Category:Anthus gustavi
IOC Classification: Domain: Eukaryota • Regnum: Animalia • Phylum: Chordata • Subphylum: Vertebrata • Infraphylum: Gnathostomata • Cladus: Osteichthyes • Superclassis: Tetrapoda • Cladus: Amniota • Cladus: Reptilia • Cladus: Archosauria • Classis: Aves • Superordo: Neognathae • Ordo: Passeriformes • Subordo: Passeri • Infraordo: Passerida • Superfamilia: Passeroidea • Familia: Motacillidae • Genus: Anthus • Species: Anthus gustavi Swinhoe, 1863
- English: Pechora Pipit
- العربية: جشنة بيتشورا
- مصرى: جشنه بيتشورا
- български: Сибирска бъбрица
- brezhoneg: Sidan ar Petchora
- català: piula del Pètxora
- čeština: linduška sibiřská
- Cymraeg: corhedydd Pechora
- dansk: Tundrapiber, Tundra-piber
- Deutsch: Petschorapieper
- Esperanto: Tundropipio
- español: Bisbita del Pechora
- eesti: põhjakiur
- euskara: Petxorako txirta
- فارسی: پیپت پیچورا
- suomi: tundrakirvinen
- føroyskt: Frostmýritítlingur
- français: Pipit de la Petchora
- Gaeilge: Riabhóg thundra
- Gaelg: Tweet Pechora
- עברית: פיפיון פצורה טונדרה
- hrvatski: sibirska trepteljka
- magyar: tundrapityer
- Bahasa Indonesia: Apung petchora
- íslenska: Svarðtittlingur
- italiano: Pispola della Pechora
- 日本語: セジロタヒバリ
- 한국어: 흰등밭종다리
- lietuvių: tundrinis kalviukas
- latviešu: tundras čipste
- монгол: Сибирийн шийхнүүхэй
- norsk bokmål: Tundrapiplerke
- Nederlands: Petsjorapieper
- norsk nynorsk: Tundrapiplerke
- norsk: Tundrapiplerke
- Diné bizaad: Biibii binághah noodǫ́zígíí
- polski: świergotek tundrowy
- português: petinha-da-sibéria, petinha-siberiana
- русский: Сибирский конёк
- davvisámegiella: Duottarcivkkán
- slovenčina: ľabtuška bielopása
- slovenščina: tundrica
- svenska: tundrapiplärka
- українська: щеврик сибірський
- 中文: 北鹨
- 中文(中国大陆): 北鹨
- 中文(简体): 北鹨
- 中文(繁體): 北鷚
- 中文(香港): 北鷚
- 中文(臺灣): 北鷚

Wikispecies has an entry on:
IUCN: Anthus gustavi Swinhoe, 1863 (old web site) (Least Concern)
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Taxon author | Robert Swinhoe, 1863 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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This category has only the following subcategory.
Media in category "Anthus gustavi"
The following 14 files are in this category, out of 14 total.
Anthus gustavi 146070128.jpg 2,047 × 2,048; 2 MB
Anthus gustavi 171.jpg 2,563 × 3,764; 1.04 MB
Anthus gustavi 214075656.jpg 1,446 × 1,929; 1.03 MB
Anthus gustavi 2724687.jpg 600 × 391; 93 KB
Anthus gustavi 2724688.jpg 391 × 600; 72 KB
Anthus gustavi 2724689.jpg 391 × 600; 91 KB
Anthus gustavi 2724690.jpg 391 × 600; 93 KB
Anthus gustavi 306081574.jpg 1,620 × 1,080; 297 KB
Anthus gustavi gustavi.JPG 800 × 600; 288 KB
Anthus sp.jpg 1,260 × 869; 66 KB
Pechora Pipit spring Attu-island Alaska.jpg 900 × 550; 292 KB
PIPIT, PECHORA (9-5-08) Gambell, Ak - Photo By Barrett Pierce -1 (2831810040).jpg 1,866 × 1,284; 396 KB
PIPIT, PECHORA (9-5-08) Gambell, Ak - Photo By Barrett Pierce -3 (2830971697).jpg 2,412 × 1,764; 1.1 MB