Category:1920 plays
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This category has the following 24 subcategories, out of 24 total.
- Beyond the Horizon (play) (3 F)
- The Blue Flame (7 F)
- Dediči velikega časa (4 F)
- Die drei Dorfheiligen (5 F)
- Enter Madame (play) (2 F)
- Espigas de un haz (2 F)
- The First Year (play) (8 F)
- King Richard III (play) (3 F)
- A Man of the People (1 F)
- No More Blondes (play) (3 F)
- The Robber (play, Čapek) (1 F)
- Spanish Love (4 F)
- Tents of the Arabs (1920) (3 F)
- The Truth About Blayds (5 F)
- Čvor (5 F)
Media in category "1920 plays"
The following 104 files are in this category, out of 104 total.
1920-03-23, ABC, Espigas de un haz, Teatro de la Princesa, Duque.jpg 400 × 299; 113 KB
Aboard a slow train in Mizzoury (IA aboardslowtraini00hare).pdf 687 × 1,058, 60 pages; 3.11 MB
Absent minded .. (IA absentminded00free).pdf 566 × 893, 24 pages; 1.41 MB
Along came Bud .. (IA alongcamebud00farq).pdf 716 × 1,064, 24 pages; 1.14 MB
The Amazons, a farcical romance in three acts (IA amazonsfarcicalr01pine).pdf 668 × 1,012, 198 pages; 7.09 MB
And Billy disappeared, a clean comedy of mystery in four acts; (IA andbillydisappea00hare).pdf 841 × 1,293, 166 pages; 6.4 MB
Aunt Jane visits school (IA auntjanevisitssc00joyc).pdf 658 × 1,035, 8 pages; 347 KB
A bad beginning; a comedy in one act (IA badbeginningcome00whit).pdf 835 × 1,289, 48 pages; 2.8 MB
The battle of rollin' bones.. (IA battleofrollinbo00john).pdf 800 × 1,279, 24 pages; 1.4 MB
Becoming an American .. (IA becomingamerican00gibb).pdf 604 × 968, 24 pages; 1,008 KB
Camp Fidelity girls.. (IA campfidelitygirl00lowe).pdf 658 × 1,027, 68 pages; 2.77 MB
The captain's predicament.. (IA captainspredicam00judd).pdf 758 × 1,156, 28 pages; 2.55 MB
Christmas doings,a group of little Christmas plays, entertainments and recitations, (IA christmasdoingsa00vand).pdf 1,210 × 1,841, 92 pages; 3.78 MB
Cinderella of the storm .. (IA cinderellaofstor00fult).pdf 645 × 1,037, 144 pages; 6.59 MB
Clarence decides, a farce in three acts (IA clarencedecidesf00king).pdf 729 × 1,100, 56 pages; 3.38 MB
A close shave, a farce in one act (IA closeshavefarcei00bake).pdf 660 × 1,052, 24 pages; 1.14 MB
Constantine Pueblo Jones .. (IA constantinepuebl00fowl).pdf 552 × 900, 84 pages; 4.69 MB
Copley Theatre His House In Order Program (IA copleytheatrehis00unse).pdf 708 × 1,070, 20 pages; 1.97 MB
The country cousin speaks her mind (IA countrycousinspe00mack).pdf 620 × 1,029, 16 pages; 726 KB
Daddy and the Co-eds (IA daddycoeds00bugb).pdf 616 × 1,027, 20 pages; 1.06 MB
The deacon's honeymoon (IA deaconshoneymoon00bugb).pdf 610 × 1,033, 32 pages; 1.35 MB
Do men gossip? .. (IA domengossip00brei).pdf 625 × 1,085, 28 pages; 1.03 MB
The doo- funny family .. (IA doofunnyfamily00buri).pdf 831 × 1,285, 32 pages; 1.83 MB
A dream of Queen Esther, a Biblical drama in three acts (IA dreamofqueenesth00hare).pdf 845 × 1,341, 84 pages; 5.74 MB
"Food"; a tragedy of the future (IA foodtragedyoffut00demi).pdf 614 × 1,085, 20 pages; 1.03 MB
For the sake of Peggy .. (IA forsakeofpeggy00eski).pdf 633 × 1,004, 28 pages; 1.6 MB
The Goldenrod lode; a frontier drama in verse (IA goldenrodlodefro00roge).pdf 770 × 1,150, 60 pages; 1.61 MB
Good morning, teacher; a schoolroom skirmish (IA goodmorningteach00john).pdf 652 × 1,016, 24 pages; 1.39 MB
The gorgeous Cecile, a sketch in three acts (IA gorgeouscecilesk00king).pdf 647 × 1,020, 60 pages; 3.39 MB
