Հայոց Ցեղասպանութիւն

- (en) Armenian Genocide
- (da) Det armenske folkedrab
- (de) Völkermord an den Armeniern
- (es) Genocidio armenio
- (fr) Génocide arménien
- (hy) Հայոց ցեղասպանություն
- (ru) Геноцид армян
- (tr) Ermeni Kırımı
Corpses of Armenian children.
Armenian corpses in Diyarbakir.
Armenians ordered by the authorities to gather in the main square of the city to be deported. The crowd was eventually massacred.
Soldiers holding the skulls of victims of the Armenian Genocide.
Armenian refugees in Van crowding around a public oven in 1915.
Decapitated heads of Armenians placed on stakes.
Russian Soldiers posing with the dead Armenians killed by Russian border guards in 1904.
Armenian doctors hanged in Aleppo Square, 1916.
A relic of the massacres at Erzinjan.
Published in Ambassador Morgenthau's Story by Henry Morgenthau, Sr.
Tortured Armenian woman next to child, as reported by the Iskri Newspaper of Russia.
An Armenian mother beside the corpses of her five children.
Armenian monastery in Bitlis with severed heads and corpses in the foreground.
Armenians massacred in Aleppo after the 1918 Armistice laid out in front of the Armenian Relief Hospital.
Armenians being hanged by German and Turkish guards.
Armenian refugee children near Athens, 1923, after the w:population exchange between Greece and Turkey.
Refugee camp in Syria.
Port Said, Egypt.
Armenian refugees in Hauran, Syria eating a carcass of a horse.
5,000 children from Kharpert on donkeys or marching on foot.
Armenian refugees at the American Relief eye hospital.
An Armenian refugee woman and her son.
Food relief.
Transport to Greece.
Children taken in by Near East Relief.
Transport to Greece.
Armenian refugees in Alexandropol, present-day Gyumri.
Armenian refugee children in Aleppo.
Refugees in Port Said, 1915.
Refugees in Syria, 1915.
Refugees in Syria, 1915.
Refugees in Syria, 1915.
Refugees in Syria, 1915.
Refugees in Syria, 1915.
Refugee children in Marathon (Greece), 1915 or 1916.
ACRNE in Bitlis, 1916 or 1917.
Armenian orphans in Merzifon, 1918.
Armenian genocide survivors discovered in Salt and sent to Jerusalem in April 1918.
Deportations of Armenians.
Deportations of Armenians in Mamuret Al-Aziz province.
Transport of Armenians.
Armenians are marched to a nearby prison in Mezireh by armed Turkish soldiers, 1915.
Bound for Greece, 1915.
Bivouacking tents in Aleppo
Refugee Camps
Port Said
1893, Armenian population
1914, Armenian population
1915, Armenian Genocide.
Countries officially recognized the Genocide. (png)
Countries officially recognized the Genocide. (svg)
Instruction of the Ministery of the Interior for Armenian notables deportation
aka "The Blue Book" by Viscount Grey of Falloden & Viscount Bryce
The Memoirs of Naim Bey published by Aram Andonian.
Article published first in the newspaper, New York Times on December 15, 1915.
New York Times article headline, February 23, 1915.
Adolf Hitler's Armenian quote, August 22, 1939.
Report on the Situation of the Armenian People in Turkey, 1916, (German), published by Johannes Lepsius
«They Shall Not Perish» : American Committee for Relief in the Near East, Douglas Volk, 1918.
Wolfgang Gust (German historian) signing his book about the Armenian Genocide, in Mülheim, Germany, 2006.
[edit]Political cartoons
Political cartoon portraying Sultan Hamid as a butcher for his harsh actions against the Ottoman Armenians during the prior Hamidian Massacres
"John Bull hated to drop his bundle..." Political cartoon about "England's commercial interests in the Orient". The woman represents Armenia. [1895 ?]
Informative plaque at Rosario, Argentina.
The Armenian Genocide museum in Der Zor, Syria.
En 2010 se erigió en Mislata (Valencia) el primer monumento en España conmemorativo del genocidio armenio. La escultura, de tres metros de altura, se encuentra en los jardines del huerto de Sendra, en pleno casco antiguo. La estatua es obra del escultor Dzhivan Mzrzoyan.
Mislata, Valencia (España)
Le monument au génocide arménien érigé en 2004 à Arnouville, Val-d'Oise (95), France, rue Jean-Jaurès.
Inscription au pied de la stèle : « Monument à la mémoire des 1.500.000 Arméniens victimes du génocide perpétré par le gouvernement Turc en 1915 », Arnouville (France).
Plaque commémorative de la cérémonie d'inauguration du monument, avec les noms des personnalités présentes. (Arnouville, France)
Memorial in Berlin-Mitte