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees - roses, shrubs, plants, small fruits, grape vines, etc. (IA CAT31291246).pdf (matches file content)Minorcas Can furnish several other breeds. CARBORUNDUM Pocket Stones This little stone is made of fine Carborundum powder and of a hardness suitable for sharpening...(885 × 1,329 (6.34 MB)) - 11:42, 20 October 2024
- File:An apparatus for measuring the relative wear of sole leathers and the results obtained with leather from the different parts of a hide. (IA apparatusforme1919147hart).pdf (matches file content)being 5X inches from the axis of the disk. This disk has a surface of carborundum, and rotates about a vertical axis on which is a brake wheel provided...(1,031 × 1,439 (1.33 MB)) - 21:17, 17 August 2024
- File:The electric furnace; its construction, operation and uses (IA furnaceconstru00stanrich).pdf (matches file content)and information, advice, or the use of The Canadian Boving ComThe Carborundum Electro Metals Company, Mr. pany, Company, M. Mr. A. Dr. W. K. G. Evans...(814 × 1,312 (28.88 MB)) - 23:05, 10 May 2024
- File:The electric furnace in metallurgical work (IA electricfurnacei00lyon).pdf (matches file content)magnesite. Bauxite. Neutral linings.'. Carbon. Chromite... Alundum. Carborundum.. Crystolon. Suitable refractories. Melting points of refractory materials...(1,237 × 2,175 (18.09 MB)) - 12:55, 14 August 2020
- File:Summer bulletin - buds and supplies (IA summerbulletinbu1916chas).pdf (matches file content)Chase Tree Counter The Chase ^^Dig-Ezy Hoe The Budders' Whetstone ( Carborundum) 1916 CHASE NURSERY CHASE, ALABAMA CO. > SUMMER BULLETIN Buds...(985 × 1,425 (857 KB)) - 13:29, 11 March 2023
- DescriptionCarborundum ou moissanite artificielle.jpg English: Carborundum ou moissanite artificielle vendue sur un marché de Bangkok en Thailande en...(2,048 × 1,536 (1.38 MB)) - 16:28, 2 February 2024
- invention and industry; how the world came to have aquadag and oildag; also carborundum, artificial graphite and other valuable products of the electric furnace...(1,104 × 1,716 (8.16 MB)) - 15:23, 9 December 2023
- DescriptionCartridge carborundum detector.jpg English: A carborundum crystal detector, an early semiconductor diode, used as a radio detector in 1920s...(355 × 102 (6 KB)) - 05:36, 6 February 2024
- File:Tells mint about carborrundum (IA tellsmintaboutcarborrundum18921122).pdf (matches file content)1892 Dear Colonel, I am interested in a newly discovered article called Carborundum. One of its uses is, to make emory wheels out of, that is, to make better...(2,927 × 4,527 (1.08 MB)) - 12:14, 8 January 2023
- File:20th century catalogue of supplies for watchmakers, jewelers and kindred trades (IA 20thcenturycatal00purd).pdf (matches file content)dril 00 to 3 Ten Assorted Emery Cloth Shells 30 and Mandril :$ Carborundum Cloth Balance Calipers .see Classification C " C Beading Tools.... "...(810 × 1,152 (61.22 MB)) - 17:52, 16 May 2023
- DescriptionCarborundum-yhn-2006Nov29.jpg This is an image of a carborundum (SiC) crystal. The crystal was placed directly on a flatbed scanner. Date 30...(2,564 × 3,036 (4.7 MB)) - 16:28, 2 February 2024
- File:Some methods and appliances in operative and mechanical dentistry (IA b21444535).pdf (matches file content)For this purpose I use carborundum or corundum wheels running in a trough of water when doing work with the lathe, and carborundum or corundum wheels and...(883 × 1,504 (6.21 MB)) - 03:59, 1 January 2023
- DescriptionCarborundum Detector, Dunwoody.jpg The Carborundum Detector, discovered by General H. H. C. Dunwoody, U.S.A. Date 1917 Source earlyradiohistory...(301 × 234 (19 KB)) - 16:28, 2 February 2024
- File:An apparatus for measuring the relative wear of sole leathers (IA apparatusformeas00hart).pdf (matches file content)being ^}4 inches from the axis of the disk. This disk has a surface of carborundum, and rotates about a vertical axis on which is a brake wheel provided...(964 × 1,547 (942 KB)) - 21:24, 8 August 2023
