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Create the page "Van-Dyke-Braun" on this wiki!
- Van Dyke, R. F. Horton and the Bishop of Derry & Raphoe; ( ) Author Sparrow, Walter Shaw, 1862- Bénédite, Léonce, 1859-1925 Sparroy, Wilfrid Van Dyke...(1,083 × 1,633 (20.64 MB)) - 11:59, 30 June 2023
- Carl Lemcke, A. Bredius, Arsène Alexandre, Frederick Wedmore, John C. Van Dyke, Alfred Woltmann and Karl Woermann, Alfred Peltzer -- The Works of Vermeer...(902 × 1,454 (3.97 MB)) - 05:17, 6 October 2024
- File:Masters in art - a series of illustrated monographs (IA mastersinartseri329unse).pdf (matches file content)of Pieter de Hooch Page 22 Criticisms by Havard, Wedmore, Estaunie, Van Dyke, Blanc, Lemcke, Alexandre The Works of Pieter de Hooch: Descriptions of...(1,172 × 1,654 (3.35 MB)) - 00:35, 3 May 2024
- File:Inauguration of John Grier Hibben, president of Princeton University, Saturday, May the eleventh MCMXII (IA inaugurationofjo00prin).pdf (matches file content)Spiritus . . .Mendelssohn .... Palestrina SCHIPTURE AND PRAYER Hexry van Dyke Murray Professor of English Literature ADMINISTRATION OF THE OATH OF...(870 × 1,345 (2.03 MB)) - 07:29, 4 November 2022
- File:Masters in art - a series of illustrated monographs (IA mastersinartseri220unse).pdf (matches file content)Ter Borch Page 25 Criticisms by Michel, Alexandre, Lemcke, Wedmore, Van Dyke The Works of Ter Borch: Descriptions of the Plates and a List of Paintings...(1,147 × 1,600 (2.53 MB)) - 12:58, 21 August 2024
- File:The International studio (IA internationalstu4517unse).pdf (matches file content)by F. D. Bedford. It is the narrative of the play THE POEMS OF HENRY VAN DYKE “Peter Pan,” with its peculiar fascination heightened by new Complete...(1,133 × 1,687 (23.6 MB)) - 00:27, 20 December 2020
- File:List of books on automobiles and motorcycles (IA listofbooksonaut00blesrich).pdf (matches file content)N.Y. Van Nostrand, 1917. 389?. illus. 2v. v.2 Design. Dissected model of a motor car. Lond. G. Philip, 1907. Folded. Dyke, Andrew Lee. Dyke's manikin...(658 × 1,127 (10.91 MB)) - 23:45, 27 March 2021
- File:Autotype - a decorative and educational art (IA autotypedecorati00auto).pdf (matches file content)30/- 33 No. 3 30/- 33 No. 5 30/- 33 No. 5 32/- 33 Do. Van Dyke J Do. Veronese (Paul) Himself Fighting Temeraire Gevartius ( 1041...(770 × 1,206 (2.82 MB)) - 05:49, 5 October 2023
- File:Paris; critical notes on the Louvre (IA pariscriticalnot00vandrich).pdf (category John Charles Van Dyke)Paris; critical notes on the Louvre ( ) Author Van Dyke, John Charles, 1856-1932 Title Paris; critical notes on the Louvre Publisher New York, C. Scribner's...(545 × 912 (7.26 MB)) - 14:20, 14 January 2021
- File:List of books on automobiles and motorcycles (IA cu31924029576182).pdf (matches file content)N.Y. Van Nostrand, 1917. 389P. illus. 2v. v.2 Design. Dissected model of a motor car. Lond. G. Philip, 1907. Folded. Dyke, Andrew Lee. Dyke's manikin...(637 × 1,135 (1.74 MB)) - 10:54, 27 December 2024
- File:A text-book of the history of sculpture (IA cu31924031276458).pdf (matches file content)JOHN C. VAN DYKE. L.H.D. HISTORY OF SCULPTURE ALLAN MARQUAND FROTHINGHAM, A. L. Jr, COLLEGE HISTORIES OF ART EDITED BY JOHN C. VAN DYKE, L.H.D...(647 × 1,022 (9.91 MB)) - 13:34, 19 October 2023
- File:Thomas Gainsborough (IA thomasgainsborou00gain).pdf (matches file content)Criticisms by Armstrong, Wedmore, J. E. Hodgson and F. A. Eaton, Van Dyke The Works Page 34 Page 40 of Gainsborough: Descriptions of Plates and...(1,035 × 1,466 (4.58 MB)) - 07:25, 3 May 2024
- File:The fern bulletin (IA fernbulle141519061907clut).pdf (matches file content)in the central part, and this in places is In the mingled with ridges or dykes of trap rock. northwestern part of the state are districts where the rock...(843 × 1,177 (18.47 MB)) - 22:38, 10 May 2024
