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Fonte: Wikimedia Commons

English: This category contains autographs. An autograph is a document transcribed entirely in the handwriting of its author, as opposed to a typeset document or one written by an amanuensis or a copyist; the meaning overlaps with that of the word holograph. An autograph also refers to a famous person's artistic signature. This term is used in particular for the practice of collecting autographs of celebrities. A signature is a handwritten (and often stylized) depiction of someone's name, nickname, or even a simple "X" or other mark that a person writes on documents as a proof of identity and intent.
 Ver também a categoria: Signatures.
<nowiki>autografo; autographe; Autogramm; Autograf; Автограф; ինքնագիր; 親筆簽名; autograf; avtograf; サイン; Autogramm; Autograf; autograf; Autograf; autograf; autógrafo; nimikirjoitus; ఆటోగ్రాఫ్; 오토그래프; autograph; توقيع المشاهير; autograf; autograph; firma manuscrita; signature écrite (ou) manuscrit par auteur; egenhändig handskrift av något slag, t.ex. en namnteckning eller ett manuskript; własnoręczne pismo lub podpis jakiejś osoby; firma manoscritta di una persona famosa; henkilön nimi hänen itsensä kirjoittamana; lastnoročni podpis (ali) rokopis avtorja; 서명 또는 사인; handwritten signature or manuscript by author; التوقيع المكتوب بخط اليد لشخص مشهور; původní vlastnoruční zápis či podpis autora díla; handwritten signature or manuscript by author; Autograph; podpis</nowiki>
handwritten signature or manuscript by author
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Wikidata Q2872572
número de controlo da Biblioteca do Congresso: sh85010068
identificador J9U da Biblioteca Nacional de Israel: 987007295710305171
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Multimédia na categoria "Autographs"

Esta categoria contém os seguintes 200 ficheiros (de um total de 381).

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