- File:Items of interest (IA (matches file content)ORIGINAL COMMUNICATIONS SOME USES OF CARBORUNDUM LABORATORY. H. B. Bartlett, Owensdoro, Though carborundum has only IN 205; OFFICE AND Ky. recently...(760 × 1,316 (1.89 MB)) - 14:31, 3 October 2020
- File:Illustrated and descriptive catalogue of fruit and ornamental trees - roses, shrubs, plants, small fruits, grape vines, etc. (IA CAT31295732).pdf (matches file content)smooth. Carborundum is always sharp. Emery and corundum are always dull. Sharp tools cut better than dull ones. INDEX NON-HEATING WHEEL Carborundum cuts...(937 × 1,431 (6.15 MB)) - 08:57, 11 March 2023
- File:The Mineral industry (IA gri 33125014726810).pdf (matches file content)Emery—Carborundum Wheels— Carborundum Paper and Cloth—Use of^ Carborundum in Steel Making—As a Refrac¬ tory Lining for Furnaces—Manufacture of Carborundum in...(1,093 × 1,514 (85.45 MB)) - 05:42, 2 March 2022
- File:Dictionary of chemical and metallurgical machinery, appliances and material manufactured or sold by advertisers in Electromechanical and metallurgical industry (IA dictionaryofchem00newyrich).pdf (matches file content)agent. CARBORUNDUM COMPANY, NIAGARA FALLS, N. CARBORUNDUM FIRE borundum, made SAND. Y. Also called amorphous car- zone of the carborundum furnace...(616 × 1,072 (17.63 MB)) - 17:47, 12 December 2020
- DescriptionCarborundum crystal detector.png English: A carborundum crystal detector, a device used in wireless receivers and later crystal receivers from...(1,212 × 708 (93 KB)) - 16:28, 2 February 2024
- File:Weltausstellung Lüttich 1905 - offizieller Spezialkatalog der Österreichischen Abteilung (IA weltausstellungl00expo).pdf (matches file content)(Savoie, France) *®6 oef Carborundum et Electrite Meules, limes pierres, toiles, papiers, rubans ä affüter les cardes; carborundum en grain et en poudre...(658 × 1,175 (4.09 MB)) - 08:37, 7 December 2024
- File:Methods in practical petrology, hints on the preparation and examination of rock slices (IA methodsinpractic00milnrich).pdf (matches file content)one which seems to meet most requirements is an artificial product, Carborundum, supplied in many grades, of which the most generally useful are 70 (coarse)...(716 × 1,070 (7.56 MB)) - 23:06, 4 April 2022
- File:Estimating concrete buildings (IA estimatingconcre00mayerich).pdf (matches file content)on the estimate sheets. Formed Surfaces Carborundum Rubbed Referring again to the subject of carborundum rubbing, are written out, it is very simple...(814 × 1,350 (8.44 MB)) - 23:38, 2 May 2024
- File:The Engineering and Mining Journal January - June 1900- Vol 69 Index (IA sim engineering-and-mining-journal january-june-1900 69 index).pdf (matches file content)North, Railroads Value of Carborundum Co. vs. Cowles...... 664 Serer 050., I. Wc sossccahsnee 296 Carborundum Manufacture ‘and 8 the Cowles Electric...(1,402 × 1,929 (19.52 MB)) - 17:55, 2 January 2021
- File:The making of a mechanical optician; (IA makingofmechanic00slad 0).pdf (matches file content)operated the same as the carborundum block. After you have turned it true, it will be very rough; then by replacing the carborundum you can smooth it, the...(1,560 × 2,316 (9.5 MB)) - 18:15, 13 October 2021
- File:Preliminary study of sterilizing tobacco stems against mosaic diseases (IA preliminarystudy334bein).pdf (matches file content)leaf surface, which had previously been dusted with carborundum (8) Except for the use of carborundum and the bent rod, the inoculation procedures were...(802 × 1,079 (459 KB)) - 10:42, 18 August 2024
- File:The Mineral industry (IA gri 33125014726752).pdf (matches file content)United States—Carborundum (by E. G. Acheson, p. 12).—Production and Price of Carborun¬ dum—Use of Carborundum for Polishing Granite—Carborundum Wheels—Carbo¬...(1,104 × 1,504 (86.9 MB)) - 10:39, 14 December 2020
