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- File:On the Ultimate Analysis of Vegetable and Animal Substances (IA jstor-107699).pdf (matches file content)me for analyzing ferroprussiate of potash, is to convert it, by the equivalent quantity of nitrate of lead, into the ferroprussiate of this metal; then...(925 × 1,316 (2.01 MB)) - 13:29, 25 December 2022
- File:Experimental Researches in Electricity. Thirtieth Series (IA jstor-111839).pdf (matches file content)in the same medium. This case was realized with the paramagnetic red ferroprussiate of potassa and a solution of sulphate of iron, and also with the diamagnetic...(789 × 1,222 (194 KB)) - 03:47, 23 November 2022
- File:A numerical classification of photography .. (IA numericalclassif00eastrich).pdf (matches file content)15312 Other Inorganic Developing Agents. 1324 133 134 in 1521 1528 Ferroprussiate. 1313 132 Stabilizers. Used 162 Making Film Base. 10 1571 Bichromates...(927 × 1,412 (1.53 MB)) - 01:04, 30 June 2023
- File:Catalogue of the science collections for teaching and research in the Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington. Meteorology, including terrestrial magnestism (IA catalogueofscien00victrich).pdf (matches file content)has been determined, by drawing radial lines at intervals of 15. Ferroprussiate paper is used for the records, which are fixed by placing them in water...(837 × 1,310 (9.78 MB)) - 11:46, 13 February 2024
- File:Camera (IA camera01unse).pdf (matches file content)overcome. As for the printing, a proof can easily he taken on the blue ferroprussiate paper, which needs no toning, hut merely a little washing to bring out...(1,441 × 1,852 (38.7 MB)) - 12:35, 28 January 2024
- File:Complete self-instructing library of practical photography (IA completeselfinst01schriala).pdf (matches file content)of Photography 35 Its History. The very important "Blueprint" or Ferroprussiate process, so extensively utilized in modern industrial and engineering...(831 × 1,337 (14.99 MB)) - 13:14, 8 April 2024
- File:The Photographic times (IA photographictime3851unse).pdf (matches file content)Colour Photography, . . . . . . By E. Claypole Transparencies by the Ferroprussiate Process, By O. C. Conkling Illustration, ...... Notes, News and Extracts...(1,291 × 1,889 (5.52 MB)) - 22:53, 11 May 2023
- File:Quarterly Journal of Science, Literature and the Arts (IA quarterlyjournal37roya).pdf (matches file content)Brass 207 17 Cementation of Iron by Cast 18 Iron the Preparation of Ferroprussiate of Potash ib. On 19 Sulphocyanide of Potassium ib. in 208 Saliva...(645 × 1,162 (46.72 MB)) - 13:30, 10 November 2022
- File:Further Researches on the Polarity of the Diamagnetic Force (IA jstor-108586).pdf (matches file content)diameter 0*7. Current direct. Position 1. Position 2. Position 3. The red ferroprussiate of potassa is a ing results were obtained:- Current reversed. 510...(1,118 × 1,537 (1.77 MB)) - 17:03, 27 May 2022
- File:The Photographic times (IA photographictime3812unse).pdf (matches file content)& Nina F. Lewis . 311 A Disputed Right of Way—By Miss Ag¬ Forest Ferroprussiate PAGE Adagio—By E. O. Hoppe . 363 A the Fischer. 122 A Craftsman—By...(1,247 × 1,918 (5.92 MB)) - 22:52, 11 May 2023
- File:Experimental Researches in Electricity.-Twenty-Third Series (IA jstor-108431).pdf (matches file content)disposed crystals of bismuth (2457.); another a very large crystal of red ferroprussiate of potassa; a third a crystal of calcareous spar; and a fourth and fifth...(1,102 × 1,600 (1.99 MB)) - 17:33, 27 May 2022
- File:Medical Heritage Library (IA (matches file content)soap. and the ammonia. Iron detected by tincture of galls, or the ferroprussiate Magnesia of poiash. is known by adding first, bonate of ammonia...(656 × 1,112 (17.47 MB)) - 01:38, 5 April 2022
- File:Quarterly journal of science, literature and art. Volume 10, 1821 (IA s2id13383400).pdf (matches file content)4. Pu¬ 5. Acids of Manganese. Ill CONTENTS. PAGE 6. On the Ferroprussiates. phorus. 7. Preparation of Phos¬ 8. Metallic Vegetations. in Rock...(1,187 × 2,110 (41.75 MB)) - 01:40, 23 June 2021
- off as allowed by getty guidelines. text printed all the way to edge of paper. irregular page count throughout original. Authority file OCLC: 1050793584...(1,339 × 1,858 (101.6 MB)) - 04:56, 11 February 2023