The guest retainer, a farce in three acts (IA guestretainerfar00pier).pdf 833 × 1,320, 76 pages; 4.03 MB
Happyville school picnic .. (IA happyvilleschool00bugb).pdf 689 × 1,052, 21 pages; 1.09 MB
Haste makes waste .. (IA hastemakeswaste00wilb).pdf 712 × 1,116, 6 pages; 297 KB
Henry, where are you? A play in one act (IA henrywhereareyou00king).pdf 647 × 1,072, 32 pages; 1.79 MB
Her victory .. (IA hervictory00cran).pdf 645 × 1,047, 44 pages; 2 MB
The Hicksville bungler .. (IA hicksvillebungle00grif).pdf 604 × 1,010, 24 pages; 1.47 MB
The hidden name.. (IA hiddenname00chap).pdf 872 × 1,366, 48 pages; 3.2 MB
Hi Jenks' geat American circus, a performance for amateurs (IA hijenksgeatameri00bugb).pdf 1,058 × 1,641, 30 pages; 1.99 MB
His sisters, a farce in one act (IA hissistersfarcei00king).pdf 633 × 1,039, 24 pages; 1.41 MB
His wife's place .. (IA hiswifesplace00baug).pdf 864 × 1,364, 22 pages; 755 KB
How Beth won the Camp fire honor, a comedy-drama in two acts (IA howbethwoncampfi00barb).pdf 641 × 1,016, 48 pages; 2.69 MB
I grant you three wishes, a fantasy in one act (IA igrantyouthreewi00brid).pdf 660 × 1,047, 26 pages; 1.22 MB
"I'll leave it to you"; a light comedy in three acts (IA illleaveittoyoul00cow).pdf 695 × 1,102, 88 pages; 3.71 MB
In a doctor's office .. (IA indoctorsoffice00joyc).pdf 658 × 1,043, 8 pages; 389 KB
"In walked Jimmy"; an American comedy of optimism in four acts (IA inwalkedjimmyame00jaff).pdf 718 × 1,087, 128 pages; 6.06 MB
It might happen.. (IA itmighthappen00john).pdf 622 × 1,018, 14 pages; 699 KB
James and John; a play in one act (IA jamesjohnplayino00cann).pdf 489 × 789, 36 pages; 985 KB
King Cotton;an allegorical pageant, (IA kingcottonanalle00pear).pdf 1,104 × 1,739, 20 pages; 814 KB
The lie that Jack built .. (IA liethatjackbuilt00earl).pdf 666 × 1,031, 50 pages; 1.81 MB
The magic flute.. (IA magicflute00vand).pdf 514 × 854, 28 pages; 1.26 MB
The man from Mexico; a farcical comedy in three acts (IA manfrommexicofar00duso).pdf 704 × 1,100, 130 pages; 5.02 MB
Manito's moccasin.. (IA manitosmoccasin00king).pdf 725 × 1,108, 32 pages; 1.99 MB
Mary's millions (IA marysmillions00john).pdf 766 × 1,275, 120 pages; 5.2 MB
Mary's wedding- a play in one act (IA marysweddingplay00cann).pdf 541 × 822, 30 pages; 723 KB
A scene from "The Master of Ballantral" Dated Feb 20 (SAYRE 12771).jpg 2,873 × 4,043; 1.05 MB
Miles Dixon; a play in two acts (IA milesdixonplayin00cann).pdf 522 × 785, 52 pages; 1.32 MB
Miss Marmaduke's reign, a play for women in two acts (IA missmarmadukesre00king).pdf 1,360 × 2,258, 34 pages; 2.09 MB
Miss Todd's vampire (IA misstoddsvampire00shut).pdf 816 × 1,343, 20 pages; 1.14 MB
Molly Bawn, a comedy drama in four acts (IA mollybawncomedyd00dora).pdf 656 × 1,058, 92 pages; 5.64 MB
Mrs. Sullivan's social tea .. (IA mrssullivanssoci00kell).pdf 543 × 875, 24 pages; 1.55 MB
No peddlers admitted .. (IA nopeddlersadmitt00joyc).pdf 658 × 1,018, 8 pages; 360 KB
O'Keefe's circuit, an entertainment in one scene (IA okeefescircuiten00gilp).pdf 650 × 1,050, 36 pages; 1.42 MB
Old days in Dixie - a comedy-drama in three acts (IA olddaysindixieco00hare).pdf 695 × 1,031, 84 pages; 3.4 MB
The original two bits .. (IA originaltwobits00robi).pdf 662 × 1,056, 20 pages; 862 KB
Out of the stillness, comedy-drama in three acts (IA outofstillnessco00barb).pdf 664 × 1,027, 121 pages; 6.4 MB
Passers-by- a play in four acts (IA passersbyplayinf00cham).pdf 733 × 1,070, 118 pages; 3.88 MB
The path of progress; a pageant drama of the nation (IA pathofprogresspa00wats).pdf 843 × 1,304, 40 pages; 2.21 MB
