Alfons Mucha
Alfons Mucha (1860-1939), Czech painter and decorative artist. Mucha was perhaps the most defining artist of the Art Nouveau style.
Autoportrét 1897
Foto 1906
at work
Memorial plaque
[modifica]Galleria principale: Paintings by Alfons Mucha.
Sarah Bernhardt
Gismonda, 1894
La Dame aux Camélias, 1896
Lorenzaccio, 1896
La Samaritaine, 1897
La Plume (magazine), 1897
Médée, 1898
Hamlet, 1899
La Tosca, 1899
posters, panels and other works
Biscuits Champagne-Lefèvre-Utile, 1896
Biscuits Lefèvre-Utile, 1896
Salammbô, 1896
Savonnerie de Bagnolet, 1897
Bières de la Meuse, 1897
F. Champenois Imprimeur-Editeur, 1897
Monaco Monte Carlo, 1897
Le Fruit, c. 1897
Bénédictine, 1898
Moët & Chandon Crémant Impérial, 1899
Cycles Perfecta, 1902
Maude Adamsas Joan of Arc, 1909
Princezna Hyacinta, 1911
Pěvecké sdružení učitelů moravských, 1911
- Seasons
Spring, 1896
Summer, 1896
Autumn, 1896
Winter, 1896
Four Seasons, c. 1897
spring, 1897
summer, 1897
autumn, 1897
winter, 1897
spring, 1900
Summer, 1900
- Flowers
Carnation, 1898
Carnation, 1898
Lily, 1898
Rose, 1898
Rose, 1898
- Moon and Stars
Moon and Stars, 1902
- Times
The Times of the Day, 1899
The Times of the Day, 1899
- The arts
Dance, 1898
Dance, 1898
Poetry, 1898
Music, 1898
Painting, 1898
The Slav Epic
[modifica]The Slav Epic (in Czech: Slovanská epopej) is cycle of 20 large canvases painted between 1910 and 1928 depicting the history of Czechs and other Slavic peoples.
Slované v pravlasti (Slavs in their Original Homeland), 1912
Slavnost Svantovítova (The Celebration of Svantovit), 1912
Zavedení slovanské liturgie na Velké Moravě (The Introduction of the Slavonic Liturgy), (1912)
Bulharský car Simeon (The Bulgarian Tsar Simeon), (1923)
Český král Přemysl Otakar II. (The Bohemian King Přemysl Otakar II.), 1924
Korunovace srbského cara Štěpána Dušana východořímským císařem (The Coronation of the Serbian Tsar Stefan Dušan as East Roman Emperor), 1926
Milíč z Kromeříže (Jan Milíč of Kroměříž), 1916
Po bitvě u Grunwaldu (After the Battle of Grunwald), 1924
Po bitvě na Vítkově (After the Battle of Vítkov Hill), 1916
Mont Athos Svatá hora (Holy Mount Athos), 1926