Category:1957 deaths
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People who died in year 1957.

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This category has the following 200 subcategories, out of 2,705 total.
(previous page) (next page)- 1957 here-died plaques (1 F)
- 1957 Sutton Wick air crash (12 F)
- Herman Harris Aall (6 F)
- Siegfried Aaslava (1 F)
- Edith Abbott (1 F)
- Manuel Abelenda Zapata (4 F)
- Elia Abu Madi (4 F)
- Habib Abu Shahla (3 F)
- Patrick Acheson (5 F)
- Edvardas Adamkavičius (2 F)
- Pauline Adams (4 F)
- Jim Addison (1 F)
- Fuat Ağralı (6 F)
- Einar Ahl 1890 (2 F)
- Arvi Ahmavaara (3 F)
- Arvid Ahnell (2 F)
- Nils Ahnlund (2 F)
- Jenny Åkerström (1 F)
- Khairi Al-Hindawi (3 F)
- Ildefonso Albano (1 F)
- Willem Albarda (38 F)
- Pierre Alcover (2 F)
- Mark Aldanov (3 F)
- Erville Alderson (2 F)
- Aleksander Zakariadze (3 F)
- Józef Aleksiewicz (3 F)
- Alfred Eckhard Zimmern (8 F)
- Alfred Fontville de Bréanski (1 P, 2 F)
- Ali Al-Kassar (2 F)
- Harry Allan (3 F)
- Robert Alton (2 F)
- Ugo Amaldi (3 F)
- Max Amann (3 F)
- Herman Amelink (5 F)
- Gabriele Amico Valenti (1 F)
- Bob Amsberry (1 F)
- Albert Anastasia (1 F)
- Donald Clive Anderson (3 F)
- Fred Anderson (baseball) (5 F)
- José Leandro Andrade (16 F)
- Andrei Parfent'ev (1 F)
- Andrew Watson Turnbull (7 F)
- Fred Henry Andrews (2 F)
- Daniele Angeloni (2 F)
- Charlotte Anger (2 F)
- Hugo Ankarcrona (3 F)
- Larry Anthony Sr. (3 F)
- Nicolae Anton (1 F)
- Anugrah Narayan Sinha (5 F)
- Harry Apelqvist 1905 (2 F)
- Pierre Appell (3 F)
- Geoffrey Arbuthnot (1 F)
- Archie R. Twitchell (1 F)
- Nehemia Argov (6 F)
- Yoriyasu Arima (4 F)
- William Wright Arnold (6 F)
- Arsho Shahkhatuni (1 F)
- Artur de Sousa Costa (3 F)
- Grigory Arutinov (1 F)
- Arvid Lundgren 1879 (4 F)
- Thomas Ashby (mayor) (1 F)
- Max Asher (actor) (4 F)
- Lena Ashwell (16 F)
- Mariano Asquerino (5 F)
- Aşir Atlı (4 F)
- Teresa Battaggi (1 F)
- Carl Auböck (painter) (5 F)
- Aurèle Godat (1 F)
- Sheva Ausubel (2 F)
- Alfred Averill (5 F)
- Augustina Avery (2 F)
- Ramón Ayestarán (2 F)
- İzzet Ulvi Aykurt (2 F)
- Arnaldo Azzi (1 F)
- B. Max Mehl (7 F)
- Raphaël Babet (2 F)
- Charlie Babington (3 F)
- Wacław Babiński (5 F)
- Esteban Baca Calderón (2 F)
- Karol Bader (2 F)
- Kulyash Baiseitova (4 F)
- Mihály Baja (1 F)
- Hettie Gray Baker (3 F)
- Carl Baker (2 F)
- František Bakule (4 F)
- Baldomero Sanín Cano (3 F)
- Lola Baldwin (3 F)
- Neal Ball (10 F)
- Benigno Ballón Farfán (6 F)
- Louis Balmet (3 F)
- Peter Bang (3 F)
- Henry M. Bankhead (10 F)
