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Category:13th-century literature

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<nowiki>literatura en el Siglo XIII; littérature du XIIIe siècle; Literatur des 13. Jahrhunderts; Século XIII na literatura; književnost 13. stoletja; 13世紀の文学; Văn học thế kỷ 13; Literatura 13. století; Litteratur under 1200-talet; XIII wiek w literaturze; Література XIII століття; XIII əsr ədəbiyyatı; 13e-eeuwse literatuur; Literatúra 13. storočia; Literatura secolului al XIII-lea; 13-ാം നൂറ്റാണ്ട് സാഹിത്യത്തിൽ; 13th century in literature; literaturo je la 13-a jarcento; 13ος αιώνας στη λογοτεχνία; 13. yüzyılda edebiyat; litteraturrelaterade händelser under 1200-talet; kalendarium wydarzeń w literaturze; literature-related events during the 13th century; svetovna književnost, ki je nastala v 13. stoletju; literatura 13. stoletja</nowiki>
13th century in literature 
literature-related events during the 13th century
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  • events in a specific year or time period (literature)
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  • 13th century
  • 12th century in literature
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This category has the following 3 subcategories, out of 3 total.