Category:1961 in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
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1961 in República Democrática do Congo
This category includes works, events and everything related to the history of Democratic Republic of the Congo in 1961.
- This category is NOT intended ONLY for photographs taken in 1961, nor is it intended for media uploaded or scanned in 1961, as the parent Category:Democratic Republic of the Congo by year goes in time past the invention of photography, scanners or computers. For the specific scope of photography, please see Category:Photographs by year.
- Media illustrating events of 1961 in Democratic Republic of the Congo should be added into the subcategory Category:Events by country by year.
- Media illustrating works of 1961 in Democratic Republic of the Congo should be added into the subcategory Category:Works by year by country.
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Esta categoria contém as seguintes 2 subcategorias (de um total de 2).
Multimédia na categoria "1961 in the Democratic Republic of the Congo"
Esta categoria contém os seguintes 17 ficheiros (de um total de 17).
1961-03-20 Kasavubu Hailed.ogg 1 min 20 s, 400 × 300; 5,55 MB
African Jazz 3.jpg 532 × 366; 230 kB
African Jazz in 1961 (2).jpg 355 × 417; 157 kB
African Jazz in 1961.jpg 581 × 470; 250 kB
Congo Crisis Swedish Soldiers.jpg 374 × 230; 31 kB
Hospital at Shinkolobwe, damaged by fighting during Operation Unokat.jpg 610 × 823; 257 kB
Katangese gendarme.jpg 750 × 904; 405 kB
Katangese gendarmes in battle.jpg 612 × 377; 105 kB
Miss Leo 1961.jpg 317 × 222; 99 kB
Ndolaflightpath.png 1 000 × 442; 218 kB
On duty in the Congo (4824514461).jpg 1 761 × 1 079; 1,02 MB
Stanleyville prisoners.jpg 485 × 340; 155 kB
Swedish military during the Congo Crises 1961.jpg 600 × 307; 42 kB
Swedish troops clear building of Katangese resistance.jpg 750 × 872; 230 kB
Swedish troops detain white Katangese sniper.jpg 750 × 625; 246 kB