Category:Battle of Gallipoli
Türkçe: Çanakkale Savaşı I. Dünya Savaşı sırasında 1915–1916 yılları arasında Gelibolu Yarımadası'nda Osmanlı İmparatorluğu ile İtilaf Devletleri arasında yapılan deniz ve kara muharebeleridir. İtilaf Devletleri; Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nun başkenti İstanbul'u alarak İstanbul ve Çanakkale boğazlarının kontrolünü ele geçirmek, Rusya'yla güvenli bir erzak tedarik ve askeri ikmal yolu açmak, başkent İstanbul′u zapt etmek suretiyle Almanya′nın müttefiklerinden birini savaş dışı bırakarak İttifak Devletlerini zayıflatmak amaçları ile ilk hedef olarak Çanakkale Boğazı'nı seçmişlerdir. Ancak saldırıları başarısız olmuş ve geri çekilmek zorunda kalmışlardır. Kara ve deniz savaşı sonucunda iki taraf da çok ağır kayıplar vermiştir. Savaş kesin Osmanlı zaferi ile sonuçlanmıştır.
English: The Gallipoli Campaign, also known as the Dardanelles Campaign, the Battle of Gallipoli, or the Battle of Çanakkale (Turkish: Çanakkale Savaşı), was a campaign of the First World War that took place on the Gallipoli peninsula (Gelibolu in Turkey) in the Ottoman Empire between 25 April 1915 and 9 January 1916. The peninsula forms the northern bank of the Dardanelles, a strait that provided a sea route to the Russian Empire, one of the Allied powers during the war. Intending to secure it, Russia's allies Britain and France launched a naval attack followed by an amphibious landing on the peninsula, with the aim of capturing the Ottoman capital of Istanbul. The naval attack was repelled and after eight months' fighting, with many casualties on both sides, the land campaign was abandoned and the invasion force was withdrawn to Egypt.
1916 military campaign during World War I | |||||
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Location | Gallipoli, Marmara Region, Turkey | ||||
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This category has the following 25 subcategories, out of 25 total.
- The ANZAC Book (4 F)
- Battle of Gallipoli in art (36 F)
- Bolayır (17 F)
- Second Battle of Krithia (2 F)
Pages in category "Battle of Gallipoli"
This category contains only the following page.
Media in category "Battle of Gallipoli"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 246 total.
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"577" (Shaving) (portrait of Henry Charles Marshall) (16596748314).jpg 720 × 1,050; 552 KB
"Fallen Comrades" and Evacuation of Gallipoli, 15-20 December 1915 (15761095710).jpg 8,490 × 3,605; 6.28 MB
'A remarkable view of V. Beach, taken from the S.S. RIVER CLYDE'.jpg 650 × 483; 70 KB
(Gallipoli campaign) قبور شهداء معركة جناق قلعة.jpg 768 × 1,024; 210 KB
18th in Gun Lane (Gallipoli ?) (14830866144).jpg 3,508 × 2,275; 3.51 MB
4th Australian Brigade at the rear of Quinn's Post.jpg 800 × 564; 117 KB
57. Alay Şehitliği - panoramio (2).jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 5.24 MB
