Category:Author died more than 100 years ago public domain images
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Pages in category "Author died more than 100 years ago public domain images"
This category contains only the following page.
Media in category "Author died more than 100 years ago public domain images"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 599,129 total.
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"A compendium of anatomy", Fyfe, 1826 Wellcome L0010643.jpg 1,122 × 1,638; 887 KB
"A" Stans av stål med fyrkantig genomskärning - Skoklosters slott - 92951.tif 5,616 × 3,744; 14.7 MB
"Azərbaycan" qəzetinin ilk nömrəsi.jpg 674 × 1,024; 226 KB
"B" Stans av stål med fyrkantig genomskärning - Skoklosters slott - 92952.tif 5,616 × 3,744; 15.71 MB
"Benjamin Bell, surgeon, Royal Infirmary Edinburgh, 1749-180 Wellcome V0018220.jpg 2,684 × 3,207; 2.33 MB
"C" Stans av stål med fyrkantig genomskärning - Skoklosters slott - 92953.tif 5,616 × 3,744; 15.26 MB
"Calcutta" from 'Voyage de l'Inde a la Mekke' by Abdul-Kerym, 1797.jpg 1,555 × 1,385; 172 KB
"Candide" av Voltaire - Skoklosters slott - 86174.tif 4,272 × 3,504; 42.85 MB
"CAROLVS. XI. REX. SVECIAE", smycke från 1672 cirka - Livrustkammaren - 97848.tif 3,744 × 5,616; 60.17 MB
"Clas Flemings likfärd 1577" (1885).jpg 800 × 610; 192 KB
"Doctor Lincoln's New Elixir of Life ," 1862.jpg 660 × 525; 99 KB
"Dürrü Nəcəfi" jurnalının 1-ci səhifəsi.jpg 579 × 714; 332 KB
"E" Stans av stål med fyrkantig genomskärning - Skoklosters slott - 92954.tif 5,616 × 3,744; 14.57 MB
"Eagle".crashed2.jpg 450 × 357; 39 KB
"En ärlig svensk" tryckt 1735 - Skoklosters slott - 86223.tif 4,158 × 3,947; 78.28 MB
"Escena de playa con figura".jpg 353 × 400; 45 KB
"Escuela española - Retrato de dama".png 341 × 458; 271 KB
"F" Stans av stål med fyrkantig genomskärning - Skoklosters slott - 92955.tif 5,616 × 3,744; 14.48 MB
"FAUST. II.THEIL”.jpg 2,141 × 3,040; 1.87 MB
"Flickhuvud" (undated).jpg 800 × 1,242; 210 KB
"Flickhuvud" n.2 (undated).jpg 800 × 985; 271 KB
"Folktyper från Donautrakten" (undated).jpg 800 × 1,081; 208 KB
"Forest Scenery-Puna," c. 1884.jpg 912 × 641; 201 KB
"Greek law", a Georgian MSS (1788).jpg 563 × 356; 201 KB
"Gudasaga" (1884).jpg 800 × 1,216; 361 KB
"Gustaf Wasa, lyrisk tragedie i tre acter" av Johan Henrik Kellgren - Skoklosters slott - 86031.tif 3,742 × 2,505, 2 pages; 13.5 MB
"Gör ej fiolen skada. Du svettas, stor sak..." Fredmans Epitel 2.jpg 680 × 526; 37 KB
"H" Stans av stål med fyrkantig genomskärning - Skoklosters slott - 92956.tif 5,616 × 3,744; 14.82 MB
"Hack" Madeira, 1880s.jpg 2,448 × 1,818; 1.46 MB
"He lei no Ka Moi Wahine Kapiolani" in Princess Poomaikelani's mele book.jpg 1,577 × 1,000; 416 KB
"Hombre fumando".jpg 316 × 455; 46 KB
"Huvud av St Bernardshund" (1879).jpg 800 × 943; 306 KB
"Il gruppo del Gran Paradiso versante sud".Torino, Doyen, 1873.jpg 3,714 × 1,356; 824 KB