- File:The Mineral industry (IA gri 33125014727115).pdf (matches file content)States—List of Pro¬ ducers—New Developments in the Industry. 39 CARBORUNDUM. Production of Carborundum in the United States. 40 CEMENT. Production of Portland...(1,081 × 1,504 (39.59 MB)) - 03:42, 1 August 2022
- File:The Mineral industry (IA gri 33125014727123).pdf (matches file content)Tung¬ sten Ores. Tone, E. J. Works Manager, The Carborundum Company Niagara Falls, N. Y. Carborundum. Tovey, L. Mining Engineer, Tomsk, Siberia. Dredging...(1,075 × 1,483 (75.85 MB)) - 12:59, 14 December 2022
- File:EUD 1991-512.pdf (matches file content)exporters : Brazil — Elfusa Geral de Eletrofusão Lda., São Paulo, Brazil, — Carborundum SA, Vinhedo, Brazil, — Norton SA, Sao Paulo, Brazil ; Yugoslavia — Tovarna...(1,239 × 1,745 (1.04 MB)) - 09:38, 1 February 2021
- File:June Bulletin - buds and supplies (IA junebulletinbuds1914chas).pdf (matches file content)Chase Tree Counter The Chase Hoe '^Dig-Ezy'* The Budders' Whetstone (Carborundum) Chase, Ala., June 8th, 1914 To The Trade:As our supply of some ...(825 × 1,120 (869 KB)) - 09:33, 11 March 2023
- File:June bulletin - buds and supplies (IA junebulletinbuds1915chas).pdf (matches file content)Chase Tree Counter The Chase 'Dig-Ezy Hoe The Budders' Whetstone (Carborundum) 1915 Chase Nursery Chase, Alabama Co* Budding Knives — Raffia...(818 × 1,031 (961 KB)) - 13:23, 11 March 2023
- File:The harnessing of Niagara (IA harnessingofniag00cassrich).pdf (matches file content)Transformer at the Works of the Carborundum Company, Built by New York 338 Transformer 339 Make-up of the Carborundum Company's Large Reduces the...(808 × 1,402 (46.25 MB)) - 23:26, 10 May 2024
- File:The Editor and Publisher 1920-03-20- Vol 52 Iss 42 (IA sim editor-publisher 1920-03-20 52 42).pdf (matches file content)intense that it would cause granite to run like water. Yet Carborundum defies it. Carborundum is truly a remarkable material. It is not only of invaluable...(1,254 × 1,727 (21.77 MB)) - 02:49, 13 August 2021
- File:The Engineering and Mining Journal 1913-06-07- Vol 95 Iss 23 (IA sim engineering-and-mining-journal 1913-06-07 95 23).pdf (matches file content)materials needed for the preparation of thin sections are No. 100 carborundum, FF carborundum, a piece of stove-plate or its equivalent, a piece of plate glass...(1,322 × 1,814 (21.59 MB)) - 09:44, 11 January 2023
- File:Items of interest (IA (matches file content)furnace, the sufficiently , daily capacity of carborundum amounting to only 300 pounds. To produce carborundum at the lowest cost the company has installed...(756 × 1,314 (1.63 MB)) - 14:30, 3 October 2020
- File:Items of interest (IA (matches file content)and products, tests made by him. They were made with all the various carborundum corundum, and emery garnet, against quartz such as in against corundum...(745 × 1,300 (2.66 MB)) - 14:26, 3 October 2020
- File:The electrical conductivity of aqueous solutions (IA cu31924012372748).pdf (matches file content)surfaces, except at the middle where the ridge is to some carborundum. ground down with carborundum. The projecting portion left in the then turned into...(835 × 1,306 (10.46 MB)) - 06:39, 23 February 2023
- DescriptionNl-carborundum.ogg Dutch pronunciation Date 26 October 2013 Source Own work Author Marcel Coenders...(Ogg Vorbis sound file, 1.5 s) - 11:10, 17 August 2020
- File:Recent advances in organic chemistry (IA cu31924003087073).pdf (matches file content)forms the actual furnace wherein refractory materials are placed. In the carborundum furnace, on the other hand, the resistance is built of carbon which becomes...(770 × 1,285 (7.33 MB)) - 03:38, 15 June 2022
- File:Suggestive outline in woodwork and drawing for grades and high school - also a preliminary statement regarding work in metal and cement (IA suggestiveoutlin00dorriala).pdf (matches file content)story of carborundum: How discovered. How manufactured. Harnessing NiComposition: hardness. agara Falls cheap power. Uses of carborundum, etc. Samples:...(858 × 1,325 (2.32 MB)) - 11:52, 23 November 2020
