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- Continuous gum work [electronic resource] : a description of new apparatus and methods for manipulating continuous gum and porcelain crowns ( ) Author...(922 × 1,531 (2.87 MB)) - 02:20, 13 April 2024
- Marketing gum naval stores ( ) Author United States. Department of Agriculture. Photography Division United States. Department of Agriculture. Office...(1,172 × 1,727 (1.89 MB)) - 13:06, 24 August 2024
- Cobalt, nickel, and the elements of the platinum group ( ) Author Friend, J. Newton (John Newton), b. 1881 Friend, J. Newton (John Newton), b. 1881...(729 × 1,229 (53.12 MB)) - 15:36, 23 March 2024
- Platinum toning : including directions for the production of the sensitive paper ( ) Author Clark, Lyonel, author Title Platinum toning : including...(750 × 1,125 (8.61 MB)) - 18:24, 17 December 2020
- printing processes : gum bichromate and platinotype papers ( ) Author Abbott, Henry G., 1858-1905 Title Modern printing processes : gum bichromate and platinotype...(670 × 897 (4.93 MB)) - 08:59, 25 October 2020
- Solvents, oils, gums, waxes and allied substances ( ) Author Hyde, Frederic S. (Frederic Sackett), b. 1868 Title Solvents, oils, gums, waxes and allied...(743 × 1,264 (10.77 MB)) - 06:27, 11 May 2024
- gums &c. ( ) Author Palmer, Thomas, b. 1820 Title The dental adviser: a treatise on the nature, diseases and management of the teeth, mouth, gums &c...(650 × 950 (6.76 MB)) - 14:18, 29 July 2020
- adviser : a treatise on the nature, diseases and management of the teeth, mouth, gums, &c. ( ) Author Palmer, Thomas, b. 1820 Title The dental adviser : a treatise...(579 × 843 (2.45 MB)) - 17:14, 14 December 2024
- File:Tube teeth and porcelain rods (IA tubeteethporcela00gird).pdf (matches file content)when teeth have to be set on the gum. (B.) Old style platinum tube bicuspids and molars, also now made without platinum tubes. Most of the bicuspids are...(772 × 1,308 (18.84 MB)) - 04:42, 12 May 2024
- File:Items of interest (IA (matches file content)subsequent attachment in building the platinum substructure, in a manner similar to that advocated in making gum blocks, and then attaching them to the...(900 × 1,300 (2.68 MB)) - 19:41, 18 February 2023
- File:The scientific adaptation of artificial dentures (IA scientificadapta00land).pdf (matches file content)porcelain with which perfection in art is platinum Taking for my highest standard continuous obtained. gum and porcelain work, and the lowest rubber....(822 × 1,287 (2.54 MB)) - 10:49, 11 June 2021
- File:The inconsistency of our code of dental ethics (IA (matches file content)17, 18, 19 and 20; after which they aru fused to the platinum in the same manner as continuous gum work, by using a porcelain l>ody prepared expressly...(787 × 1,314 (1.48 MB)) - 10:50, 25 November 2022
- File:The Dental record (IA dentalrecord15euro).pdf (matches file content)are (i.) that greater stiffness weight of platinum used is any other. to obtained for the That the gum body is thoroughly That the edges or rim do...(1,004 × 1,747 (40.15 MB)) - 03:27, 16 August 2024
- File:Items of interest (IA (matches file content)collar gum is marked with a sharply pointed instrument, around the collar of 38 gauge platinum plate of the proper size and a 20% platinum solder...(891 × 1,300 (2.83 MB)) - 18:47, 18 February 2023
- File:The scientific adaptation of artificial dentures (IA b21515104).pdf (matches file content)unlimited application platinum and porcelain with which perfection in art is Taking for my highest standard continuous obtained. gum and porcelain work,...(952 × 1,456 (2.99 MB)) - 21:44, 4 December 2022
- File:Decoration of metal, wood, glass, etc.; a book for manufacturers, mechanics, painters, decorators, and all workmen in the fancy trades; (IA decorationofmeta00stan).pdf (matches file content)ide of platinum, and 3 oz. of salammoniac in 14 oz. of This solution water. may also be used for copper and brass articles. Platinum Plating....(722 × 1,100 (20.64 MB)) - 02:30, 10 May 2024
- File:Items of interest (IA (matches file content)hard to start in cavities, particularly when they are under the gum line. Then the platinum is placed in the cavity and properly fitted and adjusted as you...(850 × 1,283 (2.22 MB)) - 14:54, 3 October 2020
- File:Items of interest (IA (matches file content)is gum margin C at in Fig. I, at will as in cervical erosion of a natural tooth. FIG. For all-gold crowns FIG. I. this 2 platinum gold...(920 × 1,329 (8.89 MB)) - 18:35, 18 February 2023