5inchHowitzerFiringGallipoli1915.jpeg 450 × 338; 74 KB
5inchHowitzerNorthBeachGallipoli.jpeg 450 × 283; 67 KB
6inch30cwtHowitzerFiringGallipoli.jpeg 450 × 263; 90 KB
8th Australian Battalion Bolton's Ridge.JPG 367 × 639; 138 KB
A comrade's grave, Henry Charles Marshall (17218636071).jpg 1,400 × 944; 950 KB
A Group in the Trenches, Henry Charles Marshall (16596755614).jpg 1,400 × 931; 854 KB
A landing party approaching the shore at Gallipoli during World War I, 1915 (3465992051).jpg 2,556 × 4,072; 2.83 MB
A spy, blindfolded (prisoners of war, Gallipoli) (14646992577).jpg 3,508 × 2,263; 809 KB
Aerial view Dardanelles town 1915 1.jpg 984 × 616; 161 KB
Aerial view Dardanelles town 1915 2.jpg 998 × 622; 233 KB
After-deck of 'manica', Looking Towards Bridge, 10pm, July 25th 1915 Art.IWMART4407.jpg 2,480 × 3,082; 2.21 MB
Amiral Guepratte en 1916.jpg 978 × 1,367; 359 KB
Ammunition on beach (Gallipoli) (14853048143).jpg 3,508 × 2,275; 3.25 MB
An 18pr firing (artillery in action, Gallipoli ?) (14831017494).jpg 3,508 × 2,287; 725 KB
Anburnu Captured British Hat Ataturk Signed.jpg 3,096 × 4,128; 4.66 MB
ANZAC (13971789791).jpg 2,861 × 3,687; 4.99 MB
ANZAC graves at Brown's Dip cemetery, Gallipoli Peninsula (16547591033).jpg 4,000 × 2,439; 631 KB
ANZAC Mudros harbourl 1915 SLNSW FL685794.jpg 5,249 × 3,408; 5.48 MB
Anzac Position, Ocean Beach, Gallipoli campaign (16981579689).jpg 5,594 × 1,890; 1,023 KB
ANZAC Slouch Hat Gallipoli IMM.jpg 3,096 × 4,128; 3.65 MB
Artillerie Boche.jpg 2,338 × 1,778; 1.88 MB
Australian tent hospital Lemnos 1915 SLNSW FL1523749.jpg 5,671 × 1,500; 2.41 MB
Australian troops on Plugge's Plateau.jpg 577 × 431; 37 KB
AWM-japanese-mortar-1.jpg 2,239 × 1,515; 332 KB
Big Table Top, Gallipoli.jpg 253 × 297; 50 KB
Bombarding Gaba Tepe (Gallipoli) (14809628936).jpg 3,508 × 2,275; 3.92 MB
Brigade Headquarters, behind the trenches at Anzac (500509972).jpg 996 × 690; 277 KB
Britischer X-Typ Leichter WK 1.jpg 1,500 × 974; 345 KB
British Headquarters at Gallipoli Town Greek children 1919.jpg 800 × 663; 192 KB
British Headquarters Gallipoli Town Greek children 1919.jpg 800 × 663; 163 KB
British WWI troops at Suvla Bay, Gallipoli, Turkey, 1915 (3466808918).jpg 5,693 × 3,517; 5.17 MB
Brooks and "577" (16598997003).jpg 1,400 × 947; 948 KB
Brown's Dip (Gallipoli) (14646693837).jpg 3,508 × 2,201; 3.61 MB
Building damaged by shell splinters, Gallipoli campaign (17166119282).jpg 3,718 × 2,868; 946 KB
Bukarester Tagblatt 1915-04-09, nr. 077.pdf 1,800 × 2,735, 8 pages; 2.56 MB
Cairo Hospital Patients (9704458031).jpg 4,000 × 3,117; 3.69 MB
Canterbury Mounted Rifles 27 August 1915.jpg 627 × 386; 44 KB
Captain Serri, Colonel Sala-ed-Din, Gallipoli campaign (16979987328).jpg 3,481 × 3,036; 1.17 MB
Captured Turkish sniper.jpg 962 × 707; 257 KB
Casualties at the Dardanelles, 1915 Wellcome L0023816.jpg 1,564 × 1,330; 842 KB
Casualties from the capture of Leane's Trench.jpg 635 × 378; 126 KB
