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Category:Alexander Beglov

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<nowiki>Alexander Beglov; Alekszendr Dmitrijevics Beglov; Alexander Beglov; Alexander Dmitrijewitsch Beglow; Аляксандр Дзмітрыевіч Бяглоў; 亚历山大·别格洛夫; Aleksandr Beglov; アレクサンドル・ベグロフ; אלכסנדר בגלוב; Александр Беглов; 亞歷山大·德米特里耶維奇·貝格羅夫; 알렉산드르 베글로프; Alexander Beglov; Aleksandr Dmitrevič Beglov; Alexandre Beglov; Aleksandr Beglov; Alexandre Beglov; Беглов, Александр Дмитриевич; Eleksėndra Beglovs; Alexandre Beglov; Александър Беглов; Александр Беглов; Aleksandr Beglov; Aleksandr Beglov; Aleksandr Beqlov; Александр Дмитриевич Беглов; Бєглов Олександр Дмитрович; Aleksandr Beglov; Alexander Beglov; Alexander Beglov; Aleksandr Beglov; 亚历山大·德米特里耶维奇·贝格罗夫; Alexander Beglov; politico russo; রুশ রাজনীতিবিদ; personnalité politique russe, gouverneur de Saint-Pétersbourg; político ruso; Venemaa poliitik; politikari errusiarra; Russian politician; políticu rusu; polític rus; سياسي روسي; Russischer Politiker; político russo; polaiteoir Rúiseach; ռուս քաղաքական գործիչ; 现任圣彼得堡市市长; russisk politiker; Sankt Peterburg Valisi; politician rus; politikan rus; Российский государственный деятель; rysk politiker; russisk politikar; פוליטיקאי רוסי; Russisch politicus; político ruso; російський політик; расійскі палітык; 러시아 정치인; Governor of Saint Petersburg; Russian politician; ruský politik; سیاستمدار روسی; Aleksandr Dmitriyeviç Beglov; Aleksandr Dmitrijevitsj Beglov; Aleksandr Dmitrijevitsj Beglov; Беглов, Александр; Александр Беглов; Беглов А. Д.; Беглов А.; Беглов Александр Дмитриевич; Беглов Александр; Alexander Dmitrievich Beglov; 알렉산드르 드미트리예비치 베글로프; Александр Дмитриевич Беглов; Aleksandr Dmítrievitx Beglov; 亚历山大·德米特里耶维奇·贝格罗夫; Олександр Дмитрович Бєглов</nowiki>
Alexander Beglov 
Governor of Saint Petersburg
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Name in native language
  • Беглов Александр Дмитриевич
Date of birth19 May 1956
Country of citizenship
Educated at
Member of
  • Navalny 35
Member of political party
Position held
Field of work
Native language
Award received
  • Order "For Merit to the Fatherland", 3rd class
  • Order "For Merit to the Fatherland", 4th class
  • Honored Builder of the Russian Federation
  • Russian Federation Government Certificate of Honour
  • Order of St. Sergius of Radonezh 1st class
  • Order of Holy Prince Daniel of Moscow 1st class
  • Order "For Merit to the Fatherland", 2nd class
  • Order of Friendship
  • Q4311793
  • Friendship Order
  • Order of Holy Prince Daniel of Moscow
  • Order of St. Sergius of Radonezh
Authority file
Wikidata Q1960874
VIAF cluster ID: 253131975
Library of Congress authority ID: n2012051771
IMDb ID: nm16079486
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Media in category "Alexander Beglov"

The following 37 files are in this category, out of 37 total.