Bárður Jákupsson
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Bárður Jákupsson, Faroese painter (* 1943 Tórshavn, Faroe Islands), son of the writer Heðin Brú
Graphical art on stamps
[edit]As Art Director of Postverk Føroya, Jákupsson designed 91 stamps for his country - more than any other Faroese. Further stamp issues (presenting paintings by other artists) were laid-out by him, but the stamps below are his own works.
Føroya Landsbókasavn 1828-1978 - Old National library in Tórshavn
Føroya Landsbókasavn 1828-1978 - New National library in Tórshavn
Sævar Gøtubrá (Plantago maritima) - Sea Plantain
Snjósólja (Ranunculus glacialis) - Glacier Buttercup
Vetrarblómi (Saxifraga oppositifolia) - Purple Saxifrage
Stjørnu Steinbrot (Saxifraga stellaris) - Starry Saxifrage
Føroya Skøra (Alchimella faeroensis) - Faroese Lady Mantle
Pætur's Departure
Elinborg waiting for Pætur
Elinborg and Pætur Meet Again
Bound for Home
FR 080: Brosma (Brosme brosme) - Tusk - Lumb - Brosme
FR 081: Hýla (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) - Haddock - Schellfisch - Kuller
FR 082: Kalvi (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) - Halibut - Heilbutt - Helleflynder
FR 083: Steinbítur (Anarhichas lupus) - Catfish - Katfisch - Havkat
FR 118: Map over lighthouses in the Faroes.
FR 124: Faroese ballad Skrímsla - The farmer in the wood.
FR 125: The farmer meets Skrímsla.
FR 126: The game.
FR 127: The farmer and the castle.
FR 128: Sea pollution - Dumping of toxic waste.
FR 129: Consequences for the marine fauna.
FR 145: S/S Jóannes Patursson, 1947.
FR 146: S/S Magnus Heinason, 1961.
FR 147: S/S Sjúrðaberg, 1971.
FR 156: Summardái (Bellis perennis).
FR 157: Børkubóndi (Dactylorchis maculata).
FR 158: Børkuvísa, Børkumura (Potentilla erecta).
FR 159; Undirløgugras (Pinguicula vulgaris)
FR 160: Satellite communication.
FR 161: Roll on roll off (RORO).
FR 166: "Ein og hvør..." (Advertisement in the newspaper Dimmalætting). People: Djóni í Geil, Enok Bærentsen, H.N. Jacobsen.
FR 167: The outdoor ralleys. People: Rasmus Effersøe, Kristian Ludvig Johannesen, Sámal á Krákusteini.
FR 176: Viking toys - Carved boat, found 1957 in Kvívík.
FR 177: Carved horse, found 1955 in Kirkjubøur.
FR 188: Fish industry - Unloading the fish.
FR 189: Preliminary processing.
FR 190: Processing the fish.
FR 191: Stacking the processed product.
FR 194-196: Merkið 50 Years - The miniature sheet.
FR 194: 50th Day of the Flag.
FR 195: The trawler Nýggjaberg with Merkið during the war.
FR 196: The schooner Sanna was flying the flag the first time to America.
FR 197: Beaked Whale (Mesoplodon bidens).
FR 198: Bowhead Whale (Baleana mysticetus).
FR 199: North Atlantic Right Whale (Eubalaena glacialis).
FR 200: Bottle-Nosed Whale (Hyperoodon ampullatus)
FR 205: Anthropochora - Northern dock (Rumex longifolius).
FR 206: Ribworth plantain (Plantago lanceolata).
FR 207: Black beetle (Amara aulica).
FR 208: Earthworm (Lumbricus terrestris)
FR 209: Satellites.
FR 210: Astral navigation.
FR 211: Tórshavn 125th Anniversary -Bryggjubakki.
FR 212: Townhall.
FR 215: Arctic tern.
FR 216: Kittywake.
FR 221: Old postal vessels - Ruth.
FR 222: Ritan.
FR 223: Sigmundur.
FR 224: Masin.
FR 227: Steinkópur - Grey seal (Phoca vitulina).
FR 228: Láturkópur - Common seal (Halichoerus grypus).
FR 244: Roassafirvaldur (Apamea zeta).
FR 245: Hulda (Hepialus humuli).
FR 246: Admiralur (Vanessa atalanta).
FR 247: Summarfuglur (Perizoma albulata).
FR 256: Man with a sextant.
FR 257: Modern navigation.
FR 258: Brúsajøkils kvæði - Ásbjørn sails for Herjaland.
FR 259: Ásbjørn meets Brúsajøkil.
FR 260: Ormar kills the cat.
FR 261: The fight between Ormar and Brúsajøkil.
FR 270: The new world - the return of Gods.
FR 271: The new world - Lív and Lívtrasir.
FR 272: Listasavn Føroya (Art Museum of the Faroes, where Jákupsson was director).
FR 283: Thallus (Ptilota plumosa).
FR 284: Seaweed - Spiral- or Flat wrack (Fucus spiralis).
FR 285: Egg- or Knotted wrack (Asophyllum nodosum).
FR 286: Cuvie or Forest kelp (Laminaria hyperborea).
FR 340: Smiril I.
FR 341: Smiril II.
FR 342: Smyril III.
FR 343: Smyril IV.