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- The ferrotype, and how to make it. ( ) Author Estabrooke, Edward M., author Title The ferrotype, and how to make it. Description Tintypes mounted on...(691 × 1,106 (16.07 MB)) - 05:41, 14 October 2020
- The ferrotype, and how to make it ( ) Author Estabrooke, Edward M., author E. & H.T. Anthony (Firm), issuing body Title The ferrotype, and how to make...(731 × 1,114 (13.49 MB)) - 05:41, 14 October 2020
- The ferrotype and how to make it ( ) Author Estabrooke, Edward M Title The ferrotype and how to make it Publisher New York : E. & H.T. Anthony Description...(629 × 1,027 (9.76 MB)) - 04:22, 12 January 2025
- art of ferrotyping ( ) Author An active ferrotyper Title The Ferrotyper's guide : a complete manual of instruction in the art of ferrotyping Publisher...(618 × 939 (7.32 MB)) - 22:38, 10 May 2024
- BY-SA 4.0 Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 truetrue English Ferrotype photo of Tõnu Tunnel...(1,511 × 2,000 (195 KB)) - 10:48, 27 June 2022
- and practical treatise of the development in the gelatine, collodion, ferrotype and silver bromide paper processes ( ) Author Duchochois, P. C. (Peter...(741 × 1,158 (10.8 MB)) - 08:12, 9 February 2023
- — 1 item — 137 x 97 mm SCOPE AND CONTENT: Copie réalisée d'après un ferrotype REFERENCE NUMBERS: ACCESSION: 1984-296 REPRODUCTION: PA-139073 (copy negative...(443 × 640 (52 KB)) - 18:51, 9 June 2016
- File:Scovill Manufacturing Co., manufacturers, importers & dealers in all articles pertaining to photography - warerooms, 423 Broome St., New York (IA scovillmanufactu00scov).pdf (matches file content)Ton and Ferrotype Envelopes 13 Caterson's Ferrotype Holders 14 Caterson's Ferrotype Cases 14 Diagram of Sizes of Openings of Ferrotype Mats, Envelopes...(856 × 1,372 (16.48 MB)) - 15:23, 26 December 2024
- File:Getty Research Institute (IA laphotocopieoupr00fisc).pdf (matches file content)publiant et à la monde. 1883. À. Fisch. LA PHOTOCOPIE i. PROCÉDÉ FERROTYPE POSITIF donnant directement des traits bleu foncé sur fond blanc, de...(675 × 1,089 (4.96 MB)) - 07:09, 28 October 2024
- File:The Lincoln centennial - the Robert Hewitt collection of medallic Lincolniana (IA lincolncentennia00olco).pdf (matches file content)interesting- group of campaign "ferrotypes," bearing on one side the head of L<incoln, and on the other that of Hamlin. The ferrotype was an improvement of the...(731 × 1,008 (1.65 MB)) - 05:53, 29 December 2022
- File:Items of interest (IA (matches file content)prints on the ferrotype the enamel surface should be polished with ferrotype polish. Ferrotype polish is a It is put on the ferrotype, allowed to dry...(872 × 1,293 (3.57 MB)) - 18:56, 18 February 2023
- File:The Velox book - the working of a simple paper told in simple terms (IA veloxbookworking00taco).pdf (matches file content)roller, and used to place a print in contact with the ferrotype plate. Squeegee Tins (See ferrotype plates.) 12 Soft Term applied to print or negative;...(464 × 879 (1.8 MB)) - 01:17, 1 March 2023
- File:A practical hand-book of modern photography - for the use of amateurs (IA practicalhandboo00trev 0).pdf (matches file content)Fix Ferrotypes in plates, one to twenty alum and hypo. bath. developed are as follows Develop same as a negative with a good ferrotype developer...(581 × 885 (3 MB)) - 06:14, 30 June 2023
- File:Price-list of photographic materials for sale by Richard H. Moran (IA pricelistofphoto00rich).pdf (matches file content)Peerless Etceteras 62 Varnish Pot and Filterer Focussing Glass 10 54 Ferrotype Outfits 38, 39 Photo. Printing & Retouching Filtering Cottons, etc 55...(781 × 1,129 (6.66 MB)) - 06:04, 25 February 2022