Casualties Wellcome L0024179.jpg 1,550 × 1,263; 638 KB
Clearing Station, Gallipoli (9708863254).jpg 3,381 × 2,157; 3.91 MB
Collections of the Imperial War Museum Q20563.jpg 800 × 626; 58 KB
Cpe dardanelles fl 01.jpg 800 × 154; 32 KB
Cpe dardanelles fort 01.jpg 800 × 268; 82 KB
Cpe dardanelles lancs 01.jpg 800 × 503; 107 KB
Cpe gallipoli hills 01.jpg 800 × 240; 45 KB
Defense of an Anglo-French attack on Achi Baba by the Turks.png 2,171 × 1,517; 4.54 MB
Destroyed buildings around Gallipoli.jpg 3,640 × 2,693; 3.69 MB
Die Dardanellen- wie der Britishleu den halbmond zertrat - Gaul. LCCN2007683528.jpg 1,034 × 1,536; 246 KB
Die Dardanellen- wie der Britishleu den halbmond zertrat - Gaul. LCCN2007683528.tif 1,034 × 1,536; 1.52 MB
Dressing Station 7th Field Ambulance (Gallipoli) (14647370129).jpg 3,508 × 3,311; 11.28 MB
Early dugouts (Gallipoli) (14833223385).jpg 3,508 × 2,233; 3.83 MB
Empty shell cases (Gallipoli) (14646083717).jpg 3,508 × 2,263; 3.45 MB
Equipage du sous marin le Saphir en captivite en Turquie 1915.jpg 480 × 282; 82 KB
Field surgery in the Dardanelles, 1915. Wellcome L0006423.jpg 1,510 × 1,244; 538 KB
Finis (funeral, Gallipoli) (14646951518).jpg 3,508 × 2,226; 729 KB
First Dressing Station amongst the Gollies, Anzac 1915 (19689358226).jpg 1,600 × 973; 352 KB
Flotte alliée et débarquement dans les Dardanelles 1915.jpg 2,468 × 701; 423 KB
G.C. 18 March 1915 Gallipoli Campaign Article.jpg 442 × 601; 189 KB
Gallipoli skeletal remains SLNSW.jpg 2,212 × 1,500; 2.9 MB
Gallipoli Star medal.jpg 678 × 1,917; 480 KB
Gallipoli trench flag 1915.jpg 191 × 301; 22 KB
Gallipoli War, bullet stopped buttle.jpg 1,080 × 989; 69 KB
Gallipoli, Masefield, 1916.djvu 2,275 × 3,540, 304 pages; 5.01 MB
GarlandMortarAWM2005.jpg 1,200 × 794; 174 KB
Grave of unknown soldier, 4th Dragoon Guards (14852416763).jpg 3,508 × 2,286; 3.17 MB
Grave yard near Anzac Cove, Gallipoli Peninsula, Turkey (4041502536).jpg 1,000 × 599; 210 KB
Graves (Gallipoli) (14646598778).jpg 3,508 × 2,271; 3.38 MB
Graves (Gallipoli) (14853384663).jpg 3,508 × 2,263; 663 KB
Graves at Gallipoli (28912764968).jpg 640 × 479; 97 KB
Gravesite at Gallipoli (16840246395).jpg 4,807 × 3,600; 4.85 MB
Graveyard (Gallipoli?) (14646025557).jpg 3,508 × 2,221; 3.08 MB
Great War Roll of Honour- Treasurer and Chief Secretary(GN01996).jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 725 KB
Greek boys bones Anzac Cove 1919.jpg 800 × 656; 166 KB
Group in the Trenches, Henry Charles Marshall (17031427608).jpg 5,601 × 3,774; 1.71 MB
Gurkha Rifles in bivouacs, Gallipoli, 1915.jpg 960 × 579; 121 KB
Gw gallipburning 01.jpg 800 × 436; 80 KB
Gw galliplandingforce 01.jpg 800 × 376; 87 KB
Gw turkishmines 01.jpg 800 × 486; 128 KB
Hauling up the guns (Gallipoli) (14830867774).jpg 3,508 × 2,275; 3.14 MB
Haydarpasa railway station, Gallipoli campaign (16981582619).jpg 4,917 × 2,142; 1.43 MB
Heeresgeschichtliches Museum - cap from Gallipoli Campaign.jpg 2,304 × 2,750; 2.08 MB