- File:Hand-carved porcelain shell and other crowns, together with amalgam model technique for crowns and inlays (IA handcarvedporcel00beanrich).pdf (matches file content)essentially, a crown baked on a platinum-foil porcelain shell. matrix, which foil is later removed and the crown cemented over a conical-shaped tooth stump...(766 × 1,089 (1.21 MB)) - 17:04, 4 March 2021
- File:Items of interest (IA (matches file content)enamel. casual the seen would be by where it allow a platinum band to show shows. where it gum the beneath uncovered band leave a observer, nor This...(841 × 1,272 (2.52 MB)) - 14:57, 3 October 2020
- File:Items of interest (IA (matches file content)lower over and cover the other side of the slot with a In Fig. 4, at aa, are small rivets each made by soldering together two 24 gauge round platinum wires...(854 × 1,289 (3 MB)) - 14:41, 3 October 2020
- File:Tanners' and chemists' handbook (IA tannerschemistsh00levi).pdf (matches file content)stand over night. The tragacanth mucilage will then show no change in consistency or appearance, beyond a slight darkening in color. The Indian gum will...(683 × 1,081 (15.7 MB)) - 12:26, 24 February 2023
- File:The Photo-miniature - a monthly magazine of photographic information (IA photominiaturemo1010unse).pdf (matches file content)Portraiture.155-189 Zimmerman’s New Method of Gum-Bichro¬ mate Printing.203-241 Beginner’s Troubles.253-295 Platinum Printing.305-342 Handwork on Negatives.353-387...(687 × 1,135 (29.93 MB)) - 18:33, 9 February 2023
- File:Items of interest (IA (matches file content)follows Yellow, Titanium. Brown, Iron. Blue, Cobalt. Gray, Platinum. Pink (gum enamel), Silver and tin in combination with gold (purple of...(895 × 1,287 (3.14 MB)) - 10:43, 24 August 2022
- File:Specification of Alfred Ellis Harris - palates for artificial teeth (IA b30749906).pdf (matches file content)perforated platinum; but in this latter case the plate has not the suction that it possesses in the two other pro-, cesses, and the gums would protrude...(1,545 × 2,483 (645 KB)) - 09:35, 10 November 2022
- File:International exhibition of photography, 1919 (IA internationalexh00toro).pdf (matches file content)Bromide, B.; Carbon, Carb.; after the titles as follows: Chloride, C; Gum; Oil; Platinum, Plat. A series of brief notes on these processes appears on pages...(1,062 × 1,641 (1.31 MB)) - 22:16, 16 December 2024
- File:Items of interest (IA (matches file content)that are used for this purpose. Such a consideration shows that gold, platinum and platinous gold are used for the construction of In matrices, and that...(877 × 1,289 (8.74 MB)) - 02:25, 12 November 2024
- File:Items of interest (IA (matches file content)the swaged platinum in place on tooth and make a Shove a small platinum small puncture through platinum into each hole. the hole. Press over bottom of...(889 × 1,287 (2.92 MB)) - 19:35, 18 February 2023
- File:Items of interest (IA (matches file content)the sections are of more teeth, a narrow iridio-platinum plate is swaged to fit the ridge of the gum, which gives the work greater firmness. Wherever...(758 × 1,300 (2.31 MB)) - 14:27, 3 October 2020
- File:The inconsistency of our code of dental ethics (IA inconsistencyofo00land).pdf (matches file content)17, 18, 19 and 20; after which they are fused to the platinum in the same manner as continuous gum work, fit, as by using in body prepared expressly...(843 × 1,285 (2.67 MB)) - 23:04, 28 May 2022
- File:Items of interest (IA (matches file content)Platinum foil, No. 60 or 120, may often be used in securing the proper adaptation around the cervix, and slightly beneath the. free margin of the gum...(872 × 1,285 (3.15 MB)) - 15:10, 3 October 2020
- File:Pictorial photography; its principles and practice (IA pictorialphotogr00ande 0).pdf (matches file content)DISCUSSION OF VARIOUS MEDIUMS — 138 Platinum, Commercial Platinum, Hand-sensitized Carbon Gum Gum Platinum Oil Bromoil Oil and Bromoil Transfer Photo-...(785 × 1,158 (18.1 MB)) - 04:44, 27 October 2020
- File:Sixth Memoir on Radiation and Absorption.-Influence of Colour and Mechanical Condition on Radiant Heat (IA jstor-108940).pdf (matches file content)Black Platinum (electrolytic) Black oxide of Iron . .. 59'0 813 . The black platinum here employedwas obtained by electrolysis,a sheet of platinum foil...(1,072 × 1,512 (2.11 MB)) - 02:56, 19 October 2022
- File:Items of interest (IA (matches file content)measurement above the shoulder and soldered with platinum solder (Fig. 38 A). Trim this cone to conform to the gum line and cut away until it fits the tooth...(850 × 1,302 (3.36 MB)) - 18:09, 18 February 2023