- File:The Mineral industry (IA gri 33125014727008).pdf (matches file content)the following table. PRODUCTION OF CARBORUNDUM AND ALUMINOUS ABRASIVES IN THE UNITED STATES, 1905-1915 Carborundum. Aluminous Abrasives. 1905. 1906...(1,091 × 1,485 (63.65 MB)) - 17:52, 2 May 2024
- File:Measurement of the tread movement of pneumatic tires and a discussion of the probable relation to tread wear (IA jresv1n1p19).pdf (matches file content)sparingly with grains of No . 60 carborundum. As a tire under load flexes when rolled over one of these plates, the carborundum grains (or at least a portion...(827 × 1,343 (12.64 MB)) - 05:15, 23 September 2024
- File:The Mineral industry (IA gri 33125014727172).pdf (matches file content)Minerals and Chemical Products— Arsenic—Asbestos—Barytes—Bauxite—Bromine — Carborundum —Cement—Clay—Coal and Coke—Copper Sulphate—Fluorspar— Fullers’...(1,097 × 1,487 (40.32 MB)) - 17:52, 2 May 2024
- File:Suggestive outline in woodwork and drawing for grades and high school, and a preliminary statement regarding work in metal and cement (IA suggestiveoutlin00dorr).pdf (matches file content)story of carborundum: How discovered. Composition: hardness. How manufactured. Harnessing Niagara Falls cheap power. Uses of carborundum, etc. Samples:...(808 × 1,310 (1.29 MB)) - 02:25, 2 January 2022
- File:Report of the Northeastern Corn Improvement Conference (IA SER72909520011).pdf (matches file content)injected into base of stem by means of hypodermic needle. Carborundum - plants dusted with carborundum and a single leaf of each plant then nabbed with a cheesecloth...(1,054 × 1,602 (1.43 MB)) - 05:18, 18 August 2024
- File:Carnegie Institution of Washington publication (IA carnegieinstitut63carn).pdf (matches file content)powder. A small piece of wet sponge is then placed in the tube. Powdered carborundum can be used in place of diamond, and, although it is somewhat slower...(979 × 1,477 (19.8 MB)) - 06:11, 4 February 2024
- File:Linters (IA linters175agel).pdf (matches file content)carborundum system, which removed more of the fibers than the other delinting This was done by bringing the seed into close contact with carborundum cloth...(818 × 1,266 (881 KB)) - 11:12, 21 August 2024
- File:Official catalogue of exhibitors (IA officialcatalogu02stlo).pdf (matches file content)29-D. 117 C St. Whitehead GROUP 29. CUTLERY. Carborundum Co., The, Niagara Falls, N. Y. Carborundum for grinding and (In Palace of ]\Iines and Metallurgy...(883 × 1,231 (11.53 MB)) - 22:26, 6 August 2024
- File:The Mineral industry (IA gri 33125014727248).pdf (matches file content)Carbide.89-91 CARBORUNDUM Production of Carborundum in the United States—Value—Method of Manu¬ facture—Uses—Recent Patents—The Carborundum Industry in 1906...(1,072 × 1,485 (66.22 MB)) - 03:50, 1 August 2022
- File:The Mineral industry (IA gri 33125014726992).pdf (matches file content)Ore—Uranium Products—Alum—Aluminum Ore— Sulphate—Am¬ monium Sulphate—Carborundum—Coke—Copperas—Copper Sulphate ■—Crushed Steel—White Lead, Red Lead, Orange...(1,081 × 1,508 (88.27 MB)) - 12:58, 14 December 2022
- File:How to enamel - being a treatise on the practical enameling of jewelry with hard enamels (IA gri 33125000664454).pdf (matches file content)Wooden Handle 10 4 Charging 14 5 Metal Tray and Tile 6 Firing 7 Carborundum or Emery Stone 8 Stoning 9 Pickle Pan 10 Polishing 11 Pickle...(850 × 1,206 (2.38 MB)) - 07:21, 24 December 2022
- File:Summer bulletin - buds and supplies (IA summerbulletinbu1917chas).pdf (matches file content)The Chase Tree Counter The Chase "Dig-Ezy" Hoe The Budders' Whetstone (Carborundum) Chase, Alabama, July 12, 1917. TO THE TRADE: This Summer Bulletin...(787 × 1,068 (935 KB)) - 13:29, 11 March 2023
