Category:Authorised Neutral Athletes

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 See also categories: Athlete Refugee Team and Refugee Olympic Team.
<nowiki>Atleti neutrali autorizzati; athlètes neutres autorisés; Neutraalne sportlane; Authorised Neutral Athletes; Нейтральный атлет; Authorised Neutral Athletes; Atletas Neutros Autorizados; Authorised Neutral Athletes; دوندگان مجاز بی‌طرف; 授權中立運動員; Ауторизовани неутрални атлетичари; Authorised Neutral Athletes; Autoriserte nøytrale utøvere; Authorised Neutral Athletes; אתלט נייטרלי מורשה; Լիազորված չեզոք մարզիկ; Authorised Neutral Athletes; Authorised Neutral Athletes; Authorised Neutral Athletes; Εξουσιοδοτημένοι Ουδέτεροι Αθλητές; Нейтральний атлет; rappresentanza olimpica; 2010年代のドーピングスキャンダル後、ロシアの運動選手が国際競技会で競争できるカテゴリー; catégorie d'athlètes sans affiliation nationale; 2010eko dopin eskandaluaren ondoren nazioarteko txapelketetan atleta errusiarrak barne hartzen dituen kategoria; Russische atleten kunnen onder deze naam deelnemen aan internationale atletiekwedstrijden; category under which Russian athletes can compete at international competitions after the 2010s doping scandal; سازمان بین‌المللی برای ورزشکاران بدون پرچم; category under which Russian athletes can compete at international competitions after the 2010s doping scandal; категорија под којом се руски спортисти могу такмичити на међународним такмичењима након допинг скандала из 2010-их; Atleti Individuali Neutrali; ANA; AIN; ANA; Authorised Neutral Athletes; ANA; ANA; ANA; ANA; ANA; ANA; ANA; АНА</nowiki>
Authorised Neutral Athletes 
category under which Russian athletes can compete at international competitions after the 2010s doping scandal
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Media in category "Authorised Neutral Athletes"

The following 5 files are in this category, out of 5 total.