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Category:2020 in Tajikistan

Fonte: Wikimedia Commons
Mapa do país
Mapa do país
2020 in Tajiquistão

This category includes works, events and everything related to the history of Tajikistan in 2020.


  1. This category is NOT intended ONLY for photographs taken in 2020, nor is it intended for media uploaded or scanned in 2020, as the parent Category:Tajikistan by year goes in time past the invention of photography, scanners or computers. For the specific scope of photography, please see Category:Photographs by year.
  2. Media illustrating events of 2020 in Tajikistan should be added into the subcategory Category:2020 events in Tajikistan.
  3. Media illustrating works of 2020 in Tajikistan should be added into the subcategory Category:Works by year by country.

<nowiki>Tayikistán en 2020; 2020年のタジキスタン; 2020 au Tadjikistan; 2020 i Tadzjikistan; 2020 താജികിസ്ഥാനിൽ; 2020 in Tadschikistan; 2020 no Tajiquistão; 2020 in Tajikistan; 2020年塔吉克斯坦; 2020 у Таджикистані; Ereignisse des Jahres 2020 in Tadschikistan; overview of Tajikistan-related events during the year of 2020; overview of Tajikistan-related events during the year of 2020; översikt över Tadzjikistanrelaterade händelser under år 2020; gebeurtenis in jaar</nowiki>
2020 no Tajiquistão 
overview of Tajikistan-related events during the year of 2020
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  • artigos sobre eventos em um ano ou período de tempo específico
Data de ocorrência
  • 2020
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Esta categoria contém as seguintes 7 subcategorias (de um total de 7).

Multimédia na categoria "2020 in Tajikistan"

Esta categoria contém os seguintes 20 ficheiros (de um total de 20).