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- File:The British journal of photography (IA britishjournalof47unse).pdf (matches file content)copper-sulphate process without any reference to its being our^old friend the “ chromatype ” pro¬ cess of Hunt of half a century ago. Slightly modified, this further...(1,200 × 1,729 (190.51 MB)) - 15:04, 5 July 2023
- File:Getty Research Institute (IA historypracticeo00snel 2).pdf (matches file content). .... 155 40, 149, 150 To make of Iodine. of Silver. Page . . Chromatype. Chrysotype. Cleaning and polishing the . . a solution of . . . ...(697 × 1,147 (11.55 MB)) - 06:24, 28 October 2024
- File:Getty Research Institute (IA listofpricesofap22geor).pdf (matches file content)Heliography, discovery of the Caiotype, Fluorotype, Ferrotype or Energiatype, Chromatype, Chrysotype, Cyanotype, Catalissotype, and Anthotype, full and explicit...(631 × 1,004 (1.45 MB)) - 06:13, 28 October 2024
- London edition." Includes indexes Pt. 1. Calotype, chrysotype, cyanotype, chromatype, energiatype, anthotype, and amphitype -- Pt. 2. Daguerreotype, thermography...(602 × 956 (9.11 MB)) - 02:52, 11 February 2023
- File:The Photographic art-journal (IA photographicartj00unse).pdf (matches file content)197 Iron—The Chrysotype—The Cyanotype. 198 Chromate oflron—Copper—The Chromatype. 202 Iodide of Copper. 203 Manganese. 204 Nickel—Lead. 205 Sundry Metalic...(935 × 1,406 (29.88 MB)) - 17:16, 9 February 2023
- File:The Chemist (IA chemist04unse).pdf (matches file content)Production and Prevention of Smoke/’ by Mr. H. Dircks ; Mr. Hunt “ On Chromatype;” “On the Electro-Chemical Application of Oxides and Metals on Metals/’...(770 × 1,302 (41.39 MB)) - 02:21, 16 February 2023
- File:Getty Research Institute (IA catalogueofappar00geor).pdf (matches file content)Heliography, discovery of the Calotype, Fluorotype, Ferrotype or Energiatype, Chromatype, Chrysotype, Cyanotype, Catalissotype, and Anthotype, full and explicit...(700 × 1,100 (2.32 MB)) - 06:25, 28 October 2024
- File:The practice of photography - a manual for students and amateurs (IA practiceofphotog00dela).pdf (matches file content)could results are known as be the amphitype, the cyanotype, the chromatype, and the catalysotype ; but as all paper^ the' right to use sively...(745 × 1,154 (9.93 MB)) - 21:27, 24 February 2022
- File:Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of all Nations, 1851- Official Descriptive and Illustrated Catalogue, Supplementary Volume (IA dli.granth.53590).pdf (matches file content)iron, raw and purified by washing and stamping, Sweden and Norway, 1352. Chromatype, how formed, 442. Chromic acid, 191; and see Tannin. Chromolithographs...(1,000 × 1,531 (94.27 MB)) - 00:37, 4 November 2022
- File:A manual of photography (IA manualofphotogra00hunt).pdf (matches file content)sensitive to Light . . . . . . . „ . (Bickromate of . The Chromatype III. The Ferrotype IV. The Catalysotype II. „ „ „ . . CHAPTER .85...(741 × 1,122 (20.48 MB)) - 16:29, 29 June 2023
- File:Getty Research Institute (IA photogenicmanipu00bing).pdf (matches file content)ClIRYSOTY^PE , ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... .... ..... Chromatype :— 35 , • , .... .... . 33 .34 , . David Brewster's Method ...(627 × 997 (5.95 MB)) - 06:36, 28 October 2024
- File:Getty Research Institute (IA historypracticeo00snel 1).pdf (matches file content)divided, according ; for producing pictures, into DAGUERREOTYPE, CHROMATYPE, ENERGIATYPE, anthotype and AMPHITYPE. CALOTYPE, CHRYSOTYPE, CYANOTYPE...(695 × 1,152 (12.59 MB)) - 06:02, 28 October 2024
- File:The Practice of Photography, a Mannual for Students and Amateurs (IA dli.granth.93573).pdf (matches file content)researches o f Herschel, Hunt, Archer, and others, h ave^ven us the cyanotype, chromatype, amjjiitype, and the collodion process, while, at the same time, they...(662 × 950 (3.23 MB)) - 08:41, 26 June 2022
- File:Official descriptive and illustrated catalogue (IA b21495361 0004).pdf (matches file content)raw and purified by washing and stamping, Sweden and Norway, 1352. Chromatype, how formed, 442. Chromic acid, 191 and see Tannin. Chromolithographs...(1,279 × 2,245 (106.09 MB)) - 14:14, 1 September 2024