- File:DeBeaumont, photographes, Musée national des Beaux-Arts du Québec (15 photos anciennes).pdf (matches file content)Couillard de Portrait de femme vers 1875 9,5 x 5,5 cm (huitième de plaque) Ferrotype et rehauts de couleur Don de la collection Yves Beauregard Collection...(1,275 × 1,650 (1.53 MB)) - 03:43, 10 July 2024
- File:Two Mandan chiefs (IA twomandanchiefs00mattrich).pdf (matches file content)Upper Missouri, going as far as the mouth of the Yellow-stone, I had a ferrotype of my friend Rushing Eagle made, the pose of the head approximating as...(860 × 1,450 (909 KB)) - 15:37, 26 November 2020
- File:The Photo-miniature - a monthly magazine of photographic information (IA photominiaturemo1516unse).pdf (matches file content)Daguerreotype, ferrotype; by chemical processes of “reversing” (q. v.); or by causing the negative image to appear positive as in the ferrotype process (q...(747 × 1,150 (22.4 MB)) - 18:50, 9 February 2023
- File:Price-list of photographic card stock, A. M. Collins Manufacturing Company (IA pricelistofphoto00unse).pdf (matches file content)Ferrotype Envelopes 11 Caterson Ferrotype Cases 12 11 12 Caterson Ferrotype Holders Fitzgibbon’s Adhesive Ferrotype 13 Mounts 13 Plain Beveled...(827 × 1,320 (3.42 MB)) - 06:04, 25 February 2022
- File:A case of anchylosis of the hip joint of fourteen years duration - successful operation for the formation of false joint (IA (matches file content)the spring of 1871, when I first saw it. This cut was engraved from a ferrotype taken but a few days before the operation. Bony Anchylosis of 4 Upon...(789 × 1,252 (410 KB)) - 07:52, 28 June 2023
- File:La ferrotypie - obtention directe des positifs à la chambre noire (IA laferrotypieobte00drou).pdf (matches file content)une épreuve positive obtenue directement à la chambre. De là au procédé ferrotype, il n’y avait qu’un pas : remplacer le verre fragile par une substance...(662 × 1,031 (1.62 MB)) - 21:11, 19 October 2022
- File:A treatise on photogravure in intaglio by the Talbot-Klic process (IA treatiseonphotog00deni).pdf (matches file content)squeegee the tissue after sensitising more troublesome, but on to glass or ferrotype it to remain there surface is by and allow plates, The until...(529 × 860 (4.25 MB)) - 00:38, 1 July 2023
- File:Photogravure (IA photogravure00wilk).pdf (matches file content)tissue is by film in contact with surface, such as glass, ebonite, or ferrotype plate. viz., quicker This answers a double purpose, the film of bichromated...(660 × 1,052 (2.39 MB)) - 10:43, 26 August 2024
- File:A treatise on photogravure in intaglio by the Talbot-Klic process (IA b24886981).pdf (matches file content)troublesome, but on to glass or ferrotype Glars and ferrotyp 3 slipped require no talc, when otherwise the Ferrotype dry. previous preparation...(1,202 × 1,954 (7.11 MB)) - 00:38, 1 July 2023
- File:The Billboard 1911-09-16- Vol 23 Iss 37 (IA sim billboard 1911-09-16 23 37).pdf (matches file content)“ SPECIAL PBICES OM STTPPLIES. .75c per 160 United Ferrotype Plates . .75c ,50c “ United Ferrotype Plates fseeondsi.. . .50c i.5c. »)c. 2.V Mounts . ...(1,487 × 2,025 (25.08 MB)) - 17:40, 7 April 2022
- File:Print finishing (IA printfinishing00mort).pdf (matches file content)Chapter Two—Drying. Drying procedure. A useful print dryer. Drying and ferrotyping glossy prints. Chapter Three—Flattening the Print. Two methods for...(1,485 × 2,329 (8.85 MB)) - 09:35, 30 July 2022
- DescriptionFerrotype.jpg English: Ferrotipo, tintype or ferrotype. Date made circa 1870 Source From, by DavidHoag. Author This file is lacking...(400 × 635 (60 KB)) - 22:28, 8 January 2025
