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Category:Armstrong's mixture

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<nowiki>mezcla de Armstrong; アームストロングの混合物; Mistura Armstrong; Armstrongo mišinys; Mistura di Armstrong; Mélange d'Armstrong; תערובת ארמסטרונג; Armstrong's mixture; смесь Армстронга; Armstrongin seos; Armstrongsche Mischung; Mistura Armstrong; Armstrong's mixture; Armstrong's mixture; Armstrongova směs; Armstrongs blanding; mezcla usada como explosivo; hochexplosive Mischung aus rotem Phosphor und Kaliumchlorat; mixture used as an explosive; vysoce výbušná směs; tipo di esplosivo; Armstrong mixture; Armstrong's mix</nowiki>
Armstrong's mixture 
mixture used as an explosive
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Wikidata Q689464
BabelNet ID: 01034093n
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Media in category "Armstrong's mixture"

The following 2 files are in this category, out of 2 total.