- File:An absolute determination of the ohm (IA jresv16n1p1).pdf (matches file content)The grinding material was carborundum 8 mixed with water. With the surface of the rotating cylinder covered with the carborundum mixture, the long lap was...(810 × 1,350 (82.06 MB)) - 20:49, 15 August 2024
- File:Engineering and Mining Journal 1919-06-28- Vol 107 Iss 26 (IA sim engineering-and-mining-journal 1919-06-28 107 26).pdf (matches file content)removed last. The second method is the one in use, for example, at the Carborundum Co.’s plant at Niagara Falls, N. Y., where accurate grading is essential...(1,297 × 1,852 (164.22 MB)) - 16:37, 28 February 2022
- DescriptionCarborundum detector & bias battery 1928.jpg English: A carborundum crystal detector used in early vacuum tube radio receivers, from a 1928...(327 × 350 (27 KB)) - 16:28, 2 February 2024
- File:The home handy book, a compendium of useful things to do around the average house and how to keep it in repair (IA homehandybookcom00coll).pdf (matches file content)NOSE PLIERS BOY SCOUT KNIFE q HAND OR FLAT FiL£ 33: 1^ :i^ t J- CARBORUNDUM OILSTONE t-SETOFTAPSAND DIES rOILCAN uMACHlNISTS VISE Fig. 5. —Metal...(1,179 × 1,810 (9.55 MB)) - 05:59, 24 February 2021
- File:Items of interest (IA (matches file content)tooth, should be take a Ji -inch, thin, separating cardisk (rubber and carborundum), mounted first borundum IllCtbOd at, when the preparation or...(900 × 1,295 (3.19 MB)) - 15:16, 3 October 2020
- File:The Engineering and Mining Journal 1898-05-28- Vol 65 Iss 22 (IA sim engineering-and-mining-journal 1898-05-28 65 22).pdf (matches file content)Non-Metallic Substances. Abrasives.—Under this caption are included carborundum, corundum, crushed steel, diatomaceous earth, emery, garnet, grindstones...(1,400 × 1,983 (28.03 MB)) - 02:40, 1 January 2021
- File:Abrasion and solution of teeth (IA jresv31n5p247).pdf (matches file content)__ . __ __ _. _______________ __ _. __ . ____ Powder A plus 25% of FF carborundum ___ . ______________ . ___ ._ ___ Water . _____________________ _________...(816 × 1,350 (14.6 MB)) - 12:46, 18 August 2024
- File:The interference method of measuring thermal expansion (IA interferencemeth10159merr).pdf (matches file content)ground on a carborundum wheel, while glass and the harder ceramic materials can be best formed on a revolving cast-iron lap charged with carborundum powder...(770 × 1,304 (2.41 MB)) - 02:42, 21 August 2024
- File:Physical and chemical tests of the commercial marbles of the United States. (IA physicalchemic1919123kess).pdf (matches file content)first into slabs with a 48 -inch carborundum-tooth wheel and then into cubes, beams, etc., with a 30-inch carborundum-rim wheel. The cubes, which were...(952 × 1,414 (5.65 MB)) - 09:02, 21 August 2024
- DescriptionCristal Carborandum, Carborundum, Moissanite artificielle FL GLAM MHNL 03.JPG Français : Cristal (synthétique) de Carborandum, ou Carborundum (nom de marque...(5,448 × 3,420 (2.23 MB)) - 01:37, 25 April 2024
- File:Items of interest (IA (matches file content)one the pulp was removed. first grind down the walls of enamel with a carborundum wheel till they are fairly well supported with dentine, after which prepare...(900 × 1,300 (2.81 MB)) - 19:39, 18 February 2023
- File:Electroplating; a treatise for the beginner and for the most experienced electroplater (IA electroplatingtr00reet).pdf (matches file content)wheels required are the following: Felt wheel; leather wheel; emery or carborundum wheel cotton and flannel buffs cotton watch; ; case buff; long, thin...(883 × 1,308 (8.29 MB)) - 13:15, 14 August 2020
- File:The Mineral industry (IA gri 33125014727057).pdf (matches file content)OreZinc Ore—Secondary Products—Alum—Aluminum Sulphate—Am¬ monium Sulphate—Carborundum—Coke—Copperas—Copper Sulphate —Crushed Steel—White Lead, Red Lead, Orange...(1,112 × 1,506 (88.89 MB)) - 05:38, 8 July 2024
- File:Coiled filament resistance thermometers (IA coiledfilamentre96807meye).pdf (matches file content)hack-saw frame. The saw^ cut equally well when the wire was charged with carborundum by rolling between two plates of glass or when the wire was merely roughened...(970 × 1,587 (1.61 MB)) - 15:22, 18 August 2024
