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- holding her new born baby. Phototype by Danes Wellcome V0014966.jpg French Une femme au lit tenant son nouveau-né. Phototype par Danes Wellcome V0014966...(2,362 × 3,109 (2.57 MB)) - 12:05, 1 April 2024
- This is a phototype of an existing photo that was published in the Enterprise (another Omaha paper) in 1896: English...(210 × 320 (74 KB)) - 21:36, 14 December 2020
- File:William Augustus Leggo 1871.jpg (category Phototypes)Credit: Library and Archives Canada/C-079300 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: 32a (Phototype) 05519 (Location number) CREATORS: unknown SUBJECT HEADINGS: Leggo, William...(417 × 580 (53 KB)) - 16:52, 31 July 2024
- the Florida from Bahia, Brazil by the U.S.S. Wachusett." 19th Century phototype print by F. Gutekunst, Philadelphia. It depicts the capture of CSS Florida...(2,100 × 1,200 (2.35 MB)) - 13:00, 20 August 2024
- File:LouisRielPortrait2.jpg (category Phototypes)Archives Canada / PA-139073 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: 21c épreuve de gelatine (Phototype) 18 (Original item number) CREATORS: Inconnu SUBJECT HEADINGS: Riel, Louis...(443 × 640 (52 KB)) - 18:51, 9 June 2016
- Archives of Canada / PA-166396 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: 26b safety neg. (Phototype) 40230 (Original item number) CREATORS: Grant, Donald I. SUBJECT HEADINGS:...(635 × 469 (57 KB)) - 11:27, 11 November 2024
- File:Ice hockey 1901-2.jpg (category Phototypes)FA-227 — James Ballantyne ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: 25c gelatine neg. (Phototype) (On envelope): Hockey on the Canal/Not Much/No.20/Christmas 1901 (Inscription)...(759 × 558 (181 KB)) - 15:20, 4 December 2021
- File:Examples of colonial architecture in South Carolina and Georgia- Charleston, S. C., and Savannah, Ga. (IA gri 33125010598544).pdf (matches file content)HOUSE. PHOTOTYPE RODER LEXPZI BRUNO HESSUNG COLONIAL ARCHITECTURE IN SOUTH CAROLINA AND GEORGIA. 4. GATE POSTS, BREWTON HOUSE. PHOTOTYPE RijDER...(1,210 × 1,500 (4.96 MB)) - 04:31, 20 December 2020
- Archives Canada / PA-169160 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: 26b safety neg. (Phototype) 30225 (Original item number) CREATORS: Stirton, Alexander Mackenzie,...(480 × 484 (35 KB)) - 12:27, 30 January 2024
- PA-207432 FINDING AID: FA-197 — Yousuf Karsh ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: 23c (Phototype) 11099 (Original item number) TCS 10042 (Location number) CREATORS: Karsh...(486 × 580 (55 KB)) - 09:45, 8 June 2022
- File:Princess Patricia 2.jpg (category Phototypes)Archives Canada / PA-164606 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: 21c gelatine print (Phototype) The little rink, in the woods / H.R.H. Princess Patricia, and Major Worthington...(481 × 480 (44 KB)) - 11:40, 27 September 2022
- BY-SA 4.0 Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 truetrue English Phototype edition of Miroslav's Gospel Serbian Фототипско издање Мирослављевог јеванђеља...(1,600 × 1,200 (237 KB)) - 18:56, 2 November 2021
- File:Ice hockey 1901.jpg (category Phototypes)FA-227 — James Ballantyne ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: 25c gelatine neg. (Phototype) (On envelope): Hockey on the Canal/Not Much/No.20/Christmas 1901 (Inscription)...(760 × 565 (51 KB)) - 15:23, 4 December 2021
- File:Various (IA jstor-25586633).pdf (matches file content)whiteness solutions we of ivory. Phototype. have We of a process Garden, 65, Hatton examples of phototype is given, and by means of which it is...(1,322 × 1,881 (806 KB)) - 20:34, 22 March 2021
- Shields Posted from Tyne Dock to Rothesay on 25th July 1904. The card was phototyped in Berlin. × 511 (305 KB)) - 19:18, 2 November 2023