- File:Buchanan's complete illustrated catalogue - photographic supplies (IA gri 33125013853631).pdf (matches file content)A, Ferrotype, 78 .... .... 151, 207, 208 Chaiis, Posing, Collodions, . 46 45 49 47, 49 34, 35, 37, 39 47 48 27 to 34 46 75, 78 Ferrotype, "...(1,037 × 1,520 (24.39 MB)) - 00:28, 29 December 2023
- File:The Photographic times (IA photographictime4021unse).pdf (matches file content)lungen, Vol. 44, No. 17, 1907. Repairing Broken Papier Mache Trays. Ferrotype Collodion. Tintype operators who use a great deal of sensitized collodion...(1,262 × 1,889 (2.14 MB)) - 23:06, 11 May 2023
- File:Directions for using Eastman's solio (microform) (IA cihm 45798).pdf (matches file content)I GLACE MOUNTING. FINISH. SPOTTING. GLACE FINISH. Clean the ferrotype plate with warm water each used. Polish with a soft cloth until plate...(1,187 × 1,435 (381 KB)) - 23:07, 4 March 2021
- File:The Billboard 1912-05-18- Vol 24 Iss 20 (IA sim billboard 1912-05-18 24 20).pdf (matches file content)either office. Write Unlgy for FKF'F' BDDKLCT. THE CHICAGO FERROTYPE CO. HI20 Ferrotype Bldg., Chicago, III., or Dept. H “WAY DOWN SOUTH 120, Public...(1,481 × 2,066 (20.77 MB)) - 06:50, 29 July 2022
- File:The Billboard 1912-07-06- Vol 24 Iss 27 (IA sim billboard 1912-07-06 24 27).pdf (matches file content)ter gio*s Perfect quality guaranteed. Address your order to CHICAGO FERROTYPE CO.. PLATE DEPT. Ferr<)>e lllilg., Chicago, 111. $48 per 100, up...(1,481 × 2,054 (13.58 MB)) - 17:32, 7 April 2022
- File:Traite encyclopedique de photographie (IA traiteencycloped03fabr).pdf (matches file content)noir de là le nom de ferrotypes ou mélanotypes que l'on a d'abord donné aux images obtenues par ce procédé. , : — 525. Ferrotypes. Les plaques de fer...(993 × 1,400 (33.07 MB)) - 18:30, 8 October 2024
- File:Photo development - prints and portraits (IA gri 33125010901631).pdf (matches file content)cannot stand such treatment. Ferrotyping. Glossy prints are given a very high polish by the use of squeegee or ferrotype plates. - dry the prints and...(1,154 × 1,500 (9.51 MB)) - 23:49, 2 May 2024
- File:Telephones, their construction and fitting; a practical treatise on the fitting-up and maintenance of telephones and the auxiliary apparatus (IA cu31924031272911).pdf (matches file content)case of the shape is shown, and has opposite its lower end the thin ferrotype iron diaphragm c, the diaphragm being held in its position by the lid...(635 × 995 (6.25 MB)) - 21:44, 20 December 2022
- File:How to make good prints;a description of the popular contact processes. (IA howtomakegoodpri00mill).pdf (matches file content)cannot stand such treatment. Ferrotyping.— Glossy prints are given a very high polish by the use of squeegee or ferrotype plates. It is essential to dry...(877 × 1,287 (1.73 MB)) - 00:11, 3 May 2024
- File:The World almanac and encyclopedia (IA worldalmanacency1918newy).pdf (matches file content)can J" Chlcafiro Ferrotyne Co. ^^ begin taking pictures the moDesk 350, Ferrotype Bids;. ment it arrives. We guaa-antee CbicagOy Illinois that even a child...(952 × 1,291 (107 MB)) - 17:17, 21 May 2024
- File:The Catlin collection of Indian paintings (IA b24850056).pdf (matches file content)I had a ferrotype of my friend Rushing Eagle made, the pose of the head approximating as father. I Four Bears. I have carried this ferrotype afound with...(977 × 1,622 (2.76 MB)) - 22:38, 30 July 2022
- File:The Photographic times (IA photographictime3841unse).pdf (matches file content)endeavoring to get them as exactly identical as possible. A piece of ferrotype plate, or other thin metal blacked, must now be cut to the same shape...(1,266 × 1,889 (5.72 MB)) - 22:52, 11 May 2023