Hislop Gallipoli drawing.jpg 3,760 × 2,320; 1.59 MB
HU066626DrachenBalloonSSManicaGallipoli1915.jpg 800 × 622; 68 KB
Human remains near gun pits, Tel el Kebir (14833269895).jpg 3,508 × 2,287; 3.17 MB
Illustration par Carrey pour le journal Le Miroir en 1915.jpg 2,112 × 2,816; 3.34 MB
IMW-Q81646.jpg 506 × 800; 62 KB
Indian and Anzac troops at Anzac Cove, 1915.jpg 640 × 426; 218 KB
Indian camp in Gallipoli 1915.jpg 618 × 459; 186 KB
Indian dugouts (Gallipoli) (14646869787).jpg 3,508 × 2,268; 766 KB
Indian Mountain Battery at Anzac Cove.jpg 640 × 495; 224 KB
Indian mule team at Anzac, Gallipoli, 1915.jpg 372 × 654; 181 KB
Indian Soldiers Herschel 1915 SLNSW FL1538530.jpg 4,885 × 2,867; 3.26 MB
Indian soldiers in trench, Gallipoli,1915.jpg 960 × 581; 126 KB
Indian stretcher bearers at work (Gallipoli) (14831089314).jpg 3,508 × 2,277; 705 KB
Informacija za vleguvanje na sojzunickata flota vo Istanbul, 1915.JPG 1,010 × 1,485; 781 KB
Istanbul photos by J.Lubbock 2015 921.jpg 5,472 × 3,648; 2.31 MB
Istanbul photos by J.Lubbock 2015 922.jpg 5,472 × 3,648; 2.68 MB
Kilid Bahr, Gallipoli campaign (16547577293).jpg 10,827 × 1,624; 1.18 MB
Lancashire landing, Gallipoli campaign (16980215740).jpg 4,929 × 2,160; 1.08 MB
Landing horses at Gallipoli, ca 1915 (3465992421).jpg 3,831 × 2,824; 2.57 MB
Landing horses at Gallipoli, ca 1915.jpg 739 × 505; 59 KB
Landing of Australian troops at ANZAC Cove, 25 April 1915 slnsw.jpg 4,344 × 2,625; 3.66 MB
Landing stores with mules, Gallipoli, ca 1915.jpg 701 × 485; 133 KB
Landing stores, Gallipoli, ca 1915 (3466807962).jpg 3,958 × 2,758; 2.63 MB
Landing troops at Gaba Tepe, Gallipoli (ANZAC Cove) 25 April 1915 (14836799921).jpg 3,589 × 2,353; 1.2 MB
Les Dardanelles vues d'avion à 2 000 m d'altitude en 1915.jpg 2,581 × 1,823; 1.2 MB
Lieutenant Arthur George Wills (6956197271).jpg 555 × 800; 37 KB
Lieutenant Francis Twisleton, Gallipoli, 21 August 1915 (17796281105).jpg 2,117 × 2,418; 1.2 MB
Lone Pine - Gallipoli.a.jpg 455 × 637; 164 KB
Lone Pine - Gallipoli.b.jpg 417 × 556; 137 KB
Lone Pine - Gallipoli.jpg 464 × 654; 166 KB
Method of landing troops (Gallipoli) (14829542771).jpg 3,508 × 2,276; 2.98 MB
Midshipman George Drewry VC.jpg 1,622 × 2,966; 3.12 MB
Military supplies piled up on Anzac Cove, Gallipoli, May 1915.jpg 3,321 × 2,548; 2.8 MB
More of Beachy's work (dead donkeys, Gallipoli) (14646617159).jpg 3,508 × 2,224; 3.08 MB
More Turks (prisoners of war, Gallipoli) (14646654847).jpg 3,508 × 2,275; 3.27 MB
Mule track (Gallipoli) (14853235853).jpg 3,508 × 2,211; 711 KB
Mule transport (Gallipoli) (14830448781).jpg 3,508 × 2,226; 787 KB
Māori in the trenches of Hill 60, Gallipoli, 22 August 1915 (17770380626).jpg 2,141 × 2,555; 3.81 MB
Near Walker's Ridge (Gallipoli) (14646926089).jpg 3,508 × 2,288; 764 KB
New Zealand & Australian Division Diary, Gallipoli 1915 (16349967174).jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 1.42 MB
