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- processes : gum bichromate and platinotype papers ( ) Author Abbott, Henry G., 1858-1905 Title Modern printing processes : gum bichromate and platinotype...(670 × 897 (4.93 MB)) - 08:59, 25 October 2020
- File:Carbon printing - with a chapter on Mr. Thos. Manly's "ozotype" process (IA gri 33125002286843).pdf (matches file content)glass plate with bichromated gum exposure the plate and lampblack, and after was washed with water remove the unacted-upon to gum. In 1859 Blair...(825 × 1,164 (5.98 MB)) - 16:02, 2 February 2024
- File:Carbon printing (IA carbonprinting00wall).pdf (matches file content)glass plate with bichromated gum exposure the plate and lampblack, and after was washed with water to remove the unacted-upon gum. In 1859 Blair...(695 × 1,079 (8.22 MB)) - 16:02, 2 February 2024
- File:Collotype and photo-lithography (IA collotypephotoli00schnrich).pdf (matches file content)or it transferred to Process. of gum Take, instead of arabic and sugar, to added a solution of bichromate of potassium is ammonium. With this...(797 × 1,272 (11.37 MB)) - 11:26, 1 April 2024
- File:Collotype and photo-lithography (IA collotypephotoli00schn).pdf (matches file content)Take, instead of gelatine, a solution of gum arabic and sugar, to which is added a solution of bichromate of potassium :;: — or ammonium. With this...(822 × 1,264 (10.81 MB)) - 11:26, 1 April 2024
- File:The Practical photographer; an illustrated monthly of technical photography (IA practicalphotogr14unse).pdf (matches file content)development a trace of potassium bichromate may be added to render the sizing insoluble. Gum Gum Sizing. arabic ^ ounce. Water 10 ounces. Chrome...(802 × 1,214 (14.89 MB)) - 05:11, 14 May 2024
- Solvents, oils, gums, waxes and allied substances ( ) Author Hyde, Frederic S. (Frederic Sackett), b. 1868 Title Solvents, oils, gums, waxes and allied...(743 × 1,264 (10.77 MB)) - 06:27, 11 May 2024
- File:The Practical photographer (IA practicalphotogr18unse).pdf (matches file content)development a trace of potassium bichromate may he added to render the sizing insoluble. ' Gum Gum Sizing. arabic ^ ounce. Water 10 ounces. Chrome...(775 × 1,227 (15.09 MB)) - 08:36, 26 January 2024
- File:Paper and printing recipes - a handy volume of practical recipes, concerning the every-day business of stationers, printers, binders, and the kindred trades (IA paperprintingrec00chic).pdf (matches file content)obtained by mixing lampblack with fine clay, a trine, little gum and enough water arabic or dexto bring whole to a satisfactory consistence. the ...(733 × 1,133 (3.37 MB)) - 22:22, 26 March 2021
- File:Ferric & heliographic processes - a handbook for photographers, draughtsmen, and sun printers (IA ferricheliograph00brow).pdf (matches file content)fore- FERRIC AND HELIOGRAPHIC PROCESSES 16 Chambon* Gum gives : 88 grains. arabic, Ferric am. citrate, Tartaric acid, . Distilled water,...(725 × 1,079 (5.96 MB)) - 17:14, 6 December 2024
- File:Cyclopedia of valuable receipts - a treasure-house of useful knowledge for the every-day wants of life (IA gri cyclopediaof00scam).pdf (matches file content)carbolic acid, hydrochloric acid, 25 parts; common 600 parts; gum Arabic, 30 bichromate of potassium, 3 parts ; and a sufficient quantity of distilled...(650 × 902 (116.14 MB)) - 16:48, 2 January 2025
- File:Photo-lithography (IA photolithography00frit 0).pdf (matches file content)fatty substances. Gum arabic or some other vegetable gum is indispensable for litho and zincography. A 10 per cent, solution of gum is generally used...(1,283 × 2,127 (8.72 MB)) - 12:10, 22 October 2022
- File:Industrial photography - being a description of the various processes of producing indestructible photographic images on glass, porcelain, metal and many other substances (IA gri 33125014521583).pdf (matches file content)honey C Mr. Geymet’s Formula. 3. Glucose, liquid Gum arabic 5 5 Honey Sat. sol. ammonium bichromate grams grams gram 0.5 20 c. c. 100 c. c. Water...(925 × 1,439 (5.11 MB)) - 18:30, 2 March 2022
