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Category:2020 in the European Union

From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository
English: 2020 in the European Union
Suomi: Vuosi 2020 Euroopan unionissa
Українська: 2020 в Європейському Союзі
<nowiki>2020年の欧州連合; 2020 in der Europäische Union; 2020 in the European Union; 2020 i Europeiska unionen; 2020 w Unii Europejskiej; 2020 യൂറോപ്യൻ യൂണിയനിൽ; 2020 في الاتحاد الأوروبي; Europeiska unionen-relaterade händelser under år 2020; European Union-related events during the year of 2020; Ereignisse des Jahres 2020 in der Europäische Union; gebeurtenis in jaar; 2020 in the EU; 2020 in der EU; 2020 i EU</nowiki>
2020 in the European Union 
European Union-related events during the year of 2020
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  • events in a specific year or time period
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  • 2020
Followed by
  • 2021 in the European Union
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This category has the following 3 subcategories, out of 3 total.