- Horrie Bant (3 F)
- Bao Dasan (1 F)
- Wincenty Baranowski (1 F)
- Godfrey Baring (4 F)
- Helge Barkenius (3 F)
- Claude Barnard (6 F)
- Middleton S. Barnwell (1 F)
- Shorty Barr (2 F)
- Abílio Barreto (2 F)
- Aharon Barth (2 F)
- Emma Bartoniek (1 F)
- E. I. Barulina (1 F)
- Bastos Tigre (5 F)
- Sunirmal Basu (2 F)
- Leonard Fison Bates (1 F)
- Ugi Battenberg (1 P, 2 F)
- Frédéric Bauer (3 F)
- César Bavay (1 F)
- Irving Baxter (8 F)
- Otto Bayard (3 F)
- Charles Beaulieux (5 F)
- Muriel Beaumont (9 F)
- Ethel Minerva Beaver (2 F)
- Belle Baker (21 F)
- Alfonso Bedoya (5 F)
- Bedřich Šupčík (2 F)
- Fred Beebe (1 F)
- Sam van Beek (5 F)
- Anders Beggerud (20 F)
- Louis Beguin-Billecocq (2 F)
- Fritz Behncke (admiral) (empty)
- Juan Beigbeder y Atienza (4 F)
- Nils Åke Belfrage (2 F)
- Asen Belkovski (1 F)
- Victorine de Bellio (1 F)
- Karel Leopold Bellon (6 F)
- Larbi Ben M'hidi (25 F)
- Amy Bend Bishop (6 F)
- Bendix Passig (10 F)
- Dean Benedetti (2 F)
- François "Feral" Benga (6 F)
- Benkt-Åke Benktsson (2 F)
- Frank Bennett (actor) (7 F)
- John George Bennett (1 F)
- Josef Franz Benoni (2 F)
- Noel Benson (1 F)
- Joe Benz (12 F)
- Jean Bérard (historian) (1 F)
- Éloi-Noël Béraud (40 F)
- Mihail Berceanu (4 F)
- Hans Berckemeyer (1 F)
- Hans Bergen (2 F)
- Jan Berger (historian) (1 F)
- Marty Berghammer (5 F)
- Louis Berkhof (1 F)
Media in category "1957 deaths"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 294 total.
(previous page) (next page)-
(UAZ) AB.1.0361.08 Gysi.jpg 1,240 × 1,813; 1.42 MB
(UAZ) AB.1.1168 Zietzschmann.tif 2,496 × 3,564; 25.47 MB
111-SC-100563 001.jpg 2,893 × 4,479; 1.81 MB
Abingdon NewCemetery CWGC 1955–58.jpg 1,280 × 720; 651 KB
Abingdon OurLady&StEdmund CWGC.jpg 1,280 × 719; 553 KB
Agustín Orrequia.jpg 122 × 286; 14 KB
Alan Ayre-Smith.png 128 × 128; 18 KB
Alan Gregg in uniform.jpg 4,009 × 6,376; 15.76 MB
Albert Fee portrait.png 380 × 543; 140 KB
Ale Riipinen.png 191 × 526; 56 KB
Alexander Pavlovich Balk, by Bulla's Studio (1916).jpg 2,443 × 3,248; 1.69 MB
Alfred Walton Hinds (US Navy rear admiral).jpg 566 × 768; 95 KB
Almirante Afonso Cerqueira.png 1,920 × 2,455; 2.28 MB
Alphide Sabourin.png 385 × 602; 143 KB
AndreasBrandrud.jpg 164 × 215; 12 KB
Anna Bell Lawther.png 279 × 374; 104 KB
Archibald Orr Lang.png 255 × 404; 75 KB
Augustosantoangelo.JPG 245 × 319; 15 KB
Helmy Bahgat Badawi.jpg 874 × 978; 353 KB
Joseph Clark Baldwin (New York Congressman).jpg 793 × 990; 420 KB
Батюшин Н.С..jpg 250 × 350; 22 KB
ANCExplorer Sosthenes Behn grave.jpg 1,280 × 956; 483 KB