- File:A manual of clinical and practical pathology (IA b24991946).pdf (matches file content)51 cl. 1 part. gum arabic piece of Ill parts, camphor should he kept floating in the fluid. Warrants’ solution. Gum arabic. Glycerine. Water...(943 × 1,529 (15.22 MB)) - 15:30, 29 June 2023
- File:California Digital Library (IA henleystwentieth00hiscrich).pdf (matches file content)hydrate 5 parts 8 parts Gelatin, white Gum arabic 2 parts 30 parts Boiling water Mix the chloral, gelatin, and gum arabic in a porcelain container, pour the...(808 × 1,225 (69.55 MB)) - 23:30, 10 May 2024
- File:Zincography - a practical guide to the art as practised in connexion with letterpress printing (IA zincographypract00bock).pdf (matches file content)Soft consists of and 2 parts Gum of i part bees- io parts of finest printingi part beeswax, good and 10 Arabic Solution 8 , i part white Very...(787 × 1,158 (6.43 MB)) - 17:43, 19 February 2023
- File:Henley's twentieth century book of recipes, formulas and processes (IA cu31924004933945).pdf (matches file content)hydrate 5 parts Gelatin, white 8 parts Gum arabic 2 parts Boiling water 30 parts Mix the chloral, gelatin, and gum arabic in a porcelain container, pour the...(900 × 1,408 (32.5 MB)) - 23:56, 15 August 2024
- File:The essentials of illustration, a practical guide to the reproduction of drawings & photographs for the use of scientists & others (IA essentialsofillu00hillrich).pdf (matches file content)the ink, the gum acid and finally set aside to dry. mixed with arabic well incorporated with no damage will suffer The gum is in the process...(883 × 1,433 (6.07 MB)) - 07:02, 4 January 2022
- File:Photo-lithography (IA photolithography00frit).pdf (matches file content)unsuitable for taking the grease or water. Generally these are acids and gum arabic, either used ; — alone or together. Of the acids the most important...(833 × 1,289 (11.61 MB)) - 02:29, 11 February 2023
- File:Photo-mechanical processes - a practical guide to photo-zincography, photo-lithography, and collotype (IA gri 33125013854597).pdf (matches file content)polished sheet of zinc in bichromated albumen, or in bitumen dissolved in benzole, or in chloroform. The image in bichromated albumen is coated with fatty...(825 × 1,181 (7.37 MB)) - 10:04, 2 March 2022
- File:Practical hints and formulas for busy druggists (IA b28119241).pdf (matches file content)Paste for Gummed Labels. Gum arabic and starch, each White sugar Water dr. 4 drs. sufflc en t. sugar in a small 1 i Dissolve the gum and quantity...(1,329 × 2,097 (4.4 MB)) - 04:07, 21 July 2024
- File:The finishers' manual (IA finishersmanual00thay).pdf (matches file content)Tartari« Acid, Muriatic Acid, Sulphuric Acid, Oil of Vitrol, Gum Tragacanth, Gum Arabic, Animal Glue, Fish Glue, Dextrine, Borax, Copperas, Cream Tartar...(677 × 1,045 (1.43 MB)) - 21:03, 12 May 2024
- File:Dose and price labels of all the drugs and preparations of the United States pharmacopia of 1880 .. (IA dosepricelabelso00loch).pdf (matches file content)PULVIS. Powdered lb. Gum \ lb. Arabic. lb. oz. ACACIA IN SORTIS. Gum lb. Arabic, Sorts. I lb. lb. ACACIA (Gummi Gum lb Vb oz. Senegalense)...(602 × 1,327 (20.05 MB)) - 09:47, 30 August 2020
- File:The American carbon manual, or, The production of photographic prints in permanent pigments (IA gri 33125001118013).pdf (matches file content)referred to. Such other organic matand one or more of these ters are gum arabic, albumen, dextrine may be employed occasionally to modify the character...(835 × 1,210 (5.53 MB)) - 23:12, 22 December 2022
- File:Books from the Library of Congress (IA informationforev00chas).pdf (matches file content)remove from tiie tire, and Ptir in 43 grains of Bichromate of potash, 48 grains of powder. el gum Arabic and 8 grains of prusiate of potash. For 10 gallon's...(535 × 893 (3.53 MB)) - 14:51, 9 December 2023
- File:TheAmericanCarbonManual.djvu (matches file content)chromium, such as I have referred to. Such other organic mat- ters are gum arabic, albumen, dextrine ; and one or more of these may be employed occasionally...(6,905 × 10,484 (4.86 MB)) - 06:20, 30 January 2018