- File:Le développement en photographie - avec le procédé au gélatino-bromure d'argent (IA ledeveloppemente00dill).pdf (matches file content)RONSIN , ÉTUDE DU PORTRAIT M OSS I EU CLOWN • Représentation d’un phototype négatif de l’auteur. LA THÉORIE, LA PRATIQUE ET L’ART EN PHOTOGRAPHIE...(743 × 1,262 (18.48 MB)) - 23:40, 3 November 2021
- Library and Archives Canada / ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: 26a nitrate neg. (Phototype) "SAGUENAY INN, ARVIDA, P.Q. Photo Shows: The Ski jump at Saguenay Inn...(448 × 480 (56 KB)) - 12:51, 9 November 2024
- File:(untitled) The North American Review, (1860-01-01), pages 273-274 (IA jstor-25107587).pdf (matches file content)unsurpassed types leaves profess engraver's art inferior These improve. in phototype, and but an them obtained, gives Madonnas the many among of his genius...(750 × 1,175 (198 KB)) - 17:33, 8 September 2024
- File:Ice hockey 1901-3.jpg (category Phototypes)FA-227 — James Ballantyne ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: 25c gelatine neg. (Phototype) (On envelope): Hockey on the Canal/Not Much/No.20/Christmas 1901 (Inscription)...(726 × 534 (236 KB)) - 15:22, 4 December 2021
- FINDING AID: FA-194 — MSTRNOT ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: 21b albumen print (Phototype) (l.c.): 3486- Hockey McGill University, Montreal, P.Q. (l.r.): 3486 (Inscription)...(760 × 598 (70 KB)) - 14:47, 16 October 2020
- File:Les agrandissements et les projections (IA gri 33125013853581).pdf (matches file content)du phototype négatif. — iicateur télescopique et placer à son sommet l'intermé- convenant au phototype négatif à agrandir. Placer •ce phototype bien...(879 × 1,197 (6.32 MB)) - 12:56, 6 March 2021
- File:Traite encyclopedique de photographie (IA traiteencycloped02fabr).pdf (matches file content)DE COUDS A LA FACULTÉ DES SCIENCES DE TOULOUSE T ( > DEUXIÈME ME PHOTOTYPES NÉGATIFS pa aïs GAUTHIER - VILLARS & 55, ol'AI FILS, IMPHIMELU\S-ÉDITEURS...(970 × 1,412 (32.54 MB)) - 10:31, 6 March 2021
- File:La pratique en photographie, avec le procédé au gélatino-bromure d'argent (IA gri 33125001045299).pdf (matches file content)in-8, avec 280 illustrations, dont 13 phototypographies d'après les phototypes de l'auteur. Prix broché, 4 francs. L'ART EN PHOTOGRAPHIE Avec Un...(925 × 1,389 (27.76 MB)) - 02:03, 24 December 2022
- File:Le tirage des épreuves en photographie (IA letiragedesepreu00dill).pdf (matches file content)illustrations d’après des phototypes l’auteur négatifs de Q uatrième mille F-tüdk de la Marine. — La Place de Mers (Phototype d« l’auteur. PARIS Librairie...(770 × 1,308 (35.63 MB)) - 11:56, 6 March 2021
- File:An atlas of the fertilization and karyokinesis of the ovum (IA atlasoffertiliza00wils).pdf (matches file content)more useful for students an introduction has been prepared key to the phototypes. a put forth as is The nearly two hundred negatives. in effectiveness;...(1,304 × 1,893 (4.4 MB)) - 21:09, 1 January 2025
- File:A catalogue of books added to the library of the Royal academy of arts, London, between 1877 and 1900 (IA catalogueofbooks00roya).pdf (matches file content)A (Sir L. By Alma-Tadema, R.A. F. G. Stephens. Berlin , and phototypes. Portrait autographs, 4to. College. Lawrence). Sketch of His Life...(864 × 1,431 (14.88 MB)) - 22:11, 27 February 2024
- File:Getty Research Institute (IA laphotographieen00niew).pdf (matches file content)viennent avec la Photographie sur papier sement et la Société française phototypes sur papier L'albumine de près le et le ciré. M. Mieii- exposent...(647 × 1,066 (6.58 MB)) - 07:08, 28 October 2024