"In Hoc volumine Haec Continentur..." Wellcome L0003070.jpg 1,050 × 1,700; 610 KB
"Junge Eiche".jpg 3,500 × 2,589; 7.47 MB
"Juthbacka" (1848).jpg 800 × 595; 183 KB
"K" Stans av stål med fyrkantig genomskärning - Skoklosters slott - 92957.tif 5,616 × 3,744; 15.26 MB
"L" Stans av stål med fyrkantig genomskärning - Skoklosters slott - 93060.tif 5,616 × 3,744; 14.61 MB
"La gitana".jpg 152 × 198; 12 KB
"M" Stans av stål med fyrkantig genomskärning - Skoklosters slott - 92959.tif 5,616 × 3,744; 14.48 MB
"Mi Heng Slips His Garment and Rails at Traitors".jpg 1,238 × 2,047; 776 KB
"Mickiewicz budzący geniusza poezji" rzeźba Antoniego Kurzawy.jpg 675 × 1,200; 92 KB
"Mitt hem i Nykarleby" (1848).jpg 800 × 555; 169 KB
"Mogols, Indiens, Malabarois.jpg 360 × 600; 100 KB
"Mujer en el Diván".jpg 600 × 436; 56 KB
"N" Stans av stål med fyrkantig genomskärning - Skoklosters slott - 92960.tif 5,616 × 3,744; 16.26 MB
"Nerón y Séneca" (Eduardo Barrón) (boceto).JPG 3,072 × 2,304; 2.17 MB
"Niño en el lago".jpg 425 × 253; 173 KB
"Nykarleby stad" (1866).jpg 800 × 613; 202 KB
"O" Stans av stål med fyrkantig genomskärning - Skoklosters slott - 92961.tif 5,616 × 3,744; 15.43 MB
"Oeuvres diverses de Mr Rousseau" tryckår 1734 - Skoklosters slott - 86201.tif 3,432 × 2,788; 27.4 MB
"Paisaje campestre" por Pedro lira.jpg 400 × 223; 17 KB
"Paisaje con cordillera y vacunos".jpg 567 × 345; 32 KB
"Paisaje crepuscular".jpg 582 × 400; 32 KB
"Persiska brev" av Montesquieu - Skoklosters slott - 56543.tif 2,640 × 3,405; 25.73 MB
"Persiska brev" av Montesquieu - Skoklosters slott - 65104.tif 2,744 × 3,386; 26.59 MB
"Plan of Fort William, near Calcutta," c.1762-99.jpg 768 × 510; 44 KB
"Platée, Ballet Bouffon" tryckt 1745 - Skoklosters slott - 86003.tif 4,827 × 3,343; 46.19 MB
"Polska rocken" tillhörande Kristina - Livrustkammaren - 56605.tif 3,262 × 4,153; 16.84 MB
"R" Stans av stål med fyrkantig genomskärning - Skoklosters slott - 92968.tif 5,616 × 3,744; 13.49 MB
"Rama Receives Sugriva and Jambavat, the Monkey and Bear Kings", Folio from a Ramayana.jpg 2,608 × 3,857; 2.22 MB
"Resa til Frankrike, Italien, Sweitz, Tyskland, Holland, Ángland - Skoklosters slott - 85997.tif 3,820 × 2,995; 32.75 MB
"Resa til Frankrike, Italien, Sweitz, Tyskland, Holland, Ángland - Skoklosters slott - 86000.tif 3,403 × 2,413, 2 pages; 23.52 MB
"Resa til Frankrike, Italien, Sweitz, Tyskland, Holland, Ángland - Skoklosters slott - 86060.tif 4,108 × 3,001; 35.29 MB
"Resa til Frankrike, Italien, Sweitz, Tyskland, Holland, Ángland - Skoklosters slott - 86061.tif 3,335 × 3,151, 2 pages; 30.09 MB
"Riddarhuset" (undated).jpg 800 × 617; 266 KB
"Saint Martin and the beggar", relief, Hoechst Castle (Frankfurt).jpg 2,632 × 2,116; 617 KB
"Sammelband mehrerer Wappenbucher".png 944 × 1,381; 1.66 MB
"Santo" . Pintura tenebrista. S. XVII.jpg 1,920 × 2,560; 1.08 MB
"Shariki," or Cart Pushing Coolies (description).jpg 4,395 × 3,151; 1.96 MB
"Shariki," or Cart Pushing Coolies (In book with description).jpg 6,110 × 2,277; 1.43 MB