- File:Getty Research Institute (IA gri 33125001045331).pdf (matches file content)Drawing paper is coated with a solution of 7 parts of bichromate of potash, 25 parts of gum arabic, 100 parts of water, and 1 part of alcohol, and dried...(806 × 1,331 (19.96 MB)) - 06:02, 28 October 2024
- File:Ferric & heliographic processes- a handbook for photographers, draughtsmen, and sun printers (IA cu31924003852104).pdf (matches file content)blue print ounce of ' Stock solution is ' drying, take half an (gum-arabic, 2 ounces, water, 5 ounces, prepared the day before), add half an oimce...(725 × 1,068 (3.63 MB)) - 11:59, 30 June 2023
- File:A thousand and one formulas; the laboratory handbook for the experimenter (IA thousandoneformu00gern).pdf (matches file content)uniting glass to other substances prepared by put- is gum ting the best and purest arabic into a The shields, or metal plates, are coated with the...(835 × 1,327 (15.93 MB)) - 22:21, 30 June 2023
- File:A compend of histology (IA compendofhistolo00radarich).pdf (matches file content)gum-arabic to a mixture of equal parts of water, glycerin and a saturated solution of arsenious acid. The solution must be filtered after the gum is...(712 × 1,022 (26.67 MB)) - 12:40, 28 June 2023
- File:Medical Heritage Library (IA b20404190).pdf (matches file content)and as GUM ARABIC — VINEGAR. 6 PREPARATIONS. Mueilago Aoaciae Gum (U. S. et al. Ph.) —Mucilage of Gum Arabic. 4 ounces. \ pint. arabic Water...(1,281 × 1,962 (30.51 MB)) - 13:11, 3 December 2022
- File:A medical formulary based on the United States and British pharmacopias, together with numerous French, German (IA medicalformulary00johnrich).pdf (matches file content)and as GUM ARABIC VINEGAR. 3 PREPARATIONS. Mucilago Acaciae Gum (U. S. et al. Ph.) Gum Mucilage of Arabic. 4 ounces. arabic Water ^ pint...(814 × 1,325 (29.58 MB)) - 02:09, 11 May 2024
- File:The Photographic times (IA photographictime3891unse).pdf (matches file content)mate. it holds eight fluid drachms. This will take seventy grains of gum arabic, which must be crushed very small and carefully strained through fine...(1,237 × 1,879 (5.08 MB)) - 23:00, 11 May 2023
- File:A medical formulary based on the U.S. and British pharmacopoeias; together with numerous French, German, and unofficinal preparations (IA medicalformulary00johnuoft).pdf (matches file content)and as GUM ARABIC VINEGAR. 3 PREPARATIONS. Mucilago Acaciae Gum (IT. S. et al. Ph.) Mucilage of Gum Arabic. 4 ounces. arabic Water pint...(783 × 1,262 (21.12 MB)) - 17:45, 29 June 2023
- File:A medical formulary based on the United States and British pharmacopias, together with numerous French, German, and unofficinal preparations (IA medicalformular00john).pdf (matches file content)—Mucilage of Gum Arabic. Giuu arabic Water 1 ounces. i pint. Agitate until dissolved, and strain. Used as a demulcent Syrupus Acaciae Gum and vehicle...(768 × 1,256 (31.06 MB)) - 02:09, 11 May 2024
- File:Select extra-tropical plants - readily eligible for industrial culture or naturalization, with indications of their native countries and some of their uses (IA b28051051).pdf (matches file content)stenocarpa, gum arabic. Hochstetter. A Abyssinia and Nubia. large tree, which yields the brownish “ Suak-” or “ Talha ’’-Glum, a kind of gum arabic. (Ilanbury...(891 × 1,500 (25.37 MB)) - 03:09, 5 December 2022
- File:Select extra-tropical plants readily eligible for industrial culture or naturalization, with indications of their native countries and some of their uses (IA selectextratropi00muel).pdf (matches file content)treeless localities, for raising forests. tannin, and its gum, not dissimilar to gum-arabic, render this The English price of the bark ranges tree highly...(829 × 1,277 (22.99 MB)) - 14:57, 26 July 2020
- File:A medical formulary based on the United States and British pharmacopœias, together with numerous French, German, and unofficinal preparations (IA b21507454).pdf (matches file content)Acaciae Gum (U. S., Fr., Ger.)— Syrup of Gum Arabic. arabic 2 ounces. 14 ounces. ^^f^^ W^'*^^ 8 ounces. Dissolve the solved, and gum Used...(1,102 × 1,725 (20.26 MB)) - 17:45, 29 June 2023