Belaief IT 1900.jpg 429 × 555; 37 KB
Birney M Jarvis, Jr, sailor, 1898 (MOHAI 7304).jpg 505 × 700; 30 KB
Josip Birsa.jpg 286 × 408; 20 KB
Blair, Edwin C. and Lillian M. at Lone Fir Cemetery.JPG 4,000 × 3,000; 4.77 MB
JamesBowler.jpg 175 × 217; 23 KB
BrewsterEarlH ca1928.jpg 990 × 869; 541 KB
E A Brininstool, 1915.jpg 262 × 402; 36 KB
Bruno Sklenovsky 1893 1957.gif 634 × 818; 133 KB
CaptureffGREGAGg.png 169 × 266; 55 KB
CarlCasparRiiber-OB.F06354.jpg 1,197 × 1,200; 1.04 MB
Cary Hardee portrait.jpg 388 × 500; 50 KB
Joyce Cary plaque, August 2009.JPG 4,272 × 2,848; 3.54 MB
Catri-Gripenberg.jpg 367 × 363; 65 KB
ChafeeJrZechariah-1907-BrownArchives.jpg 1,180 × 1,600; 295 KB
Charles Claoue ID.jpg 85 × 113; 8 KB
Charles Sherwood Noble.jpg 512 × 512; 29 KB
Choitram Gidwani.jpg 596 × 829; 89 KB
Chojo Ie 1937.jpg 600 × 840; 77 KB
Collegium 1900.jpg 454 × 430; 41 KB
Roscoe Powers Conkling in 1913 at age 24.jpg 326 × 471; 27 KB
Coops op de golfbaan.jpg 872 × 1,035; 167 KB
CordenMJ Abingdon NewCemetery CWGC.jpg 852 × 1,280; 674 KB
Cornelia Marvin Pierce.jpg 1,020 × 1,434; 189 KB
Fred L. Crawford cph.3c32254.jpg 2,598 × 3,164; 3.22 MB
Lord Colum passport photo.png 324 × 448; 184 KB
CroucherGR Abingdon NewCemetery CWGC.jpg 851 × 1,280; 706 KB
Dai Xiuzan.jpg 100 × 155; 24 KB
Dana True Merrill (US Army Brigadier General).jpg 262 × 331; 39 KB
David Bomberg.jpg 450 × 342; 31 KB
David E Hall.jpg 709 × 953; 246 KB
DedrleFrantisek1938.jpg 353 × 503; 27 KB
DolfLuqueGoudeycard.jpg 311 × 386; 17 KB
Dr Kate Fraser CBE.jpg 175 × 201; 23 KB
Dummy Deegan.jpg 180 × 270; 35 KB
Oldřich Duras.JPG 245 × 310; 13 KB
Ed Donnelly 1912.jpg 162 × 300; 26 KB
Edgar Garrik.jpg 654 × 1,033; 282 KB
Edmund J. Stack (Illinois Congressman).jpg 671 × 878; 276 KB
EdwinSeibel Holyoke.png 980 × 1,355; 2.02 MB
Efraim Tabori.jpg 2,052 × 3,066; 1.17 MB
Ehc.jpg 166 × 304; 8 KB
ElisMartenson.jpg 2,480 × 3,911; 4.6 MB
Elof Lindberg.JPG 1,104 × 1,456; 365 KB
ElsegoodCJ Abingdon NewCemetery CWGC.jpg 855 × 1,280; 688 KB
Jens Laursøn Emborg.gif 597 × 854; 352 KB
Lyyli-Erjakka-1947.jpg 337 × 264; 18 KB
Ernest Robert Moore.jpg 374 × 544; 47 KB
Everett Sweeley.jpg 556 × 575; 236 KB
Fannie R. Buchanan.tif 2,168 × 2,792; 17.46 MB
Felice Assennato daticamera.jpg 252 × 373; 37 KB
Fernando Rojas Wolff.jpg 250 × 333; 54 KB
Flying Officer A G Levett West Malling Kent headstone.jpg 283 × 500; 110 KB
Francesco Caroleo daticamera.jpg 153 × 226; 30 KB
Francesco Rota.jpg 448 × 596; 16 KB
Francia Kiss Mihály.jpg 480 × 614; 15 KB
Francisco Calés Pina.png 279 × 297; 109 KB
Francisco Tamayo Pacheco.jpg 910 × 1,177; 644 KB