"Si Anna Stina så hviter i barmen", Fredmans epistel 4.jpg 680 × 533; 30 KB
"Sjömotiv" (1911).jpg 800 × 979; 214 KB
"St Brélade, Jersey" (1893).jpg 800 × 598; 169 KB
"Sökö-udde, den 20. juli" (1898).jpg 800 × 588; 149 KB
"The agony in the garden" by J.B. Jackson after J. Bassano Wellcome L0074178.jpg 5,544 × 7,915; 8.67 MB
"The Combat of Giv and Kamus", from the Shah Tahmasp's Shahnama, VMFA.jpg 1,646 × 2,400; 2.07 MB
"The Prettiest Doll in the World" MET DP259491 (cropped).jpg 1,217 × 2,100; 683 KB
"The Prettiest Doll in the World" MET DP259491.jpg 2,825 × 3,753; 2.69 MB
"The Small House at Allington" first book edition title page.jpg 569 × 958; 250 KB
"The World's Congress of Religions" Book Cover.png 612 × 905; 683 KB
"Uniform Dress" and company bannersof the Moscow Streltsy Department 1674.jpg 1,200 × 719; 131 KB
"V" Stans av stål med fyrkantig genomskärning - Skoklosters slott - 92962.tif 5,616 × 3,744; 14.76 MB
"Vestal Virgin" Sir Frederic Leighton.webp 566 × 800; 37 KB
"View of Calcutta," by Francois Balthasar Solvyns, 1799.jpg 800 × 603; 66 KB
"Villa i Nykarleby skärgård -Björkholmen" (undated).jpg 800 × 428; 156 KB
"Villa i Nykarleby skärgård" (1901).jpg 800 × 677; 201 KB
"Villa Myggan" (1856).jpg 800 × 544; 228 KB
"Will we have war or not?" Paranhos and Argentina.jpg 1,639 × 2,227; 1.1 MB
"Yeni Bico" xalçası - XIX əsrin əvvəli.jpg 515 × 350; 58 KB
"Z" Stans av stål med fyrkantig genomskärning - Skoklosters slott - 92972.tif 5,616 × 3,744; 12.86 MB
"Московские ведомости" 1856 3.JPG 3,372 × 5,162; 2.73 MB
"Первые металлурги".jpg 960 × 614; 278 KB
"Порівняльна статистика" 1878 р.jpg 140 × 225; 4 KB
"Цветное платье" и сотенные знамена московских стрелецких приказов. 1674 г.jpg 1,084 × 1,550; 293 KB
$ - Paxton - Title page vol XIII.jpg 543 × 782; 176 KB
Petrarca - De remediis utriusque fortunae.djvu 1,968 × 2,942, 334 pages; 18.1 MB
Stirner - L’Unique et sa propriété.djvu 1,337 × 2,069, 502 pages; 9.04 MB
''The autumn is old' touched proof 2 engraving by William Miller after Birket Foster.jpg 2,608 × 1,600; 644 KB
'- He gazed on the Rhine' engraving by William Miller after Birket Foster.jpg 2,672 × 2,290; 1.57 MB
'A Battle Scene' by Luca Giordano, Norton Simon Museum.JPG 3,416 × 2,072; 951 KB
'A Bishop Saint' by Cecco di Pietro.jpg 922 × 2,597; 439 KB
'A Cockerel, a Turkey, Hens and Chickens in a Farmyard' by Melchior d'Hondecoeter.jpg 1,189 × 1,500; 298 KB
'A Courtyard on the rue de la Fontenelle' by Stanislas Lépine, Norton Simon Museum.JPG 2,328 × 3,244; 1.01 MB
'A Gentleman and a Lady' by Félicien Rops, Honolulu Museum of Art.JPG 1,443 × 1,700; 293 KB
'A Girl Copying a Drawing' by Martin Drolling, Pushkin Museum.JPG 2,020 × 2,448; 587 KB
'A Goatherd with His Flock beside a Spring' by Jakob Roos.jpg 1,142 × 819; 155 KB
'A Kiss' Pavel Aleksandrovich Svedomsky.jpg 323 × 640; 67 KB
'A Lady with a Dog' by Giuseppe Maria Crespi, c. 1690-1700.JPG 1,556 × 1,844; 351 KB