- File:GPO-STYLEMANUAL-2016-CH03.pdf (matches file content)Du Pont; E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. Van Rensselaer; Stephen van Rensselaer Von Braun; Dr. Wernher von Braun but d’Orbigny; Alcide d’Orbigny; de la...(900 × 1,350 (230 KB)) - 11:27, 25 August 2024
- File:A text-book of the history of sculpture (IA historysculpture00marqiala).pdf (matches file content)C. VAN DYKE. L.H.D. HISTORY OF SCULPTURE ALLAN MARQUAND FROTHINGHAM, A. L. ' JR. COLLEGE HISTORIES OF ART EDITED BY JOHN C. VAN DYKE, L.H...(683 × 1,064 (14.97 MB)) - 00:26, 11 May 2024
- File:A text-book of the history of sculpture (IA textbookofhistor00marqiala).pdf (matches file content)C. VAN DYKE. L.H.D. HISTORY OF SCULPTURE ALLAN MARQ'JAND FROTHINGHAM, A. L. 9 1 7 If JR. COLLEGE HISTORIES OF ART EDITED BY C. VAN DYKE, L.H...(683 × 1,110 (12.56 MB)) - 21:58, 30 June 2023
- File:Maes (IA maesmaes00maesrich).pdf (matches file content)commonplace, and uninteresting, and he seems to have abandoned his rich Van Dyke color and splendid chiaroscuro. In Antwerp Maes remained more than eighteen...(808 × 1,150 (2.48 MB)) - 19:38, 24 October 2024
- File:Transactions of the American Entomological Society (IA transactionsofam431917amer).pdf (matches file content)Skinner of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, Messrs. Fall, Van Dyke, Fuchs, Blaisdell, Leng, Roberts, Beutenmiiller, Schaeffer, Joutel, Liebeck...(695 × 1,235 (30.46 MB)) - 17:52, 22 July 2020
- File:California Digital Library (IA xiithinternation00interich).pdf (matches file content)Anbert dyke : of : (French Pyrenees) 7. XII, 94; : 6. concrete . - of the- XII, 31; : and Villegusien XII. 12. Ciiar- mes dykes XII...(827 × 1,279 (58.06 MB)) - 05:08, 27 January 2024
- File:Maes (IA maes00unse).pdf (matches file content)commonplace, and uninteresting, and he seems to have abandoned his rich Van Dyke and splendid chiaroscuro. Antwerp Maes remained more than eighteen years...(1,006 × 1,435 (3.02 MB)) - 19:39, 24 October 2024
- File:The International studio (IA internationalstu7328unse).pdf (matches file content)have found all of these qual¬ ities in the VAN DYKE.” Ask for VAN DYKE by name at your stationers! YAH DYKE DRAWING PENCIL The Lead that Leads Samples...(1,172 × 1,689 (12.28 MB)) - 23:25, 24 December 2020
- File:Masters in art - a series of illustrated monographs (IA mastersinartseri334unse).pdf (matches file content)Mrs. Oliphant The Art of Hogarth Page 27 Criticisms by Gautier, Colvin, Van Dyke, Dobson The Works of Hogarth: Descriptions of the Plates and a List of...(1,164 × 1,620 (4.42 MB)) - 00:35, 3 May 2024
- File:Monitoring of greater sage-grouse habitats and populations (IA monitoringofgrea00conn).pdf (matches file content)Rick Miller, Daryl Meints, Tom Rinkes, Jeff Short, San Stiver, and Walt Van Dyke. Steve Knick provided advice on landscape ecology issues and Michelle Commons-Kemner...(633 × 827 (2.79 MB)) - 13:09, 18 August 2024
- File:Metsu (IA metsu00mets).pdf (matches file content)— — FROM THE FRENCH JOHN T C. ‘OLD DUTCH AND FLEMISH MASTERS’ VAN DYKE er BORCH led the wayin the fashionable upper-class genre, and Metsu,...(716 × 1,012 (3.68 MB)) - 12:21, 21 July 2024
- File:Metsu (IA metsu00metsrich).pdf (matches file content)keys of her harpsichord. abridged It is — FROM THE FRENCH JOHN C. VAN DYKE 'OLD DUTCH AND FLEMISH MASTER^' TER BORCH led the way in the fashionable...(929 × 1,377 (2.9 MB)) - 04:49, 14 May 2024
