Ancient Agora Museum (Athens)
English: Ancient Agora of Athens.
Deutsch: Agora (Athen).
Español: Ágora de Atenas.
Français : Agora d'Athènes.
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Fragments / Frammenti.
Fragments / Frammenti.
Frammento / Fragment.
Frammento / Fragment.
Grave stele /Stele funeraria.
Fragment / Frammento.
Grave stele /Stele funeraria.
Inscribed base / Base con iscrizione.
Inscribed base / Base con iscrizione.
Valeria Fortunata's stele.
Valeria Fortunata's stele.
Valeria Fortunata's stele.
Valeria Fortunata's stele.
Il portico e le statue / The Stoa and the statues.
Apollo Patroos
[edit]Capitelli ionici / Ionic capitals
[edit]Odissea e Iliade / Iliad and Odyssey
Allegoria dell'Odissea / Allegory of the Odyssey.
Base dell'Allegoria dell'Iliade / Base for the Allegory of the Iliad.
Base dell'Allegoria dell'Iliade / Base for the Allegory of the Iliad.
Allegoria dell'Iliade / Allegory of the Iliad.
Dea / Goddess
[edit]Erme / Hermai
[edit]Matrona romana / Roman woman
[edit]Testa di tritone / Head of a triton
[edit]Base di un tripode / Base for a tripod
[edit]Rilievi greci / Greek reliefs
Pan e le ninfe / Pan and the nymphs.
Trofeo ippico / Cavalry relief.
Head of Nike / Testa di Nike.
Head of Nike / Testa di Nike.
Head of Nike / Testa di Nike.
Head of Nike / Testa di Nike.
Head of Nike / Testa di Nike.
Head of Nike / Testa di Nike.
Varie statue / Miscellaneous statues
Frammenti da un fregio / Fragments from a frieze.
Magistrato (sec. V) / 5th century magistrate.
Inscriptions / Iscrizioni
363 BC law / Legge del 363 a.C.
363 BC law / Legge del 363 a.C.
363 BC law / Legge del 363 a.C.
367 BC contract / Contratto del 367 a.C.
367 BC contract / Contratto del 367 a.C.
Busto di Antonino Pio / Bust of Antoninus Pius
[edit]Togato romano / Man wearing a toga
Rinfresca-vino / Wine cooler.
Rinfresca-vino / Wine cooler.
Modellino di granaio / Model of a barn.
Perfume bottle in shape of an athlete/Flacon à parfum en forme d'athlète.
Atleta / Athlete.
Klepsydra / Orologio ad acqua.
Maschera / Mask.
Maschera / Mask.
Terrecotte / Terracottas.
Lucerne / Oil lamps.
Lucerne / Oil lamps.
Lucerne / Oil lamps.
Stampi / Moulds.
Stampo / Mould.
Controstampo / Cast.
Grotesque lagynos.
Grotesque lagynos.
Sokrates Anagyrasios (443 a.C. / BC).
Ippocrate 1 & 2 / Hippokrates 1 & 2 (490s a.C. / BC).
Santippo / Xanthippos (484 aC / BC).
Ippocrate / Hippokrates (490s a.C. / BC).
Santippo / Xanthippos (484 aC / BC).
Alcibiades - Alkibiades (460 a.C. / BC).
Callisseno / Callixenus (483 a.C. / BC).
Callisseno / Callixenus (483 a.C. / BC).
Boutalion (490s a.C. / BC).
Iperbolo Hyperbolus (417 a.C. / BC).
Filino / Philinos (417 a.C. / BC).
Kydrokles (490s a.C. / BC).
Pottery from the Desmotherion area / Ceramiche dall'area del Desmotherion.
[edit]Periodo ellenistico / West Slope Style
Ceramica ellenistica / Hellenistic pottery
Lucerna / Oil lamp.
Scudo spartano / Spartan shield (425 BC / a.C.)
[edit]Pesi in bronzo / Bronze weights
[edit]Monete / Coins
[edit]Utensili da cucina / Kitchenware
Cooking cover.
Cooking hearth.
Cooking tripod.
Pot and brazier.
Casserole and brazier.
Shallow brazier.
Shallow brazier and lid.
Satiro in avorio / Ivory satyr.
Busti / Busts.
Busto / Bust.
Busto / Bust.
Busto / Bust.
Statuette of Heracles
Oggetti tardoromani (secc. III/V) / Late Roman objects (3rd/5th century
Vetreria / Glass objects.
Glass Roman plate / Piatto romano in vetro.
Bone plaque / Placchetta in osso.
Piatto / Dish.
Piatto fondo / Bowl.
Piatto / Dish.
Piatti / Dishes.
Scaldavivande / Chafing dish.
Scaldavivande / Chafing dish.
Piatto / Dish.
Piatto / Dish.
Piatto fondo / Bowl.
Scaldavivande / Chafing dish.