- File:Board of Trade Journal. London. 1917-09-06- Vol 98 Supplement (IA sim great-britain-board-of-trade-board-of-trade-journal 1917-09-06 98 supplement).pdf (matches file content)searchlights and for arc-lights; carbon electrodes (see Electrodes). Carborundum, corundum, etc. (see Emery, etc.). Carnauba wax. Casein. Castor oil....(835 × 1,408 (3 MB)) - 02:12, 2 December 2023
- File:Wearing qualities of tire treads as influenced by reclaimed rubber. (IA wearingqualiti1925294holt).pdf (matches file content)mately 15 inches in diameter. This wheel rests upon the surface of a carborundum disk whose axis is at right angles to that of the wheel, and thus the...(1,056 × 1,493 (2.01 MB)) - 11:06, 18 August 2024
- File:Special July bulletin (IA specialjulybulle1921chas).pdf (matches file content)85 9.40 postage extra per dozen WHETSTONES-Vest pocket edition. CARBORUNDUM— Handy as Each postpaid a pocket in a shirt and fits it .28 per dozen...(647 × 916 (218 KB)) - 10:38, 11 March 2023
- File:California Digital Library (IA newlarnedhistory04larn).pdf (matches file content)Electric furnaces. Thermo-electric industries. Reduction of aluminum. Carborundum. "Electric heating dates from the time of Volta and Davy, but the first...(1,000 × 1,562 (75.96 MB)) - 04:07, 27 January 2024
- The Carborundum Co., Niagara Falls, N.Y Title The Carborundum Co., Niagara Falls, N.Y Depicted place Niagara Falls; United States Date 1909 date QS:P571...(2,074 × 701 (4.17 MB)) - 06:13, 1 September 2022
- File:Construction hints (IA CAT11086622020).pdf (matches file content)worth. . . Le sits in the seat in usual position and holds an^old carborundum stone cross-ways of the grindstone while turning toward him’. Oarboriandiom...(1,125 × 1,500 (349 KB)) - 21:17, 17 August 2024
- File:Items of interest (IA (matches file content)backing, its lingual surface should be previously ground down with small carborundum stones, or burs, until such security is made possible. ITEMS OF INTEREST...(850 × 1,272 (2.2 MB)) - 15:06, 3 October 2020
- File:Materials of chemical plant construction-non-metals (IA materialsofchemi00grifrich).pdf (matches file content)many purposes are made of mixtures of fireclay, graphite and fine sand. Carborundum is a silicon carbide produced in the electric furnace which will stand...(639 × 1,056 (6.56 MB)) - 15:36, 28 October 2022
- File:Chapman, Helen Collings (recipient); (from) Ella B. Wright (writer), July 3, 1945 (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) (ANS Chapman brothers business correspondence) (IA chapmanhelencoll00chap 0).pdf (matches file content)which I am depositing to—d^* Aluminum Co* of Aner* American Cynamld Co* Carborundum Co*, " 10*50 3*12 2* 8* 20*40 10*50 200* 15* 9*19 24*25 368*75 36* 16*50...(1,125 × 1,475 (167 KB)) - 01:23, 22 February 2024
- DescriptionUltra-thin separated (Carborundum) disk.jpg Chiok-po̍h hun-lî chhiat-phìⁿ de:Trennscheibe für Stabschleifer Date 11 October 2006 Source Own...(2,016 × 1,491 (319 KB)) - 15:11, 17 June 2022
- File:The evolution of the steel ball industry (IA evolutionofsteel00hoovrich).pdf (matches file content)illustrating Principle of Operation. parts of this machine consist of a carborundum grinding wheel A and an iron ring B which are driven in opposite directions...(872 × 1,354 (23.88 MB)) - 10:47, 18 October 2020
- File:Analytical separation and purification of gases by fractional distillation and rectification at low temperatures (IA jresv26n3p227).pdf (matches file content)used an organic cement to secure the carborundum to the glass. Such a cement is objectionable, hut the carborundum may be fused directly iuto Pyrex glass...(814 × 1,350 (27.63 MB)) - 13:09, 18 August 2024
- flue-gas (having desulphurisation a pH less (FGD) than 9) — — Waste Carborundum gypsum (silicon wallboard carbide) or plasterboard arising from the demolition...(1,239 × 1,752 (550 KB)) - 17:25, 7 April 2024