- and for raising forests. dissimilar to gum arabic, render this tree highly im- treeless localities its gum, not The English price of the bark ranges...(779 × 1,264 (38.69 MB)) - 07:00, 20 November 2020
- File:Manual for the physiological laboratory (electronic resource) (IA b20410219).pdf (matches file content)obtained and used in plac-e of the ice. TO PREPARE GUM SOLUTION. A strong solution of pure gum arabic in boiling rlisiiUed water made, and filtered through...(666 × 1,018 (15.5 MB)) - 23:04, 4 December 2024
- File:The undersigned, appointed by the Massachusetts Medical Society as a committee to report upon the forthcoming revision of the United States Pharmacopoeia .. (IA (matches file content)Golden-rod. Goldthread. GreeVr Iodide of Mercury. Guaiac. Guaiacum Wood. Gum Arabic. Gutta-percha. H Hardback. Hemlock Leaves. Hemlock Pitch. Hemlock Pitch...(1,197 × 1,602 (641 KB)) - 19:21, 12 May 2024
- File:Getty Research Institute (IA plaindirectionsf00crou).pdf (matches file content)letter paper, best, is first ; B 18 When and half a drachm mucilage gum arabic. drawn over the surface of dry, the paper is a solution of sixty grains...(683 × 1,129 (2.81 MB)) - 00:13, 14 November 2024
- File:Manual for the physiological laboratory (IA b21506784).pdf (matches file content)obtained and used in place of the ice. TO PREPARE GUM SOLUTION. A strong solution of pure gum arabic in boiling distilled water made, and filtered through...(745 × 1,197 (8.06 MB)) - 13:21, 9 December 2020
- File:The British journal of photography (IA britishjournalof24unse).pdf (matches file content)drachms of a rather thin mucilage of gum perhaps, be found technically perfect, the subject well chosen, and arabic rendered slightly alkaline with ammonia...(1,231 × 1,708 (128.58 MB)) - 15:04, 5 July 2023
- File:Select extra-tropical plants, readily eligible for industrial culture or naturalisation, with indications of their native countries and some of their uses (IA selectextratropi00mueluoft).pdf (matches file content)localities, for raising forests. tannin, and Its bark, rich in gum, not dissimilar to gum-arabic, render this tree The English price of the bark ranges generally...(604 × 979 (46.05 MB)) - 17:43, 20 November 2021
- File:Workshop wrinkles for decorators, painters, paperhangers and others (IA workshopwrinkles00unse).pdf (matches file content)of gum arabic about the consistency of thick mucilage, and expose it to the sun or wind to dry. In a short time it will peel off. If all the gum should...(693 × 1,083 (6.29 MB)) - 18:46, 21 December 2020
- to remove the skin with the —Quickhme, 30 parts; gum To be prepared and used as No. 2. 3. arabic, hair. 60 parts; orpiment, 4 parts. —Powdered...(1,152 × 1,870 (5.31 MB)) - 03:53, 24 December 2020
- File:Machinery's shop receipts and formulas; 412 shop receipts and formulas selected from Machinery (IA machinerysshopre01newy).pdf (matches file content)water enough washing soda to make a clear white line, then I add enough gum arabic to it to prevent spreading and mak- used. ing ragged lines. To make...(1,064 × 1,637 (5.12 MB)) - 01:57, 11 May 2024
- File:Ozotype - the new carbon printing process without transfer, actinometer or safe edge (IA ozotypenewcarbon00manl).pdf (matches file content)light. As far Massachusetts, used gum arabic in conjunction with bichromate of potash, and found that the gum was rendered insoluble on exposure to...(735 × 1,070 (5.06 MB)) - 16:06, 20 December 2020
- File:Select extra-tropical plants readily eligible for industrial culture or naturalisation - with indications of their native countries and some of their uses (IA extratropicalplant00muelrich).pdf (matches file content)no severe frosts occur. Its bark, rich in tannin, and its gum, not dissimilar to gum arabic, render this tree highly important. The typical A. vshelter...(800 × 1,206 (45.38 MB)) - 08:03, 2 March 2022