- File:The Dental record (IA dentalrecord04euro).pdf (matches file content)the advance of the tooth than lance the cicatrix will pale over a prematurely is gum could do. The pale points only should be lanced. In case the...(839 × 1,362 (33.19 MB)) - 05:20, 4 June 2021
- File:The Dental review; (IA dentalreview11harl).pdf (matches file content)crystalline I have also a case of fracture in condition of the platinum pins. the pin of a continuous gum molar, one of my own stock which broke when I was firmly...(827 × 1,322 (47.46 MB)) - 06:20, 4 June 2021
- File:American journal of dental science. (IA americanjournalo3171unse).pdf (matches file content)thin ribbons of platinum for the bands, so as not to increase the size of the crowns ; the coronal faces were made of heavy platinum gold, shod with...(797 × 1,320 (79.88 MB)) - 18:22, 6 August 2023
- File:Items of interest (IA (matches file content)to be crowned. Next take a thin piece of platinum and make two perforations for press the platinum down over the root and burnish close to it then remove...(758 × 1,287 (1.56 MB)) - 13:44, 3 October 2020
- File:Industrial photography - being a description of the various processes of producing indestructible photographic images on glass, porcelain, metal and many other substances (IA gri 33125014521583).pdf (matches file content)over again. Iridium is employed to darken the INDUSTRIAL PHOTOGRAPHY. 15 Palladium gives a black less intense when added to the platinum and...(925 × 1,439 (5.11 MB)) - 18:30, 2 March 2022
- File:Medical Heritage Library (IA b21452325 001).pdf (matches file content)made with long Platinum and can be used either for Plate or Vulcanite work. Price 5d. each, or 40s. per 100. FLAT TEETH WITH GUMS. In Pairs and Sets...(1,056 × 1,656 (27.86 MB)) - 03:25, 15 October 2024
- File:On ozone and its relations to animal charcoal (IA b22348542).pdf (matches file content)paper is to be saturated with the alcoholic test-liquid of gum guiacum and quickly dried over the flame of a spirit lamp, the colour of the paper should...(916 × 1,566 (629 KB)) - 03:52, 20 August 2024
- File:Pictorial photography; its principles and practice (IA pictorialphotogr00anderich).pdf (matches file content)PLATINUM, COMMERCIAL PLATINUM, HAND-SENSITIZED CARBON GUM GUM PLATINUM OIL BROMOIL OIL AND BROMOIL TRANSFER PHOTOGRAVURE. X. TECHNIQUE OF PLATINUM THE...(806 × 1,185 (35.05 MB)) - 13:23, 13 November 2020
- File:Items of interest (IA (matches file content)cap over the die and swage 890 it to fit over the root. ;PR05TH0D0NTIAJ in making dummies for work or backing single crowns. The platinum cap is...(883 × 1,289 (8.87 MB)) - 15:14, 3 October 2020
- File:Items of interest (IA (matches file content)curve sufficiently over the prominences of the tooth toward the grinding-surface to prevent the appliance from pressing on the gum. The partial clasp...(808 × 1,329 (2.02 MB)) - 14:21, 3 October 2020
- File:Items of interest (IA (matches file content)shows the platinum cone, which is 1/32 inch larger at its base than the heat is and when placed over the tooth will slip gum. the under and •over the shoulder...(900 × 1,295 (3.19 MB)) - 15:16, 3 October 2020
- ma^e with long Platinum Pins, and can be used either for Plate or Vulcanite work. Price 5d. each, or 40s. per 100. FLAT TEETH WITH GUMS. In Pairs and...(1,191 × 1,883 (32.37 MB)) - 05:49, 13 February 2024
- File:Items of interest (IA (matches file content)a sheet of 1/400 platinum over the end of the root, punch a three-cornered hole, and with the crimping instrument turn the platinum plate into the counter-sink...(835 × 1,293 (2.82 MB)) - 19:23, 18 February 2023
- File:Items of interest (IA (matches file content)of the porcelain facing into close proximity with the gum. Ffcf./26. For this purpose, platinum, about 34 gauge, is preferable, as affording the desired...(860 × 1,275 (2.53 MB)) - 15:06, 3 October 2020
- File:American dental journal (IA (matches file content)first step is to properly cut the platinum for the cavity to be In cases where decay has extended under the gum and it is PROGRESSIVE COURSE OF PRACTICAL...(1,014 × 1,277 (28.95 MB)) - 16:01, 6 August 2023
- File:Items of interest (IA (matches file content)platinum, some being in one instance furnished to me by Dr. Head, from which I may argue that I have experimented with the proper kind of platinum....(854 × 1,272 (3.43 MB)) - 15:05, 3 October 2020