Category:Ancient Greek inscriptions in Cyprus
Media in categorie "Ancient Greek inscriptions in Cyprus"
Deze categorie bevat de volgende 16 bestanden, van in totaal 16.
House of Eustolios mosaic text 2010 2.jpg 4.272 × 2.848; 4,43 MB
House of Eustolios mosaic text 2010 3.jpg 4.272 × 2.848; 4,83 MB
House of Eustolios mosaic text 2010.jpg 4.272 × 2.848; 5,21 MB
Icarios and Dionysos mosaics.jpg 4.098 × 2.722; 8,35 MB
Kourion10.jpg 2.736 × 3.648; 9,75 MB
Mosaic , complex of Eustolios , Kourion 2006.jpg 1.536 × 2.048; 3,06 MB
Mosaic from the House of Eustolios, Kourion, Cyprus.jpg 1.600 × 1.200; 1,15 MB
Mosaic gladiators Kurion.jpg 584 × 438; 82 kB
Apollon Pafos.jpg 1.920 × 2.560; 1,18 MB
Cipro-Paphos07.jpg 1.280 × 960; 237 kB
House of Aion - Apollo and Marsyas.jpg 2.560 × 1.920; 1,17 MB
House of Aion, Paphos - Apollo and Marsyas Mosaic 2.jpg 3.072 × 2.304; 10,74 MB
House of Aion, Paphos - Apollo and Marsyas Mosaic.jpg 3.072 × 2.304; 9,52 MB
Kourion - Marsyas.jpg 2.592 × 1.944; 1,8 MB
Paphos - Pyrame et Thisbé.jpg 2.592 × 1.944; 1,51 MB
Ruins in Cyprus.jpg 1.600 × 1.200; 756 kB