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Category:Ahn Cheol-soo

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<nowiki>Ahn Cheol-soo; An Csholszu; Ahn Cheol-soo; Ан Чхоль Су; Ahn Cheol-soo; Ahn Cheol-soo; آن چول-سو; 安哲秀; 安哲秀; Ahn Cheol-soo; اهن تشيول سو; Ан Чхольсу; 安哲秀; 安哲秀; 안철수; Ahn Cheol-soo; An Čchol-su; Ahn Cheol-soo; Ahn Cheol-soo; Ahn Cheol-soo; Ahn Cheol-soo; Ahn Cheol-soo; Αν Τσολ-σου; Ahn Cheol-soo; Ahn Cheol-soo; Ahn Cheol-soo; Ahn Cheol-soo; Ahn Cheol-soo; Ahn Cheol-soo; Ahn Cheol-soo; Ahn Cheol-soo; An Ĉol-su; Ahn Cheol-soo; Ahn Cheol-soo; آن تشيول-سو; 安哲秀; Ahn Cheol-soo; político y empresario surcoreano; 大韓民国の実業家、政治家 (1962-); dokter asal Korea Selatan; południowokoreański lekarz, przedsiębiorca i polityk; Zuid-Koreaans politicus; imprenditore sudcoreano; südkoreanischer Informatiker, Geschäftsmann und Politiker; 대한민국의 정치인, 의사, 사업가 및 소프트웨어 기업가; South Korean politician, medical doctor, businessperson, software entrepreneur and tenured professor; Νοτιοκορεάτης πολιτικός, γιατρός, και προγραμματιστής υπολογιστών; 韓國政治人物; jihokorejský podnikatel; Charles Ahn; AHN CHEOLSOO; アン・チョルス; チャールズ・アン; 安哲秀</nowiki>
Ahn Cheol-soo 
South Korean politician, medical doctor, businessperson, software entrepreneur and tenured professor
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Name in native language
Date of birth26 February 1962
Country of citizenship
Educated at
Doctoral advisor
  • Yung E Earm
Member of political party
Position held
Field of work
Native language
  • Ahn Surl-Hee
  • Kim Mi-kyung
Award received
Authority file
Wikidata Q20995
ISNI: 0000000399642662
VIAF cluster ID: 294842011
Library of Congress authority ID: nr2003012261
NDL Authority ID: 001119134
National Library of Korea ID: KAC201203938
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Media in category "Ahn Cheol-soo"

The following 27 files are in this category, out of 27 total.