Category:2021 in science
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Deutsch: 2021 in der Wissenschaft
English: 2021 in science
Español: Ciencia en 2021
Македонски: Науката во 2021 година
Русский: 2021 год в науке
Slovenščina: 2021 v znanosti
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Esta categoria contém as seguintes 26 subcategorias (de um total de 26).
- 2021 in archaeology (3 F)
- 2021 in mathematics (1 F)
- DishBrain playing Pong (9 F)
- EDGAR-FOOD emission data (8 F)
- IPCC Sixth assessment report (51 F)
- Tecla house (6 F)
Multimédia na categoria "2021 in science"
Esta categoria contém os seguintes 132 ficheiros (de um total de 132).
2021 in science - collage v1.png 3 744 × 3 138; 9,94 MB
20211231 Vital signs of the planet - NASA - climate change.png 3 700 × 275; 43 kB
3D-printer arm for semi-automated construction of sustainable houses.jpg 1 106 × 1 080; 940 kB
41586 2021 3297 Fig1e.png 978 × 634; 329 kB
41586 2021 3297 Fig1f.png 816 × 688; 348 kB
41586 2021 3297 Fig8.jpg 1 336 × 2 337; 670 kB
A taxonomy of climate contrarian claims (climate change misinfo claims categories).webp 2 011 × 1 932; 253 kB
Age and gender composition of PM2.5 premature death footprint in each G20 nation.webp 2 000 × 1 988; 290 kB
Amazon map of forest loss, fires, agricultural and cattle areas, etc.jpg 510 × 627; 491 kB
Ancient horse remains and their genomic affinities.webp 2 070 × 1 797; 381 kB
Ape NE cells undergo cell shape transition before the onset of neurogenesis.jpg 3 333 × 2 876; 1,44 MB
Assembly of fibrous muscle, fat, and vascular tissues to cultured steak.webp 1 499 × 904; 182 kB
Barriers to conducting replications of experiment in cancer research.jpg 1 205 × 1 500; 190 kB
Basic design of artificial deliberative agents (ADAs) for argumentation.png 2 098 × 1 600; 743 kB
Billion-years-old Bicellum Brasieri in mature form.jpg 2 200 × 3 157; 889 kB
Change in Antarctic ice shelf barrier position and thickness over time.png 2 067 × 1 069; 267 kB
Change in premature deaths footprint estimations.webp 1 500 × 1 091; 130 kB
Climate change disturbances of rainforests infographic.jpg 829 × 1 116; 567 kB
Comparison of forest, cropland and pasture,rangeland changes.webp 2 039 × 1 241; 237 kB
Conceptual framework of a policy mix perspective on zero-deforestation governance.png 2 000 × 1 151; 360 kB
Conservative think tank super-claim prevalence and funding from key donors.webp 2 006 × 1 307; 163 kB
Cumulative mass change for glacier regions between 1962 and 2019.png 1 118 × 1 531; 343 kB
Delayed human NE transition is associated with a shorter cell cycle.jpg 2 922 × 4 169; 1,4 MB
Development of perovskite cell efficiencies.webp 1 806 × 1 596; 154 kB
Direct human impacts on ocean biomass.jpg 1 500 × 3 075; 795 kB
Disagreement in the scientific literature by field.jpg 4 152 × 1 248; 440 kB
Eco-sustainable 3D printed house "Tecla".jpg 1 315 × 1 015; 1,06 MB
Emissions forecasts for the two largest emitters, under three scenarios.webp 1 911 × 2 092; 120 kB
Estimation of historical global temperature anomalies.webp 1 298 × 1 004; 51 kB
Example of analysis from the database.webp 2 120 × 760; 110 kB
Expanding the standard research cycle in experimental material science.webp 1 826 × 786; 105 kB
Global aging demographics.webp 1 946 × 894; 96 kB
Global forest, cropland and pasture, rangeland change.webp 1 971 × 2 538; 665 kB
Global mean temperature forecast under different scenarios.webp 1 636 × 1 269; 88 kB
Healthspan-lifespan gap.webp 951 × 468; 29 kB
Heterogeneity in disagreement across meso-fields.jpg 4 608 × 4 937; 2,59 MB
Histological staining following imaging of lung tissue of BM05.webp 2 126 × 738; 322 kB
Horse geographic and genetic affinities.webp 1 049 × 1 476; 221 kB
Human NE cells exhibit species-specific differences in cell shape.jpg 3 329 × 2 942; 1,58 MB
Human telencephalic organoids are larger with extended apical lumens.jpg 2 875 × 3 556; 1,17 MB
Interactive dreaming (Dutch group).jpg 3 333 × 2 366; 999 kB
Interactive dreaming (French group).jpg 3 333 × 2 018; 1,07 MB
Interactive dreaming (German group).jpg 2 908 × 1 747; 539 kB
Interactive dreaming (USA group).jpg 2 908 × 2 318; 1,03 MB
Larger populations amplify the spread of initially frequent labels.webp 1 856 × 1 176; 93 kB
Larger populations promote category convergence across populations.webp 1 981 × 1 096; 291 kB
Long-term effects of COVID-19.webp 2 007 × 2 309; 391 kB
May 2020 simulated climate changes as the difference between COVID‐19 and Control.jpg 2 128 × 1 003; 639 kB
Monthly global mean time series of differences due to COVID‐19 lockdowns.webp 2 128 × 2 076; 490 kB
MOTS-c regulates aging metabolism and healthspan.webp 1 000 × 2 169; 191 kB
Naked stereoblasts of billion-years-old Bicellum Brasieri.jpg 3 362 × 3 258; 2,02 MB
Overview of data categories in the Perovskite Database.webp 1 819 × 608; 125 kB
Population affinities of the IUP Bacho Kiro Cave individuals.webp 1 403 × 1 129; 182 kB
Population genetic affinities, evolutionary history and geographic origins.webp 2 093 × 2 053; 262 kB
Population in survey regions living without safely managed drinking water.webp 2 128 × 1 990; 464 kB
Prevalence D614G.png 729 × 673; 104 kB
Prevalence of P681H.png 892 × 903; 155 kB
Prevalence of super- and sub-claims by climate misinfo communicators statistics.webp 2 006 × 1 095; 161 kB
Probabilistic global temperature forecast and validation.webp 1 922 × 717; 46 kB
Rates of body size evolution in the Pseudosuchia.webp 1 495 × 1 652; 94 kB
Research & development spending as a share of GDP.png 3 400 × 2 400; 529 kB
Research-spending-gdp.png 3 400 × 2 400; 826 kB
Science Summary podcast for July 2021.mp3 12 min 39 s; 17,37 MB
Science Summary podcast for June 2021.webm 9 min 36 s; 5,09 MB
Spatial extent of global land use- & land-cover change.webp 1 790 × 810; 249 kB
Spectre de taille de la biomasse océanique (2021).png 2 100 × 3 239; 2,9 MB
Structural modeling of RshSTT200.webp 1 999 × 973; 223 kB
Table of technosignatures.png 2 153 × 1 305; 291 kB
Technosignatures chart (labelled).png 2 340 × 1 858; 209 kB
Temperature projections of CMIP 5 models.webp 1 300 × 997; 109 kB
Time-series representation of evolutionary rates.webp 1 349 × 650; 49 kB
Time-series representations of mean relative body size.webp 1 350 × 1 298; 128 kB
Time-series representations of relative body size variance.webp 1 350 × 1 303; 111 kB
Trends in hominin brain size evolution.jpg 4 988 × 2 847; 747 kB
Wunderling 2021 tipping cascade.png 2 067 × 1 310; 251 kB