- File:Six months in the Apennines; or, A pilgrimage in search of vestiges of the Irish saints in Italy (IA sixmonthsinapenn00stokrich).pdf (matches file content)89 90 Phototype Phototype Phototype Phototype M. Stokes Phototype 91 93 94 95 97 Fiorentini 107 Heyliot 121 Phototype 131 Phototype Heyliot...(620 × 772 (11.09 MB)) - 09:45, 19 September 2024
- File:On an epidemic skin disease, resembling eczema and pityriasis rubra in some respects - which occurred chiefly in the western district of London during the summer and autumn of 1891 (IA b28141544).pdf (matches file content)LIBRARY Coll. we’MOmec Call No. \E DESCRIPTION OF COLOURED PLATE AND PHOTOTYPE Case tration, F. XXI. — Maria T , set. 68, the 5. subject of...(1,275 × 2,050 (4.91 MB)) - 03:58, 20 August 2024
- File:A case of intra-cranial injury with extensive destruction of brain substance about the rolandic area and loss of the so-called muscular sense (IA b24762726).pdf (matches file content)WEU. AND CM. 15, 1893. 195A COLLINS-ST., MELBOURNE. line Bros., Phototype,] [BltttTictli Street, A CASE OF INTRA-CRANIAL INJURY. ILLUSTRATING...(910 × 1,472 (668 KB)) - 07:54, 28 June 2023
- File:Wilson's photographics - a series of lessons, accompanied by notes, on all the processes which are needful in the art of photography (IA wilsonsphotograp00wils 1).pdf (matches file content)Drying-box for Phototype 230 Drying-cupboard for Phototype Plates, 238 Drying-oven for Phototype 230 Washing-tank for Phototype 243 Drying-box...(929 × 1,268 (38.91 MB)) - 17:08, 28 December 2021
- File:The Babylonian expedition of the University of Pennsylvania. Series A, Cuneiform texts (IA cu31924026432520).pdf (matches file content)V HILPRECHT Thirty Plates of Autograph Texts and Fifteen' Plates of Phototype Illustrations PHILADELPHIA Published by the Department of Archaeology...(1,193 × 1,697 (8.33 MB)) - 17:34, 1 December 2022
- File:Specimens of Ornamentation (IA jstor-25586632).pdf (matches file content)whiteness solutions we of ivory. Phototype. have We of a process Garden, 65, Hatton examples of phototype is given, and by means of which it is...(1,293 × 1,858 (17.07 MB)) - 18:03, 22 March 2021
- File:La photographie des couleurs - et les decouvertes de Louis Ducos du Hauron (IA laphotographiede00duco).pdf (matches file content)créerai donc, pour chaque sujet, trois phototypes analogues, par leur aspect général, au phototype unique de la photographie usuelle, mais entre...(660 × 991 (14.43 MB)) - 13:59, 6 March 2021
- File:L'art en photographie - avec le procédé au gélatino-bromure d'argent (IA gri 33125004502841).pdf (matches file content)D'APRÈS DE L'AUTEUR L> F S Contre-soleil a la pointe d'Houlgate. (Phototype de PHOTOTYPES l'auteur.' PARIS A LA LIBRAIRIE ILLUSTRÉE 8, Rue Saint-Joseph...(947 × 1,408 (25.79 MB)) - 04:05, 5 June 2022
- File:Wilson's photographics; a series of lessons, accompanied by notes, on all the processes which are needful in the art of photography (IA wilsonsphotograp00wilsrich).pdf (matches file content)Phototype . . 323 230 Drying-cupboard for Phototype Plates, . 323 238 Drying-oven for Phototype . . 326 230 Washing-tank for Phototype ...(881 × 1,241 (44.65 MB)) - 18:56, 11 December 2022
- File:Traite encyclopedique de photographie (IA traiteencycloped03fabr).pdf (matches file content)ÈS SCIENCES CIIAnoÊ DE COUaS a la faculté des sciences de TOULOUSE PHOTOTYPES POSITIFS. PHOTOCALQUES. — — PHOTOCOPIES. PHOTOTIRAGES. PARIS OAl'llIlKli-MLLARS...(993 × 1,400 (33.07 MB)) - 18:30, 8 October 2024
- File:A manual of coaching (IA manualofcoaching01roge).pdf (matches file content)to Africa, from {Phototype Australia. . . . ati . Light Concord Coach, as used in the original White Mountains. {Phototype from an original photograph)...(872 × 1,362 (30.31 MB)) - 02:02, 3 January 2025
