Category:Air assaults
Deutsch: Bei Luftkavallerie handelt es sich um Infanterieeinheiten, die Helikopter zum Transport und zur Feuerunterstützung benutzen. Nicht zu verwechseln mit Fallschirmspringern.
English: Air Assault (or air mobile, in the U.S. Air Cavalry) is the movement of forces by helicopter or aircraft to engage and destroy enemy forces or to seize and hold key terrain. In addition to regular infantry training, these forces usually receive training in rappelling and air transportation, and their equipment is sometimes modified as well to allow better transportation in aircraft. Due to the transport load restrictions of those aircraft, air assault troops are usually light infantry though light tracked armored fighting vehicles like the M113, Russian BMD, German Wiesel 1 and Swedish Bv206 now enable these forces to "air-mech"; have mobility on the ground even in the face of enemy fire.
Español: Un asalto aéreo o aeromóvil (algunas veces denominada caballería aeromóvil) es el movimiento de fuerzas armadas en helicóptero o avión para combatir y destruir fuerzas enemigas o para capturar y mantener posiciones clave. Además del entrenamiento regular de infantería, estas fuerzas son entrenadas en rappel y transporte aéreo, y su equipo es modificado a veces para permitir que se transporte mejor. Debido a las restricciones de carga de estas aeronaves, las tropas de asalto aéreo son generalmente infantería ligera.
Nederlands: Luchtmobiel heeft bij strijdkrachten betrekking op grondgebonden eenheden die de lucht gebruiken als onderdeel van het gevechtsterrein.
Slovenščina: Zračna konjenica (izvirno angleško Air Cavalry; krajše tudi Air Cav) je taktika zračnega desanta, ki jo je razvila Kopenska vojska Združenih držav Amerike.
military movement of ground forces by air into combat or unsecured areas | |||||
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This category has the following 11 subcategories, out of 11 total.
Media in category "Air assaults"
The following 56 files are in this category, out of 56 total.
12th Cavalry Air Assault Vietnam.jpg 1,271 × 1,000; 648 KB
2019 Iranian military aviation achievements expo at Mehrabad (14).jpg 800 × 557; 139 KB
2019 Iranian military aviation achievements expo at Mehrabad (26).jpg 800 × 800; 242 KB
2019 Iranian military aviation achievements expo at Mehrabad (35).jpg 533 × 824; 177 KB
2019 Iranian southern fleet marines exercise (03).jpg 800 × 557; 48 KB
2021 exercise of police in Kerman Province (04).jpg 800 × 557; 64 KB
2021 exercise of police in Kerman Province (05).jpg 800 × 557; 63 KB
2021 exercise of police in Kerman Province (09).jpg 800 × 557; 88 KB
2021 exercise of police in Kerman Province (11).jpg 800 × 557; 93 KB
2021 exercise of police in Kerman Province (12).jpg 800 × 557; 104 KB
2021 exercise of police in Kerman Province (14).jpg 800 × 557; 71 KB
2021 exercise of police in Kerman Province (15).jpg 800 × 557; 128 KB
2022 IRGC army exercise in Aras region (78).jpg 533 × 824; 99 KB
25th Inf Div Air Assault.jpg 864 × 736; 445 KB
Air assault on Al Qasr Island during the Iraq War (July 2006).ogv 20 min 28 s, 854 × 480; 395.83 MB
Air assault on Al Qasr Island during the Iraq War (July 2006).webm 20 min 34 s, 1,280 × 720; 397.94 MB
Air Assault.jpg 4,721 × 3,147; 3.11 MB
Airmobile.jpg 1,800 × 861; 394 KB
Artist's concept of airborne assault.jpg 882 × 637; 105 KB
Bell UH-1 Iroquois Huey.jpg 1,200 × 938; 118 KB
Ch-46e.jpg 500 × 357; 49 KB
Chinook Iraq Operation Swarmer CH43 060316-N-5438H-011.jpg 2,000 × 1,398; 748 KB
Combat Training in Germany (Securing Ground) 2007-05-11-140634.jpg 1,110 × 745; 687 KB
- News Photo 090322-N-1974P-054.jpg 4,298 × 2,850; 1.64 MB
- photo essay 091115-A-3108M-003.jpg 2,100 × 1,400; 2.48 MB
- photo essay 091115-A-3108M-005.jpg 2,093 × 1,395; 1.28 MB
- photo essay 091115-A-3108M-006.jpg 1,924 × 1,283; 1.74 MB
- photo essay 091115-A-3108M-008.jpg 2,041 × 1,361; 2.21 MB
- photo essay 091115-A-3108M-009.jpg 2,093 × 1,395; 1.56 MB
- photo essay 091115-A-3108M-010.jpg 2,093 × 1,395; 2.21 MB
- photo essay 091115-A-3108M-012.jpg 1,979 × 1,319; 1.7 MB
Flickr - The U.S. Army - Hawk Landing.jpg 1,285 × 857; 924 KB
Helicopters in South-Vietnam 1969.jpg 572 × 375; 73 KB
Helicopters UH-60 Black Hawk Iraq 20060316.jpg 600 × 419; 67 KB
Hueyassaultvietnamese1970.jpg 3,000 × 2,070; 1.28 MB
Ia Drang Infantry disembarking from Helicopter.jpg 978 × 650; 94 KB
Infantry 1-9 US Cavalry exiting UH-1D.jpg 1,000 × 762; 118 KB
Italian Army Aviation AB 205 helicopter.png 1,280 × 854; 1.81 MB
NARA 111-CCV-569-CC44324 4th Infantry Division helicopter assault from UH-1 1967.jpg 3,300 × 2,204; 2.82 MB
Operation Crazy Horse Vietnam.jpg 1,474 × 1,000; 1.26 MB
Operation Swarmer.jpg 1,273 × 889; 284 KB
Pakofficerexercise.jpg 2,870 × 1,935; 2.68 MB
Parwan air assault.jpg 1,005 × 660; 429 KB
Romanian forces Air Assault operations.jpg 5,760 × 3,840; 8.65 MB
Troops disembark from helicopter painting.jpg 1,700 × 1,178; 298 KB
UH 60 Black Hawk helicopters from 5th Battalion, 101st Combat Aviation Brigade.jpg 2,784 × 1,848; 2.2 MB
UH-1D helicopters in Vietnam 1966.jpg 2,914 × 1,883; 513 KB
UH-1Ds landing during Operation Bolling, September 1967.jpg 1,845 × 1,450; 297 KB
UH-1s deploy 503rd Infantry during Operation Bolling, September 1967.jpg 1,849 × 1,376; 521 KB
US air assault- Iraq.jpg 863 × 578; 426 KB
US Army UH-1Ds near Saigon 1965.jpg 1,792 × 1,429; 1.12 MB
Viet-huey.jpg 665 × 558; 249 KB