- File:Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie. Jg. 1911, Bd. 1 (IA neuesjahrbuchfrm19111leon).pdf (matches file content)Schwarzwaldes Bräuhäuser, M. und A. Sauer: Geologischer Ueberblick über Braun, G. Brauns, R. - . .... -390-392-381-121-126- Alphabetisches Verzeichnis...(789 × 1,268 (65.5 MB)) - 23:00, 3 May 2024
- File:Masters in art - a series of illustrated monographs (IA mastersinartseri328unse).pdf (matches file content)painting; of 3ftaltan Ecnatoeancc by Dr. JOHN C. VAN DYKE, of Rutgers College. The monograph by Dr. Van Dyke is now ready. In board covers, with 5 photogravure...(1,195 × 1,641 (3.11 MB)) - 00:35, 3 May 2024
- File:Catalog of Copyright Entries 1941 Music New Series Vol 36 Pt 3 (IA catalogofcopyrig363libr).pdf (matches file content)[mixed voices] E w Emma w c. Dec. 20, 1940 Irene Struckman, 96 Henry Van Dyke, Merz E Butterfield. pub. 90207 New ; Howell; ©1 unp. 240179;...(810 × 1,356 (127.29 MB)) - 22:05, 12 February 2024
- File:Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie. Jg. 1912, Bd. 2 (IA neuesjahrbuchfrm19122leon).pdf (matches file content)A. Smythe: On the dyke at Crookdene (Xorthumbeiiand) and its relations to the Collvwell. Tvnemouth and — 1912 (L) Morpeth dykes (L) Hess, F. L. and...(893 × 1,337 (65.15 MB)) - 23:01, 3 May 2024
- File:The Dial (Volume 51).djvu (matches file content)"Vados." The Belmont Book 345 Van Dyke, Henry. The Mansion 539 Van Dyke. Henry. The Sad Shepherd 539 Van Dyke, John C. What is Art? 133 Venable...(2,358 × 4,042 (32.75 MB)) - 06:21, 27 July 2022
- File:Southern campus (IA southerncampus1939univ).pdf (matches file content)Department, headed by Colonel Sever- son, are Colonel Van slacks Vliet and replacing boots. Major Braun. At the end of this semester the department will...(1,310 × 1,789 (32.12 MB)) - 08:00, 13 April 2021
- File:The Enterprise 1923-05-24 (IA cssf 001426).pdf (matches file content)ninety years ago, until 1890. Diplomat, Author, Orator—and Angler Henry Van Dyke, diplomat, author and pulpit orator, Is perhaps best loved as an angler...(2,137 × 3,222 (68.86 MB)) - 21:49, 26 July 2022
- File:Fani kny (IA fanikny30magy).pdf (matches file content)Balaton vízének olieni. visz. 6.j. BETRENDES TÁRGYMUTATÓ. Baradla Braun Gy. "271. Baráttá M. 44. Brissopsis Ottnaugensis E. Horn. 169. dr....(960 × 1,556 (26.62 MB)) - 10:43, 6 July 2020
- File:Books from the Library of Congress (IA executivepersonn00comm).pdf (matches file content)ex-Ambassador in Paris. BRAND WHITLOCK, American Ambassador in Brussels. HENRY VAN DYKE, American ex-Minister at The Hague. SENOR DON ALFONSO MERRY DEL VAL Y ZULUETA...(1,195 × 1,672 (7.54 MB)) - 03:54, 10 May 2024
- File:Soil Conservation Service Washington directory - (south building unless otherwise indicated) (IA CAT31390529).pdf (matches file content)Bowlus, Helen E. Bowman, Catherine E. Ere. Bowyex , Joyce Brandt, A. E. Braun, Earian R. Brir^c, Are 1 lington Brookshire, Quccnc C. Ers. Brown, Crrl...(1,177 × 1,500 (918 KB)) - 12:11, 18 August 2024
- File:Annual reports (IA annualreports1919acad).pdf (matches file content)collections and specimens were borrowed for study by Chas. Schaeffer and Edw. C. Van Dyke. Plants. The transfer of the herbarium to new quarters at the east end...(914 × 1,381 (1.25 MB)) - 23:56, 26 August 2023
- File:Berichte der Deutschen Chemischen Gesellschaft (etc.) (IA bub gb vVwoAAAAYAAJ).pdf (matches file content)Grossbeerenstr. 26 II. SW. Brandt, Dr. C., Maison de Saute, Schöneberg bei Braun, Dr. O., Fabrikant, Moabit 91 — 92. NW. Brix, Dr. W., Charlottenborg, Buckney...(400 × 625 (37.61 MB)) - 09:08, 14 November 2023
- File:Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Palaeontologie. Jg. 1890, Bd. 1 (IA neuesjahrbuchfrm18901leon).pdf (matches file content)Alexander: Ueber einen neuen Tiefsee-Crinoiden aus der Familie der Apiocriniden Brauns, E. Ueber die Entstehung der sog. Butschflächen im bunten Sandstein der...(870 × 1,339 (70.72 MB)) - 10:51, 2 May 2024