Franz Seifert (1866–1951).jpg 393 × 855; 240 KB
Fred Raymer.jpg 240 × 360; 58 KB
Frederick B. Shaw (US Army brigadier general).jpg 613 × 894; 139 KB
Fredrik Rosencrantz SOK.jpg 521 × 686; 245 KB
Frère Jean-Joseph Supérieur général FIC 1909.jpg 591 × 795; 17 KB
Fujioka Hyoichi.jpg 316 × 430; 24 KB
Gab2.jpg 350 × 350; 292 KB
Gaetano Scavonetti.jpg 681 × 613; 25 KB
Gao Guanwu.jpg 268 × 406; 33 KB
Gatewood Sanders Lincoln.PNG 176 × 274; 5 KB
Gen Sir Brodie Haig gravestone in Grouville, Jersey.JPG 3,413 × 4,550; 6.47 MB
Giovanni Battista Biavaschi.jpg 845 × 1,130; 265 KB
Giulio Andrea Belloni.jpg 130 × 162; 6 KB
Giuseppe Giammarco I.jpg 134 × 160; 7 KB
Grab Maria Crocifissa Curcio.jpg 960 × 540; 43 KB
Gravestone of Lim Boon Keng and Grace Pek Ha Yin, Bidadari Garden, Singapore - 20121008.jpg 3,872 × 2,592; 5.21 MB
Guido Ascoli.jpg 236 × 346; 9 KB
H Johan S Kleberg.jpg 716 × 952; 179 KB
Habbubah Haddad.jpg 603 × 735; 71 KB
HaroldHagen.jpg 175 × 267; 43 KB
Haim Ariav.jpeg 2,052 × 3,066; 823 KB
HansNielsenHøeg-OB.F06049a.jpg 957 × 1,200; 243 KB
Hanzaemon Nakano.png 485 × 721; 230 KB
Hara Kazushi.JPG 437 × 510; 37 KB
Seale Harris.png 1,045 × 1,496; 1.04 MB
Harry CLEGG.JPG 2,854 × 3,638; 1.74 MB
Harry Watson, Toronto Granites.jpg 260 × 360; 42 KB
HarryLinacre - England Goalie.jpg 310 × 476; 73 KB
Hase Ken.JPG 367 × 622; 46 KB
Henriksson Sture 19170528-.jpg 371 × 503; 139 KB
Hino Kuniaki.jpg 318 × 379; 62 KB
Hiraga Shuu.jpg 319 × 488; 33 KB
Hiroichiro Maedako.jpg 644 × 744; 421 KB
Hisao juran photo.jpg 500 × 646; 68 KB
Hisatome Yoshisato.jpg 313 × 487; 46 KB
Hosoya Seigo.JPG 441 × 497; 37 KB
Erkki Härmä.jpg 426 × 600; 25 KB
Ibrahim al-Azm.jpg 233 × 330; 27 KB
Ignatius Afram I Barsoum.jpg 500 × 656; 73 KB
Ikhilov tomb.JPG 489 × 975; 187 KB
J J Duffus Plaque Peterborough Ontario Canada (1).jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 4.25 MB
Jack Williams Sr. (1879–1957).png 1,490 × 2,114; 3.38 MB
Jakob Hjalmar Åström.jpg 254 × 322; 77 KB
Jalmari Sauli 1929.png 461 × 647; 207 KB
James Marion West, Jr.jpg 374 × 463; 33 KB
Albert Jensen.JPG 611 × 884; 245 KB
Jinbo Jukichi.jpg 310 × 516; 27 KB
Jinkichi Ito.jpg 369 × 496; 36 KB
Jinzai Kiyoshi.JPG 377 × 541; 38 KB
John Sealy Townsend (cropped).jpg 246 × 367; 3 KB
John Sealy Townsend.jpg 300 × 415; 5 KB
JoichiroSanada.jpg 199 × 277; 31 KB
Jonni-Sauli.jpg 2,480 × 4,013; 2.85 MB
Josef Zadina.JPG 418 × 509; 17 KB
Joseph Lussier.png 290 × 433; 193 KB
Joseph R. Darling.jpg 738 × 1,024; 168 KB
JosephBermond.jpg 289 × 344; 21 KB
Julio Lozano 400.jpg 350 × 489; 48 KB