'A Long Minuet as Danced at Bath' by Henry William Bunbury, 1787.jpg 843 × 637; 142 KB
'A Musical Party' by Gerard Van Kuijl.jpg 1,280 × 1,000; 197 KB
'A New Adornment' by Clément Pujol de Guastavino, 1878.jpg 1,500 × 960; 329 KB
'A Nice Cup of Tea' by Louis Toussaint.jpg 750 × 918; 70 KB
'A Ram, a Ewe and a Lamb' by Henri-Arthur Bonnefoy.jpg 304 × 400; 32 KB
'A River Landscape with a Windmill' by Jan van Kessel the Elders.jpg 1,206 × 930; 229 KB
'A Scene from the Tempest, Prospero and Ariel' by Joseph Severn.jpg 1,549 × 2,000; 1.02 MB
'A Shepherdess with Her Flock beside a Ruined Arch' by Jakob Roos.jpg 1,141 × 840; 167 KB
'A Starling' by Isaac Spackman, Yale Center for British Art.jpg 499 × 640; 60 KB
'A View of the Roman Campagna with Travelers Passing...' by Edward Lear.jpg 1,950 × 914; 375 KB
'A Watched Pan Never Boils' by Edwin Forbes 1876.jpg 1,000 × 673; 118 KB
'A West Indian Residence' by James Edward Alexander, 1831.jpg 1,088 × 860; 139 KB
'Achilles Recognised' by Frans Francken II, 1620, Pushkin Museum.JPG 1,788 × 1,302; 319 KB
'Adoration of the Shepherds' attributed to Giovanni Galizzi, El Paso Museum of Art.JPG 3,288 × 2,067; 1.08 MB
'Adoration of the Shepherds' by Anton Kern.jpg 1,500 × 915; 274 KB
'Aizen Myo-o', Kamakura period (cropped).jpg 1,596 × 1,627; 632 KB
'Aizen Myo-o', Kamakura period.jpg 1,628 × 2,156; 837 KB
'Alexander the Great and Thalestris' by Giovanni Ghisolfi.jpg 1,500 × 1,023; 352 KB
'Allegorical Family Portrait' by Jan de Bray, late 1660s, The Hermitage.JPG 2,192 × 2,936; 830 KB
'Allegorical Portrait of Dante' by Agnolo Bronzino.jpg 489 × 640; 47 KB
'Allegory of Autumn' by François Boucher.jpg 557 × 621; 99 KB
'Allegory of Painting' by Carle van Loo.jpg 1,130 × 1,431; 213 KB
'Allegory of Painting' by Francesco Cairo, c. 1630.JPG 2,150 × 2,730; 751 KB
'Allegory of the Arts I' by Jacob de Wit, oil on canvas, 100 x 75 cm.jpg 2,382 × 1,664; 749 KB
'Allegory of the Arts II' by Jacob de Wit, oil on canvas, 100 x 75 cm..jpg 2,394 × 1,698; 574 KB
'Allegory of the Arts III' by Jacob de Wit, oil on canvas, 100 x 75 cm.jpg 2,404 × 1,656; 590 KB
'Allegory of the Arts IV' by Jacob de Wit, oil on canvas, 100 x 75 cm.jpg 2,419 × 1,694; 641 KB
'Allegory of Winter', manner of Giuseppe Arcimboldo.jpg 1,050 × 1,461; 458 KB
'Alpine Lake' by John William Casilear, 1860, High Museum.JPG 2,870 × 1,815; 644 KB
'Amaterasu' by Hoen (Taira) Yoshiteru.jpg 1,362 × 3,868; 475 KB
'An Architect's Table' by Thomas-Germain-Joseph Duvivier, Norton Simon Museum.JPG 2,460 × 3,208; 903 KB
'An Old Lady with a Young Boy, in an Interior' by Jan Steen.jpg 815 × 930; 95 KB
'An Old Woman Holding a Purse by Candlelight' by Matthias Stomer.jpg 1,583 × 2,000; 3.44 MB
'An Otter Hunt' by Philip Reinagle.jpg 1,280 × 1,014; 300 KB
'Arab Woman in a Doorway' by Jean-Léon Gérôme, LACMA.JPG 1,406 × 1,885; 369 KB
'Archille Baraguay' by Honré Daumier, 1849, lithograph, Honolulu Museum of Art.JPG 2,000 × 3,080; 904 KB