- File:(untitled) The North American Review, (1860-01-01), pages 274-276 (IA jstor-25107588).pdf (matches file content)unsurpassed types leaves profess engraver's art inferior These improve. in phototype, and but an them obtained, gives Madonnas the many among of his genius...(750 × 1,175 (315 KB)) - 17:34, 8 September 2024
- File:Traite encyclopedique de photographie (IA traiteencycloped04fabr).pdf (matches file content)donc été amené à chercher une solution de ces difficultés en produi- un phototype de petites dimensions, présentant une cette image était ensuite copiée...(979 × 1,383 (33.98 MB)) - 10:31, 6 March 2021
- File:An atlas of the fertilization and karyokinesis of the ovum (IA b21691599).pdf (matches file content)in the hope that reviewed from a general point of view. a key to the phototypes. a in effectiveness series it may render the work more useful for...(1,504 × 1,875 (4.59 MB)) - 22:04, 8 August 2023
- File:The mansions of England in the olden time (IA cu31924015353471).pdf (matches file content)architects and sculptors. 132 phototype plates of large folio size in 2 clothe albums. ALBUM I contains 63 phototype plates of large folio chiefly...(1,510 × 1,993 (31.7 MB)) - 13:20, 1 December 2022
- File:Le paysage artistique en photographie - avec le procédé au gélatino-bromure d'argent (IA lepaysageartisti00dill).pdf (matches file content)phototypographies d’après Etude de. la__ les phototypes de l’auteur marine animée La cueillette des moules (Phototype de l’auteur.) PARIS MONTGREDIEN ET 8...(777 × 1,293 (36.08 MB)) - 12:11, 6 March 2021
- File:Wilson's photographics - a series of lessons, accompanied by notes, on all the processes which are needful in the art of photography (IA cu31924030709483).pdf (matches file content)322 215 Drying-box for Phototype . . 323 230 Drying-cupboard for Phototype Plates, . 323 238 Drying-oven for Phototype Plates, . . 326 230...(806 × 1,129 (12.98 MB)) - 17:14, 28 December 2021
- File:The Photographic news - a weekly record of the progress of photography (IA photographicnews29unse).pdf (matches file content)photography and, 41G Borders, iloral, for portraits, 180, 193 Borland’s phototype process, 322 Bothamley, C. 11., Touring with a camera, 347 Bottger, K...(1,066 × 1,575 (92.24 MB)) - 06:35, 14 July 2022
- File:Medical Heritage Library (IA b24861959).pdf (matches file content)DILLAYE, GWYNEDD, BUILT 1823. PHOTOTYPE BY GUTEKUNST & CO., OF A SKETCH BY MISS E. F. BONSALL, .... JOB ROBERTS. PHOTOTYPE BY F. GUTEKUNST & CO., FROM AN...(931 × 1,522 (14.83 MB)) - 22:56, 7 January 2025
- File:Federal Register 1972-05-17- Vol 37 Iss 96 (IA sim federal-register-find 1972-05-17 37 96 0).pdf (matches file content)FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 37, NO. 96—WEDNESDAY, MAY 17, PHOTOTYPE PEH UNIT COST SCHEDULE 1972 PHOTOTYPE PER UNIT COST SCHEDULE FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 37...(1,189 × 1,627 (3.66 MB)) - 00:50, 21 August 2024
- File:Wilson's photographics; a series of lessons, accompanied by notes, on all the processes which are needful in the art of photography (IA wilsonsphotograp00wils 0).pdf (matches file content)for Phototype . 323 230 Drying-cupboard for Phototype Plates, . 323 238 Drying-oven for Phototype . . 326 230 Washing-tank for Phototype ...(991 × 1,283 (29.77 MB)) - 17:08, 28 December 2021
- DescriptionThomas Ball, 1851, phototype from daguerreotype.jpg English: Phototype of a daguerreotype of sculptor Thomas Ball taken in about 1851. The...(828 × 1,038 (186 KB)) - 13:23, 11 December 2022
- File:The Great Barrier reef of Australia; its products and potentialities (IA greatbarrierreef00kent).pdf (matches file content)Coral- Animals V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. 4—67 Descriptive Details of Phototype Plaies ... 68—92 93—138 139—203 Pearl and Pearl-Shell Fisheries 204—224...(1,308 × 1,802 (35.85 MB)) - 03:20, 20 August 2024