- File:The practice of photography (IA practiceofphotog00hunt).pdf (matches file content)• Collodion Process, • . • .99 XV. —The Cyanotype, Chrysotype, Chromatype, &c., XVI. —General Remarks on the Use of the Camera . Obscura —The...(700 × 1,047 (7.01 MB)) - 21:27, 24 February 2022
- File:A manual of photography (IA manualofphotogra00hunt 0).pdf (matches file content). . . . . Collodion Process, XV. —The Cyanotype, Chrysotype, Chromatype, &c., . XVI. — General Remarks on the Use of the Camera Obscura The...(727 × 1,168 (24.78 MB)) - 04:45, 20 August 2024
- File:The practice of photography - a manual for students and amateurs (IA practiceofphotog00dela 0).pdf (matches file content)researches of Herschel, Hunt, Archer, and others, have given us the cyanotype, chromatype, amphitype, and the collodion process, while, at the same time, they have...(656 × 997 (8.46 MB)) - 04:52, 20 August 2024
- File:Photography - its history, processes, apparatus, and materials ; comprising working details of all the more important methods (IA b24886853).pdf (matches file content)Celerotype . . Ceramic photographs . Chloro-bromide process 87 Chromatype 87 Cleaning glass Clearing and reducing soluthms 87 88 . . 132 138...(1,150 × 1,856 (31.55 MB)) - 02:30, 5 December 2022
- File:Scientific American - Series 1 - Volume 005 - Issue 39.pdf (matches file content)injure steel pens. ChroDlatype. on RAILROAD CARS AND OTHER MACHINERY. Chromatype is a new process of photogra phy. It consists in washing good letter...(1,652 × 2,362 (2.46 MB)) - 13:37, 3 April 2012
- File:The practice of photography - a manual for students and amateurs (IA gri 33125013854001).pdf (matches file content)researches of Herschel, Hunt, Archer, and others, have given us the cyanotype, chromatype, amphitype, and the collodion process, while, at the same time, they have...(783 × 1,225 (3.84 MB)) - 03:44, 2 March 2022
- File:Traité général de photographie (IA traitegeneraldep00monc 0).pdf (matches file content)522 Procédés aux sels Procédés aux sels de mercure, p. 522. de cuivre. Chromatype, p. 522. — Procédés aux sels de manganèse, p. 525. Procédés aux sels de...(868 × 1,393 (42.87 MB)) - 03:44, 31 December 2024
- File:The Paper Trade Journal 1887-01-15- Vol 16 Iss 3 (IA sim paper-trade-journal 1887-01-15 16 3).pdf (matches file content)350 WESTERN STATES. trade of F. P. Elliott & Co., have resigned | Chromatype Company, Chicago, Ill............. the com- He claimed their longa...(1,770 × 2,470 (14.13 MB)) - 02:34, 24 February 2023
- File:Annual report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution (IA annualreportofbo1905smitfo).pdf (matches file content)chrysotype print 16.3 Silver chrysotype print 168 III. 168 IV. Chromatype print The Cullinan Diamond (Hatch and 180 Corstorphine): Plates I...(743 × 1,268 (50.36 MB)) - 01:44, 20 May 2024
- File:Getty Research Institute (IA guidetheoriqueet00sell 0).pdf (matches file content)différents sels, et qui seront désignés sous les noms d'amphitype, de chromatype, de chrysotype, de cyanotype, etc. Mais, avouons-le franchement, le véritable...(468 × 837 (32.85 MB)) - 06:02, 28 October 2024
- File:A.N. Marquis and Co.'s handy business directory of Chicago. 1886 (IA anmarquiscoshand00marq).pdf (matches file content)Chicago Wrought Iron Works_ 376 ChickeringMr6. N. F. dressmaker....456 Chromatype Co. The, photo engravers_613 Clacher W. B. printing presses__.637 Clark...(1,329 × 1,979 (73.03 MB)) - 05:29, 19 October 2023
- File:Guide theorique et pratique du photographe (IA guidetheoriqueet00sell).pdf (matches file content)préparation a pour base difïére nts titres qui seront désignés sous les chromatype, de polype, de et sels noms d'ampbhvpe t cyanotype, etc Mais, avouons-le...(552 × 908 (31.63 MB)) - 12:57, 19 October 2020
- File:On the connexion of the physical sciences (IA onconnexionofphy00somerich).pdf (matches file content)Discoveries Davy's Photographic Pictures The Calotype, the Daguerreotype, theChromatype, the Cyanotype Sir John HerschePs Discoveries in the Photographic or Chemical...(585 × 958 (44.7 MB)) - 20:08, 5 January 2025