- File:Cine-Mundial (Jan-Dec 1918) (IA cinemundial03unse).pdf (matches file content):. . .220, 282, 347, Film Corp '.101, K Keeney, Frank A Keystone Ferrotype Co. King-Bee Film Co Klippert, Gustave 106 .48, 157, 283, 425, 668, 820...(1,291 × 1,741 (125.57 MB)) - 21:35, 16 March 2024
- File:Board of Trade Journal. London. 1919-07-31- Vol 103 Supplement (IA sim great-britain-board-of-trade-board-of-trade-journal 1919-07-31 103 supplement).pdf (matches file content)•Micrometers. •Camera shutters. Milk. •Cinematograph cameras. •Milling cutters. •Ferrotype plates. •Mitre blocks and scrapers for •Positive papers. metaL Piassava...(1,141 × 1,885 (760 KB)) - 02:14, 2 December 2023
- DescriptionBilly the Kid Ferrotype.jpg English: Scan of original Billy the Kid ferrotype kept by Lincoln County, New Mexico museum and sold at auction...(275 × 388 (45 KB)) - 23:21, 24 July 2024
- File:The Photographic times (IA photographictime3881unse).pdf (matches file content)demand for downwards on glass or ferrotype plates. albums and mounts provided with the The objection to the ferrotype support slip-in rebates, which...(1,235 × 1,852 (5.01 MB)) - 23:00, 11 May 2023
- File:The Billboard 1911-08-19- Vol 23 Iss 33 (IA sim billboard 1911-08-19 23 33).pdf (matches file content)Wonderful Ferrotype Maeblne .$ 8.On Telo-i'amera 8rop<-, Uteat model Aiitomatlr Bultou Maeblne.. 10.(Nt No. 7 Impntved Wonderful Ferrotype Maeblne, takes...(1,487 × 2,062 (14.1 MB)) - 07:30, 29 July 2022
- File:Huson on photo-acquatint & photogravure - a practical treatise with illustrations and a photo-acquatint plate (IA gri 33125013853342).pdf (matches file content)minutes, then remove downwards on a clean sheet of for face Eemove ferrotype plate. it Allow brush. camel-hair soft the surplus solution from...(818 × 1,150 (4.95 MB)) - 00:42, 21 December 2024
- DescriptionBell-Everett Ferrotype Pendants, ca. 1860 (4360033076).jpg Collection: Cornell University Collection of Political Americana, Cornell University...(1,533 × 1,210 (407 KB)) - 02:25, 7 August 2024
- File:The Billboard 1911-07-01- Vol 23 Iss 26 (IA sim billboard 1911-07-01 23 26).pdf (matches file content)Srd Are., New York. N. Y. For our improved latest Model No. 6 Wonderful Ferrotype Marbine, wbirh takes five «t.vles of Pbotos from a button alae up to a...(1,472 × 2,029 (14.29 MB)) - 17:47, 7 April 2022
- File:The life of Thomas Bailey Aldrich (IA lifeofthomasbail01gree).pdf (matches file content)H. Boughton ALDRICH IN From a 1866 78 ferrotype WILLIAM DEAN HOWELLS IN From a 84 82 1866 ferrotype PINCKNEY STREET ALDRICH IN 88 1868 MARK...(835 × 1,264 (13.87 MB)) - 04:40, 20 August 2020
- DescriptionFerrotype of a group on a beach with three babies (3589578486).jpg Ferrotype of a group on a beach with three babies. Photographer Unknown; Ferrotype...(1,732 × 2,000 (315 KB)) - 16:27, 7 May 2024
- File:The Photographic news - a weekly record of the progress of photography (IA photographicnews31unse).pdf (matches file content)Variation of photographic, A phase F in the field, 00 Ferrotypes, 809 Ferrotypes, Wbiteningwitb mercury, 238 Film negatives, 618 Rational, 86...(1,097 × 1,556 (85.3 MB)) - 16:13, 9 February 2023
- File:The International annual of Anthony's photographic bulletin (IA internationalann7189unse).pdf (matches file content)connection guaranteeing prompt service. FOR THE BEGINNER. No. 5. The Ferrotype a*t<l How to Make it. By E. M. Estabrooke. Cloth bound, 176 pp., 12mo...(808 × 1,272 (31.11 MB)) - 14:18, 14 December 2022