Category:1988 in association football

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English: 1988 in Association football
Bosanski: 1988. u nogometu.
日本語: 1988年のサッカー
한국어: 1988년 축구
Русский: 1988 год в футболе
Svenska: Fotbollsåret 1988
Suomi: Vuoden 1988 jalkapallo.
Association football by year

<nowiki>Calcio nel 1988; 1988 en football; 1988 a labdarúgásban; 1988 во фудбалот; 1988 في كرة القدم; fútbol en 1988; Fotbal v roce 1988; 1988 год в футболе; Sepak bola dalam tahun 1988; Fußballjahr 1988; Bóng đá năm 1988; 1988 în fotbal; 1988. gads futbolā; 1988年足球; 1988 no futebol; 1988'de futbol; 1988年のサッカー; Voetbal in 1988; 1988 അസോസിയേഷൻ ഫുട്ബോളിൽ; Futbal v 1988; Fotball i 1988; 1988 у футболі; 1988-ci ildə futbol; 1988 w piłce nożnej; Fotbollsåret 1988; Competicions futbolístiques del 1988; Vuoden 1988 jalkapallo; 1988 in association football; Futbalo en 1988; Ποδόσφαιρο το 1988; 1988. u nogometu; fotbollsrelaterade händelser under 1988; association football-related events during 1988; faits marquants de l'année 1988 en football; gebeurtenis in jaar; 1988 in soccer; 1988 in football; Fussballjahr 1988</nowiki>
1988 in association football 
association football-related events during 1988
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Media in category "1988 in association football"

The following 24 files are in this category, out of 24 total.