العربية: الأردن هي مملكة في الشرق الأوسط.
English: Jordan is a country in the Middle East.
Français : La Jordanie est un pays du Moyen-Orient.
Esperanto: Jordanio estas lando en Azio.
Deutsch: Jordanien ist ein Land im Nahen Osten.
עברית: ירדן היא מדינה באסיה.
日本語: 通称ヨルダン(ヨルダン・ハシミテ王国)は、中東・西アジアに位置する立憲君主制国家。
한국어: 요르단은 중동에 위치한 왕국입니다.
Bahasa Melayu: Jordan merupakan sebuah negara di Timur Tengah.
Norsk bokmål: Jordan er et land i Midt-Østen.
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أزياء تقليدية
[edit]اضغط هنا لمزيد من الصور للأزياء التقليدية الأردنية
[edit]English: Insignia
علم الأردن
Flag of Jordan -
شعار الأردن
Coat of arms of Jordan
[edit]English: People
Esperanto: Homoj
الملك عبدالله الأول
King Abdullah I of Jordan -
الملك طلال الأول
King Talal I of Jordan -
الملك الحسين الأول
King Hussein I of Jordan -
الملك عبدالله الثاني
King Abdullah II of Jordan -
Musicians in Petra
خرائط و ديموغرافية
[edit]English: Maps, demography
Esperanto: Mapoj, demografio
موقع الأردن
Location of Jordan -
خارطة الأردن
Map of Jordan from CIA World Factbook -
نسمة الأردن
Demography of Jordan -
صورة للأردن من القمر الصناعي
Satellite image of Jordan in November 2003 -
التقسيم الإداري في الأردن
[edit]English: Telecommunications
Orange Telecommunications company in Jordan شركة أورانج للإتصالات في الأردن
Orange Telecommunications company in Jordan شركة أورانج للإتصالات في الأردن
[edit]English: Locations
[edit]English: Ajlun
قلعة عجلون
Ajlun Castle -
الدرج الداخلي
Interior steps -
منظر قلعة عجلون
view towards Ajlun Castle -
[edit]English: Amman
Esperanto: Amano
Abu Darweesh Mosque مسجد أبو درويش
King Abdullah I Mosque at night مسجد الملك عبدالله الاول ليلاً
Roman theater of Amman المدرج الروماني في عمان
Houses in Amman
Amman, City centre
Temple of Hercules, Amman
[edit]English: Jerash
Roman columns adorn the Collonade Street
The gateway to the Temple of Dionysus
The Nymphaeum
Temple of Artemis
Corinthian Column
South Tetrapylon
The Nymphaeum
Hadrian's arch
The Oval Forum
The North gate
Temple of Zeus
South Theatre
نهر الأردن
[edit]English: Jordan River
Esperanto: Jordano
Jordan River entrance marker
Jordan River
The Baptism Site
John the Baptist Church
Mural of Elijah's fiery ascent into heaven (inside John the Baptist Church)
Mural of the birth of Christ (inside John the Baptist Church)
Mural of Jesus approaching John for baptism (inside John the Baptist Church)
Mural of Jesus' baptism by the hand of John (inside John the Baptist Church)
[edit]English: Madaba
A 6th century mosaic map of Jerusalem
Interior of the church in which the mosaic can be found
the mosaic as situated in the church
Hippolytus Hall
Detail of the Hippolytus mosaic
جبل نبو
[edit]English: Mount Nebo
Esperanto: La monto Nebo'
Stone marking the entrance to the Memorial of Moses
The Basilica of Moses
A view of the Dead Sea from Mt. Nebo
Distances to various Holy Land sites
The Christological Symbol/Brazen Serpent Sculpture
detail of the Brazen Serpent statue
mosaic at the Basilica of Moses
Views from Mount Nebo
View from Mount Nebo
View from Mount Nebo
[edit]English: Pella
Contour plan of the site of Pella in Jordan.
A panoramic view of the site of Pella in Jordan from the top of the neighbouring hill of Tell Husn.
Jordanian workers pause from their work in a trench located on top of Tell Husn.
A view of the eastern portion of the main tell at Pella with the Jordan Valley in the background.
A view of Pella's Migdol Temple taken from the neighbouring hill of Tell Husn.
The largest Middle Bronze Age temple yet uncovered in the region.
A view of the 'Holy of Holies' area of the Migdol Temple.
View of the 'Holy of Holies' region in Pella's Migdol Temple.
Archaeological excavation continues within the Migdol Temple precinct in January 2007.
A view of the Roman and Byzantine centre of Pella.
A view inside one of the Byzantine Period basilicas uncovered at Pella.
The 2007 Australian excavation team at Pella in Jordan.
[edit]English: Petra
Petra Siq
The first glimpse of Petra's Treasury upon exiting the Siq
The Treasury (al-Khazneh)
Khazneh in Petra
Treasury anti-chamber
One of the tombs that line Petra's Street of Façades
The Roman Theater
The Tombs of Kings
The ruins of the gate along Petra's Roman Road
The Monastary (al-Deir)
A framed view of Petra's Monastary (al-Deir) from a nearby cave
Ad Deir close-up
Petra tombs
The Uneishu Tomb
The Urn Tomb
The Great Temple
The Qasr al-Bint
The Garden Temple
The Byzantine Church of Petra
Goats in Petra
Camels in Petra
Cliffs near Petra
View over Wadi Arabah
Wadi Musa
[edit]English: Wadi Musa and Wadi Arabah
View over Wadi Arabah
View over Wadi Arabah (Dead Sea basin)
Wadi Musa
Arava valley
[edit]English: Shobak
Cruisaders Castle - Kreuzritterburg Shobak
Ruine der Burg Shobak (Montreal) südöstlich des Toten Meeres in Jordanien, gesehen bei der Anfahrt von Süden
Ruins of the castle
Karak Castle
Karak Castle
Karak Castle
Karak Castle
Karak Castle
وادي رم
[edit]English: Wadi Rum
The Wadi Rum Visitor Center
Dry desert
Rock formations in the desert
Jebel Khazali cliffs
Valleys and rock formations
Khor al Ajram, Vegetation
A view from the top of Mount Rum
Jabal Umm Fruth Rock Bridge
A sandstone formation carved by the elements
A Wadi Rum monument is illuminated by a fresh sunrise
quarters of Lawrence of Arabia during the Arab uprising against the Turks
A sandstone monument in Wadi Rum
A plant which thrives in Jordan's southern deserts
The Seven Pillars of Wisdom
People in the Wadi Rum
Mushroom in Wadi Rum
Camel in the desert
Huge hummock
Cliffs in the desert
Camels in the desert
Old railway track, Hejaz railway
[edit]English: Mahis
قلة المشناقى
[edit]English: Machaerus
A overview of Machaerus, fortress of Herod the Great
[edit]English: Miscellaneous
Woman in Quseir Amra
Mshatta facade (Pergamon Museum, Berlin)
The conference room in King Abdullah University Hospital which is the hospital of Jordan University of Science and Technology
The Dead Sea seen from Jordan
Al Mujib Dam
Moabite sarcophagus in Jordan Archaeological Museum
[edit]English: Miscellaneous
شعار التخرج
أنظر أيضا
[edit]English: See Also
Esperanto: Vidu ankaŭ