- File:Methods for the determination of the physical properties of road-building rock (IA methodsfordeterm347jack).pdf (matches file content)400 revolutions per minute. Finely powdered carborundum is used as an abrasive agent. No. 120 carborundum. Page impact machine. In the Page impact machine...(752 × 1,281 (2.24 MB)) - 17:50, 20 August 2024
- File:The Engineering and Mining Journal 1905-09-23- Vol 80 Iss 12 (IA sim engineering-and-mining-journal 1905-09-23 80 12).pdf (matches file content)used in the graphite carborundum, siloxicon and carbide industries; pure glass sand, used for graphite, siloxicon and carborundum manufacture; anthracite...(1,327 × 1,837 (17.85 MB)) - 11:29, 21 November 2022
- File:A practical chemistry for high school students (IA practicalchemis00cook).pdf (matches file content)stern shoe of a steamship 100. — Carborundum furnace 101. — Cross-section of carborundum furnace 102. — Carborundum process 103A.-B.— Fusible links 104...(743 × 1,114 (25.78 MB)) - 06:05, 30 June 2023
- File:Frictional properties of rubber (IA jresv28n4p439).pdf (matches file content)obtained, one by roughening the glass with carborundum flour and the other by the use of 150-mesh carborundum. Much of the work reported here was done using...(806 × 1,339 (24.21 MB)) - 23:23, 20 August 2024
- File:Manual of chemistry (IA manuchemistry00simorich).pdf (matches file content)spiral form Diagram 38. 81 82 water 37. 79 81 carborundum furnace Exterior view of carborundum furnace 36. . 80 '. Longitudinal section of 34...(760 × 1,339 (62.87 MB)) - 13:30, 19 December 2021
- File:Album der natuur (IA albumdernatuur1905hart).pdf (matches file content)heen gestreken men uitstekend tevreden. Ook van de werkzaamheden der ,,Carborundum Co.”, de „International Acheson Graphite Co.” en de „Norton Emery Wheel...(850 × 1,354 (32.86 MB)) - 00:14, 30 July 2023
- duty as such. Calcium carbide, carbide of aluminum, carbide of silicon, carborundum and carbides of metals not otherwise mentioned. 349. Wood articles...(570 × 912 (517 KB)) - 12:35, 19 February 2024
- File:The Engineering and Mining Journal July-December 1904- Vol 78 Index (IA sim engineering-and-mining-journal july-december-1904 78 index).pdf (matches file content)Muller’s Pat. 620 “Carborundum” . 397 Carborundum Article, Tone’s Pat. 640 Carborundum Blocks, Carborun¬ dum Company’s Pat. 162 Carborundum Facing for Bricks...(1,427 × 1,941 (17.53 MB)) - 06:09, 2 January 2021
- electrolytic preparation of the rarer metals.- Electrothermal processes.- Carborundum and oxysilicides of carbon.- The carbides.- Electrothermal nitrogen fixation...(758 × 1,239 (35.2 MB)) - 14:55, 13 December 2020
- File:The Mineral industry (IA gri 33125014727230).pdf (matches file content)States—Producers—Market.58-59 CARBORUNDUM Production in the United States—Progress in Technology—The Carborundum Furnace—Carborundum as a Refractory.60-63 CEMENT...(1,083 × 1,497 (51.27 MB)) - 03:48, 1 August 2022
- File:EUR 2007-1418.pdf (matches file content)cyanamide from (having a flue-gas pH less than desulphurisation 9) — (FGD) Carborundum — Waste (silicon gypsum carbide) wallboard or plasterboard arising from...(1,239 × 1,752 (976 KB)) - 23:07, 21 January 2023
- File:American dental journal (IA (matches file content)the pits. and will notice that cavities 6 all vary each 5 4 6 CARBORUNDUM fore, the cavity ing all must extend 7 8 POINTS. across the tooth...(1,018 × 1,304 (2.93 MB)) - 16:02, 6 August 2023
- File:Practical uses of the wave meter in wireless telegraphy (IA practicalusesofw00maubrich).pdf (matches file content)shunted by a circuit containing a detector of the crystal type, such as carborundum, the sensibility of which is not affected by nearby sending apparatus...(845 × 1,347 (16.31 MB)) - 03:20, 11 May 2024
