Battle of Saint Gotthard (1664)
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Afrikaans: Die Slag van Szentgotthárd tussen die leër van die Italianer Raimondo Montecuccoli en dié van grootvizier Ahmed Köprülü
Deutsch: Die Schlacht bei Mogersdorf (auch Schlacht bei St. Gotthard genannt) fand an der Raab in der Nähe von Mogersdorf bzw. dem Zisterzienserkloster St. Gotthard zwischen der Habsburger-Monarchie und dem Osmanischen Reich statt.
English: The Battle of Saint Gotthard was fought between an Habsburg army and an Ottoman army near Szentgotthárd and Mogersdorf near the present-day Austro-Hungarian border. It was the decisive confrontation of the Austro-Turkish War (1663–64).
Español: La Batalla de San Gottardo fue librada el 1 de agosto de 1664 entre un ejército Habsburgo liderado por Raimondo Montecuccoli, Jean de Coligny-Saligny, Wolfgang Julius von Hohenlohe, Prince Leopold of Baden y Georg Friedrich of Waldeck, y un ejército otomano bajo el comando de Köprülü Fazıl Ahmed.
Français : La bataille de Saint-Gothard eut lieu près du village de Saint-Gothard. Elle opposa les armées de chrétiennes aux armées ottomanes
Hrvatski: Monošterska bitka odigrala kod Monoštra između Habsburške Monarhije i Osmanskog Carstva
Magyar: A szentgotthárdi csata során a keresztény csapatok csaptak össze az Oszmán Birodalom hadseregével
Italiano: La battaglia di San Gottardo, combattuta fra truppe imperiali appoggiate dai principi tedeschi e da reggimenti scelti francesi, guidate da Raimondo Montecuccoli, contro truppe ottomane guidate dal Gran Vizir Ahmed Köprülü, fu una decisiva vittoria imperiale
Latina: Proelium apud Fanum Sancti Gotthardi anno 1664, 1 Augusti erat punga in qua Raimundus Montecuccoli Ottomanicum vicit
Lëtzebuergesch: An der 'Schluecht vu Szentgotthárd den Uertschafte Nagyfalva (Mogersdorf) (haut an Éisträich) a Szentgotthárd (haut an Ungarn) stounge sech déi Däitsch-Franséisch an déi Tierkesch Arméie ënnert
Македонски: Битката кај Сентготард се одвила на 1 август 1664 година помеѓу Османлиската империја и сојузничките сили на Хабсбуршката монархија, кај градот Сентготард во Унгарија.
Nederlands: Slag bij Szentgotthárd werd geleverd de Habsburg-Osmaanse Oorlog tussen
Polski: Bitwa pod Szentgotthárd podczas wojny austriacko-tureckiej
Svenska: Slaget vid Saint Gotthard ägde rum striden var mellan en allierad, europeisk-Österrikisk Hapsburg-armé mot en turkisk armé
Português: A Batalha de São Gotardo aconteceu um exército Habsburgo e um exército otomano
Русский: Битва при Сентготтхарде — сражение, произошедшее 1 августа 1664 года между войсками Габсбургской монархии, прочих земель Священной Римской империи, Франции и ряда более мелких государств Европы с одной стороны, и Османской империи с другой стороны.
Türkçe: St. Gotthard Savaşı 1 Ağustos 1664' de, Osmanlı Devleti ve Avusturya ile Kutsal Roma Cermen İmparatorluğu orduları arasında meydana gelen ve 10 Ağustos 1664 tarihinde Vasvar Antlaşması ile sonuçlanan savaştır
[edit]The Great Cross
Stonecross of Schösslberg, over Mogersdorf; monument of the Battle of Saint Gotthard (1664)
The cross in May, 2010
The Schlössberg, view in Kétvölgy, Katalin-hill
The White Cross
White Cross of Mogersdorf, Monument of the Battle of Saint Gotthard
The White Cross of Mogersdorf (old photo)
The White cross (May, 2010)
French inscription of the cross
German inscription in the cross
Latin inscription
Hungarian inscription
Dániel József Küzmics, slovene born cistercian monk, prior of Saint Gotthard and priest of Mogersdorf, the parent of the White Cross
The Turkish monument
The monument of the casualty Turks in Mogersdorf
The battlefield
The battlefield in 1898
The battlefield in 2000s
The Backwater of the Raba River (The Dead Raba). Here was killed scores ottoman
The 1000 year oak: only "authentic" wittnes of the battle
Art battle maps
Battlemap 1 - paint a unknown italian painter
Battlemap 3 - paint a unknown italian painter
Battlemap 4 - paint a unknown italian painter
The map of Neuhaus am Klausenbach (Vasdobra) manor
[edit]Paintings and other images
Bavarian oil-painting (1665)
German tidings of the Battle
Austrian charge againts the Ottomans
German copper engraving (1669, Frankfurt am Main)
Painting in the 17th century
German tidings of the Battle
German tidings of the Battle
The Battle of Saint Gotthard - Final attack; paint Matthäus Lorenz Leopold Ultzmayer
J. J. Waldtmann & J. U. Kraus: The Battle of Saint Gotthard (copper engraving)
The map of the final attack - by Merrian german painter
The Battle of Saint Gotthard triumphal arch in Church St. Joseph, into the village of Mogersdorf; paint Joseph Rösch
The Battle of Saint Gotthard mural, in the Church of Szentgotthárd; paint Stephan Dorfmeister
The Tatar's blast to the village Alsószölnök; Battle of Saint Gotthard (1664)
Maas: The Battle of Saint Gotthard
The Battle of Saint Gotthard; French painting
The White Cross in 1898
Karl von Blaas: Montecuccoli after the battle in the battlefield
[edit]Christian commanders
Raimondo Montecuccoli
Raimondo Montecuccoli
Wolfgang Julius von Hohenlohe, commander of Rhine forces
Georg Friedrich zu Waldeck-Eisenberg, commander of german forces
Johann von Sporck, cavalry commander
Prince William of Baden, german commander
Prince William of Baden
Ottoman commanders
Ahmed Köprülü
Ahmed Köprülü
Ismail Pasha, second commander of the Ottoman forces
The Peace of Vasvár