- File:The Dial (Volume 14).djvu (matches file content)Quabbin . Universal The . Valera, Juan. - . Van Dyke, John C. Art for Art’s Sake . . Van Ornum, W. H. Why Government at All? Walford, Mrs....(2,516 × 3,226 (50.87 MB)) - 03:55, 15 May 2022
- File:Contributions to the mineralogy of the Newark group in Pennsylvania (IA contributionstom00wherrich).pdf (matches file content)mentioned Beck,' V. Lewis;" 13 while the 14 Professor R. Brauns, Fischer, and President C. R. Van Hise. 15 The (1) The evidence favoring the former consists...(922 × 1,506 (4.1 MB)) - 05:59, 13 April 2024
- File:Just's botanischer jahresbericht. Systematisch geordnetes repertorium der botanischen literatur aller länder (IA justsbotanischer3803berl).pdf (matches file content)398. Braun, Heinrich II, 1176. Britton, Elizabeth G. 73, II, 437. Braun, J. II, 537. 80. Braun, Josias II, 1091. Brown, L. C. II, 733. Braun, K. 550...(908 × 1,404 (29.37 MB)) - 19:21, 23 December 2023
- File:Masters in art - a series of illustrated monographs (IA mastersinartseri335unse).pdf (matches file content)MASTERS. Engraved by Timo¬ thy Cole, with historical notes by John C. Van Dyke, and comments by the engraver. Superroyal Svo, 223 pages, 48 wood-engravings...(1,212 × 1,660 (4.2 MB)) - 00:35, 3 May 2024
- File:Southern campus (IA southerncampus1940univ).pdf (matches file content)Spaulding, Allison Boswell, George Bliss, Betty Lee, Ellen Ruth Nelson, Sue Van Dyke, Jane Nuttall, John Cole, Beverly Tucker, John Gaskill. Row II: Gerrie...(1,297 × 1,781 (34.84 MB)) - 08:00, 13 April 2021
- File:Corot and Millet; with critical essays by Gustave Geffroy & Arsène Alexandre (IA corotmilletwithc00holm 0).pdf (matches file content)Engravings by Mr. COLE, and Articles on the Artists by Prof. VAN 18 Artists ; ; DYKE. Price Two G uineas net. Also an Edition de Luxe, of which...(1,235 × 1,720 (29.38 MB)) - 22:07, 15 April 2024
- File:SP-4012v1.pdf (matches file content)(Cambridge, Mass.: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1970); Vernon Van Dyke, Pride and Power: The Rationale of the Space Program (Urbana, Ill.: University...(1,525 × 1,200 (10 MB)) - 03:34, 25 October 2024
- File:Corot and Millet; (IA cu31924014896363).pdf (matches file content)Notes on the Engravings by Mr. COLE, and Articles on the Artists by Prof. VAN DYKE. Price Two Guineas net. Also an Edition de Luxe, of which only 40 copies...(1,043 × 1,568 (15.77 MB)) - 22:07, 15 April 2024
- File:Proceedings of the United States National Museum (IA proceedingsofuni1011954unit).pdf (matches file content)College H. C. Severin, South Dakota State Col- I of ; ; ; E. C. Van Dyke, California Academy of Sciences B. E. White, Merced, Calif. as well as...(760 × 1,312 (44.33 MB)) - 19:55, 17 February 2023
- File:Getty Research Institute (IA catalogueofprint00soth).pdf (matches file content)the Baptist Preaching in the Wilderness, by Cor. Galls—Gaming, after Aug. Braun, Abraham Hogenberg sculpsit, &c —■ — 6 19 Virgin and Child—St Ann and...(777 × 1,212 (2.91 MB)) - 05:37, 28 October 2024
- File:Цитогенетика репродуктивных нарушений у мужчин.pdf (matches file content)clinical pregnancy rates. J. Assist. Reprod. Genet. 2014; 31: 843�850. 31. Van Dyke D, Weiss L, Roberson J, Babu V. The frequency and mutation rate of balanced...(1,179 × 1,687 (456 KB)) - 16:38, 21 April 2023
- File:Gerard Dou (IA gerarddou00dougrich).pdf (matches file content)their miniature-like execution. from the dutch by clara BELL JOHN C. VAN DYKE OLD DUTCH AND FLEMISH MASTERS' one goes to Holland to study the pictured...(887 × 1,341 (3.82 MB)) - 23:47, 2 May 2024