- Town -2 by Roswell Weidner (carborundum etching).jpg English: 1938-Industrial Town -2 by Roswell Weidner (carborundum etching) Date 19 December 2020...(2,164 × 1,719 (472 KB)) - 11:16, 5 November 2024
- DescriptionCristal Carborandum, Carborundum, Moissanite artificielle FL GLAM MHNL 07.JPG Français : Cristal (synthétique) de Carborandum, ou Carborundum (nom de marque...(5,819 × 3,371 (2.81 MB)) - 01:37, 25 April 2024
- File:Items of interest (IA (matches file content)in the Preparation of the Root Canal and the Root €ncl. With small carborundum gine, the lingual part of the stones held in the handpiece of the enenamel...(862 × 1,289 (3.75 MB)) - 18:53, 18 February 2023
- Thrash by Roswell Weidner (carborundum etching).jpg English: 1938-Portrait of Dox Thrash by Roswell Weidner (carborundum etching) Date 19 December 2020...(275 × 325 (15 KB)) - 03:06, 4 April 2023
- File:Board of Trade Journal. London. 1915-10-21- Vol 91 Iss 986 (IA sim great-britain-board-of-trade-board-of-trade-journal 1915-10-21 91 986).pdf (matches file content)munitions of war. 4. Emery, corundum, natural and artificial (alundum), and carborundum, in all forms. 5. Projectiles, charges, and cartridges of all kinds,...(827 × 1,379 (3.87 MB)) - 02:10, 2 December 2023
- Carborandum, Carborundum, Moissanite artificielle FL GLAM MHNL 2016 ref E93 .JPG Français : Cristal (synthétique) de Carborandum, ou Carborundum (nom de marque...(2,433 × 2,281 (1.24 MB)) - 01:38, 25 April 2024
- DescriptionCristal Carborandum, Carborundum, Moissanite artificielle FL GLAM MHNL 02.JPG Français : Cristal (synthétique) de Carborandum, ou Carborundum (nom de marque...(6,000 × 4,000 (3.66 MB)) - 01:37, 25 April 2024
- Carborandum, Carborundum, Moissanite artificielle FL GLAM MHNL b 05.JPG Français : Cristal (synthétique) de Carborandum, ou Carborundum (nom de marque...(2,931 × 5,938 (2.88 MB)) - 01:38, 25 April 2024
- File:Electro-metallurgy (IA electrometallurg00kersrich).pdf (matches file content)Acetylene Industry 80 The Calcium Cyanamide Industry. CHAPTEK V. CARBORUNDUM. I. HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION II. DETAILS OF MANUFACTURE III. PROPERTIES...(783 × 1,225 (37.76 MB)) - 03:18, 10 May 2024
- File:The making of a mechanical optician - a treatise on the equipment and mechanical work of optometrists and opticians (IA makingofmechanic00slad).pdf (matches file content)operated the same as the carborundum block. After you have turned it true, it will be very rough; then by replacing the carborundum you can smooth described...(1,033 × 1,477 (7.83 MB)) - 13:57, 29 January 2023
- DescriptionCristal Carborandum, Carborundum, Moissanite artificielle FL GLAM MHNL 06.JPG Français : Cristal (synthétique) de Carborandum, ou Carborundum (nom de marque...(5,232 × 3,056 (2.15 MB)) - 01:37, 25 April 2024
- File:California Digital Library (IA concreteroadsthe00concrich).pdf (matches file content)powdered carborundum. Section 3. Plain 3 1 concrete with a different brand of cement. Section 4. Same as No. 3, but sprinkled with carborundum. The carborundum...(779 × 1,252 (15.11 MB)) - 02:56, 27 January 2024
- File:An experimental investigation of surface effects on nucleate pool boiling of liquid nitrogen from a horizontal surface. (IA experimentalinve00geor).pdf (matches file content)and diaphragm was sanded by pressing against a rotating dry 320 grit carborundum 24 belt. The sample was then emery paper, and sanded by hand over...(1,225 × 1,637 (3.08 MB)) - 09:01, 21 August 2024
- DescriptionCristal Carborandum, Carborundum, Moissanite artificielle FL GLAM MHNL 04.JPG Français : Cristal (synthétique) de Carborandum, ou Carborundum (nom de marque...(5,546 × 3,685 (2.3 MB)) - 01:37, 25 April 2024
- File:The Mineral industry (IA gri 33125014727222).pdf (matches file content)Departments on Application. THE CARBORUNDUM COMPANY, flonongahela, Pa. Owners of the U. S. Patent on, and Hanufacturer of, Carborundum Wheels, Hones, Slabs, Dental...(1,089 × 1,516 (88.15 MB)) - 08:44, 21 March 2021