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Category:Archaeological Museum of Delphi

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Čeština: Delfské archeologické muzeum je muzeum archeologických artefaktů ze starověkých Delf, v Řecku. Ústředními exponáty jsou artefakty starověké delfské věštírny.
English: Delphi Archaeological museum is the museum that houses the ancient artifacts that were found in Delphi, Greece. Its centerpiece are the antiquities found in the complex of the ancient Oracle of Delphi from the 18th century BC when the oracle was founded to its decline in Late Antiquity. Its exhibits are mainly offerings to the oracle and architectural parts of the buildings.
institution QS:P195,Q636928
<nowiki>Museo Arqueológico de Delfos; musée archéologique de Delphes; Museu Arqueològic de Delfos; Archäologisches Museum Delphi; Museu Arqueológico de Delfos; Археолошки музеј у Делфима; 德爾福考古博物館; Археолошки музеј у Делфима; Arheološki muzej Delfi; デルポイ考古学博物館; متحف دلفى الاثرى; Muzeum Archeologiczne w Delfach; המוזיאון לארכיאולוגיה של דלפי; Delphi Archaeological Museum; Archaeologicum Museum Delphorum; Αρχαιολογικό Μουσείο Δελφών; Museo archeologico di Delfi; Delfoin arkeologinen museo; Delphi Archaeological Museum; 德尔斐考古博物馆; Delfské archeologické muzeum; Дельфійський археологічний музей; museo de Delfos, Grecia; musée en Grèce; museo in Grecia; מוזיאון ביוון; museum in Griekenland; řecké muzeum; arheološki muzej v grškem mestu Delfi; archäologisches Museum in Griechenland; museo Kreikassa; museum in Greece; музеј у Грчкој; Οι Δελφοί είναι ένας αρχαιολογικός χώρος; музеј који се налази у Делфима; Museo Arqueologico de Delfos; delfski muzej; 德爾斐考古博物館; 德爾斐博物館; 德尔斐考古博物馆; Mouseio Delphon; Delphi Museum; Музеј Делфи; Μουσείο Δελφών; Археолошки музеј Делфи; Археолошки музеј (Делфи); Arheološki muzej u Delfima</nowiki>
Delphi Archaeological Museum 
museum in Greece
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Instance of
LocationDelphi, Delfi Municipality, Phocis Regional Unit, Central Greece Region, Decentralized Administration of Thessaly and Central Greece, Greece
Street address
  • Τ.Κ. 33054
Founded by
  • 1903
Date of official opening
  • 1903
Visitors per year
  • 137,550
  • 166,091 (2016)
  • 211,827 (2017)
  • 249,754 (2018)
official website
Map38° 28′ 49.06″ N, 22° 29′ 59.42″ E
Authority file
Wikidata Q636928
VIAF cluster ID: 145993304
GND ID: 5245755-2
Library of Congress authority ID: n85090983
Bibliothèque nationale de France ID: 12236453j
IdRef ID: 031077560
National Library of Israel ID (old): 002124506
J9U ID: 987007599532005171
Union List of Artist Names ID: 500306710
OpenStreetMap way ID: 145690078
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