Otis Skinner & Ruth Rose in Pietro.jpg 590 × 565; 112 KB
Poor dear Uncle James! (IA poordearunclejam00king).pdf 645 × 1,056, 68 pages; 3.78 MB
The princess in the fairy tale, a garden fairy story for children in one act (IA princessinfairyt00wilc).pdf 654 × 1,089, 54 pages; 2.18 MB
A proposal in grandma's day .. (IA proposalingrandm00joyc).pdf 658 × 1,027, 8 pages; 351 KB
Punk; or, The amateur rehearsal .. (IA punkoramateurreh00smit).pdf 1,097 × 1,812, 36 pages; 1.71 MB
Red Riding Hood .. (IA redridinghood00thom).pdf 631 × 993, 36 pages; 1.15 MB
The returning of Rosalia .. (IA returningofrosal00foxm).pdf 620 × 991, 52 pages; 2.66 MB
Rumor .. (IA rumor00knud).pdf 660 × 1,079, 28 pages; 1.26 MB
Sally Ann finds herself, an eighth grade play in two acts (IA sallyannfindsher00barb).pdf 808 × 1,243, 44 pages; 2.57 MB
The singing soul .. (IA singingsoul00back).pdf 639 × 1,093, 28 pages; 1.12 MB
Something for nothing .. (IA somethingfornoth00tayl).pdf 560 × 895, 28 pages; 1.68 MB
Southumberland's yule-tide;a practical community Christmas masque on traditional lines, in one act, (IA southumberlandsy00coan).pdf 1,066 × 1,825, 52 pages; 2.17 MB
Sparks divine .. (IA sparksdivine00bree).pdf 620 × 1,020, 28 pages; 1.32 MB
The star boarder - a comedy (IA starboardercomed00holm).pdf 629 × 997, 28 pages; 1.3 MB
Suited at last .. (IA suitedatlast00urqu).pdf 685 × 1,052, 24 pages; 1.44 MB
Susan gets ready for church - a monologue (IA susangetsreadyfo00mack).pdf 743 × 1,166, 12 pages; 1,005 KB
Sylvia runs away; a farce in three acts (IA sylviarunsawayfa00hous).pdf 706 × 1,083, 126 pages; 6.29 MB
Tea and politics, a comedy in one act (IA teapoliticscomed00cran).pdf 839 × 1,200, 30 pages; 2.47 MB
Theodore, Jr (IA theodorejr00shut).pdf 795 × 1,337, 28 pages; 1.44 MB
Three plays; All clear, God of my faith, and God's outcast (IA threeplaysallcle00man).pdf 689 × 1,062, 104 pages; 3.79 MB
Tootsie's husband.. (IA tootsieshusband00stig).pdf 654 × 981, 44 pages; 1.69 MB
The train to Morrow .. (IA traintomorrow00joyc).pdf 681 × 1,010, 8 pages; 359 KB
The traveling photographer (IA travelingphotogr00whit).pdf 808 × 1,268, 8 pages; 419 KB
Trial marriage; a satiric comedy in three acts (IA trialmarriagesat00hasl).pdf 714 × 1,112, 134 pages; 5.39 MB
The trials of Ezra .. (IA trialsofezra00perr).pdf 716 × 1,112, 16 pages; 743 KB
A trick of the trade.. (IA trickoftrade00brow).pdf 614 × 1,060, 20 pages; 496 KB
Turning the trick, a dramatic comedy in three acts (IA turningtrickdram00mcmu).pdf 654 × 1,060, 100 pages; 5.39 MB
Unacquainted with work .. (IA unacquaintedwith00youn).pdf 700 × 1,043, 92 pages; 5.35 MB
The unexpected guest .. (IA unexpectedguest00mack).pdf 872 × 1,312, 28 pages; 1.68 MB
An up-to-date proposal .. (IA uptodateproposal00joyc).pdf 1,425 × 2,195, 4 pages; 374 KB
The visiting Smiths .. (IA visitingsmiths00heyw).pdf 710 × 1,068, 16 pages; 852 KB
When a feller needs a friend, a farce in three acts (IA whenfellerneedsf00mcmu).pdf 654 × 1,050, 100 pages; 5.72 MB
"When a feller needs a friend"; a play in three acts (IA whenfellerneedsf00ohig).pdf 716 × 1,068, 152 pages; 5.16 MB
The widow's veil; a comedy in one act (IA widowsveilcomedy00rost).pdf 579 × 881, 36 pages; 1.29 MB
Wives on strike .. (IA wivesonstrike00pel).pdf 843 × 1,322, 84 pages; 5.12 MB
The wooing of Eve- an entirely artificial and sentimental comedy in three acts (IA wooingofeveentir00mann).pdf 689 × 1,070, 124 pages; 5.56 MB