Julián Alarcón.JPG 2,112 × 2,816; 2.35 MB
Juozas Babravičius 1.jpg 496 × 800; 54 KB
Juozas Babravičius 2.jpg 618 × 800; 93 KB
Kamimura Kiyonobu.JPG 450 × 548; 55 KB
Karl Rudolf Berberich.jpg 453 × 599; 254 KB
Kato Sohei.jpg 312 × 439; 19 KB
Kawada Haruhisa.jpg 671 × 776; 77 KB
Kawagishi Bunzaburo.jpg 494 × 660; 54 KB
Keiichi Kageyama.JPG 3,456 × 4,608; 2.52 MB
Kemper Yancey 1911.jpg 384 × 682; 21 KB
Kitamura Fumie.jpg 307 × 444; 27 KB
Klympush Dmytro.jpg 157 × 211; 12 KB
Kobayakawa Shirō.jpg 960 × 1,340; 92 KB
Koichi Nomura 01.jpg 600 × 720; 167 KB
Koura Sohei.jpg 313 × 447; 25 KB
Jaakko Kujala.jpg 200 × 275; 26 KB
Kumajiro takahashi.jpg 879 × 1,225; 1.4 MB
Archie Kyle.jpg 131 × 176; 26 KB
Kâmil Bey Miras.jpg 177 × 235; 9 KB
Liguori Lacombe.jpg 882 × 1,171; 755 KB
Benedikt Lamot.jpg 941 × 1,219; 71 KB
Lars Thomas Fredrik Lovén MILIF.019242.jpg 2,023 × 2,870; 2.75 MB
Larsson Dagens Nyheter.jpg 268 × 523; 50 KB
Lenny Stackell.jpg 500 × 570; 123 KB
Leonard-Maurits-Viherjuuri.jpg 665 × 834; 157 KB
Jalo-Lesche-1950.jpg 2,034 × 3,211; 1.43 MB
Levinger P&M East Ham Cemetery.jpg 1,374 × 1,030; 576 KB
LewWTullerDetroit.jpg 226 × 313; 9 KB
Lieutenant general Everett Hughes 1945.jpg 449 × 569; 147 KB
Liisi-Karttunen.jpg 3,543 × 2,872; 2.19 MB
Lim Boon Keng, 1930s.jpg 448 × 660; 169 KB
Lionello Matteucci daticamera.jpg 115 × 144; 10 KB
Lopez sanchez.jpg 353 × 500; 36 KB
Lord Stanmore.jpg 608 × 800; 61 KB
Lucio Tasca 1946.jpg 400 × 600; 19 KB
M.p.krpa.jpg 1,395 × 1,395; 745 KB
M.Smirnov.jpg 263 × 362; 30 KB
Marija Ivanauskaitė-Lastauskienė Lazdynų pelėda.jpg 412 × 600; 33 KB
Marshall Van Winkle (New Jersey Congresman).jpg 742 × 842; 250 KB
Martha Louise Black.jpg 162 × 230; 28 KB
Air Commodore E A D Masterman.jpg 400 × 593; 38 KB
Matsudaira Yasumasa.jpg 314 × 472; 44 KB
Max Butcher 1940 Play Ball card.jpeg 272 × 322; 30 KB
Maxime Fortin.jpg 1,161 × 1,656; 1.61 MB
MC dipinto (cropped).jpg 345 × 482; 51 KB
MC dipinto.jpg 405 × 615; 77 KB
Meliton Colegio Militar.jpg 341 × 514; 39 KB
Meliton Pedraz.jpg 106 × 142; 5 KB
Michaił Worobiow.jpg 2,886 × 3,937; 531 KB
Mitsuo Makino Scan10001.jpg 626 × 820; 398 KB
Miura Torao.jpg 300 × 458; 22 KB
Molly as a young woman.jpg 640 × 857; 148 KB
Molly wearing glasses.jpg 640 × 857; 143 KB
MONUMENT DE SAINT-TRONC.jpg 567 × 410; 46 KB
Mori Etsutaro.jpg 302 × 383; 77 KB
Mori Shunrokuro.jpg 310 × 473; 16 KB
Murata Fujizo.jpg 302 × 379; 18 KB
Muriel Bremner and Herb Butterfield Lonely Women 1943.jpg 806 × 932; 144 KB
Naima Sahlbom.tif 1,283 × 943; 4.63 MB
Nakada Rokuro.jpg 303 × 465; 29 KB