New Zealand Infantry Brigade staff before Krithia attack.jpg 462 × 378; 67 KB
Nw gallip transp 01.jpg 800 × 501; 108 KB
Orderlies receiving dinner, ambulance train Wellcome L0024178.jpg 1,610 × 1,182; 544 KB
Photographs from Gallipoli Peninsula Wellcome L0051884.jpg 6,572 × 4,486; 6.33 MB
Photographs from Gallipoli Peninsula Wellcome L0051885.jpg 6,626 × 4,512; 6.25 MB
Photographs from Gallipoli Peninsula Wellcome L0051887.jpg 6,618 × 4,506; 5.99 MB
Prisoners (Gallipoli) (14852417333).jpg 3,508 × 2,286; 3.3 MB
Prisoners at work (prisoners of war, Gallipoli) (14810382886).jpg 3,508 × 2,277; 916 KB
QF3pdrVickersAAMountingTenedosDardanelles1915.jpeg 450 × 314; 58 KB
Quinn's Post looking to Russel's Top.JPG 640 × 366; 149 KB
RAMC stretcher party carrying wounded at Gallipoli (2882748303).jpg 794 × 800; 109 KB
RAN-Bridge-Train-staff.jpg 435 × 302; 26 KB
HMS Rattlesnake with Ian Hamilton 1915 AWM H12935.jpeg 450 × 358; 68 KB
Ravitaillement français aux Dardannelles 1915.jpg 1,232 × 978; 195 KB
Red Cross "Donks" (donkeys, Gallipoli) (14829541031).jpg 3,508 × 2,263; 3.49 MB
Removing wounded soldiers (Gallipoli) (14645797749).jpg 3,508 × 2,263; 632 KB
Reschad Dardanellen.png 858 × 633; 1.05 MB
Russell's Top, Gallipoli, Turkey, 7 August 1915 (3466808876).jpg 6,664 × 3,909; 10.5 MB
Sandbagged storage depot at Gallipoli, Turkey (17622572152).jpg 596 × 1,000; 337 KB
Sapping (Gallipoli) (14853048333).jpg 3,508 × 2,276; 3.4 MB
Seaplane being towed in the Dardanelles 1915.jpg 848 × 587; 96 KB
Sergeant William Henderson Swanston (21243684521).jpg 710 × 1,000; 133 KB
Shell Green cricket match, 17 December 1915.JPG 640 × 463; 149 KB
Shelling of the stranded steamer (16224993554).jpg 2,074 × 2,077; 1.06 MB
Siperler.JPG 3,072 × 2,304; 3.13 MB
Situacijata kaj Dardanelite koja se vlosuva, 1915.JPG 1,052 × 1,570; 788 KB
Snapshot in the Trenches, Henry Charles Marshall (17217501632).jpg 711 × 1,050; 603 KB
Snapshots on the Beach (Anzac), Henry Charles Marshall (17031671090).jpg 1,400 × 938; 856 KB
Soldiers arriving in boats at Gallipoli(GN03708).jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 882 KB
Soldiers in a trench using a periscope rifle, Gallipoli, Turkey, 1915 (3466808478).jpg 2,994 × 3,936; 3.3 MB
Soldiers in a trench, Gallipoli, Turkey, 1915 (3466808406).jpg 3,922 × 5,430; 8 MB
Soldiers landing at Gallipoli, 1915 (3465992091).jpg 3,874 × 2,441; 2.02 MB
Soldiers on the mountainside at Gallipoli(GN03707).jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 751 KB
Soldiers resting in trenches, Gallipoli, 1915 (3465992909).jpg 2,973 × 5,246; 4.06 MB
Some of Beachy's work (dead donkeys, Gallipoli) (14646508180).jpg 3,508 × 2,259; 3.16 MB
Some of the earliest ANZAC trenches at Gallipoli, 1915 (17611132709).jpg 4,626 × 2,449; 8.11 MB
Sous marin le Turquoise capture par les Turcs aux Dardanelles 1915.jpg 750 × 518; 112 KB
South Australian graves at Gallipoli(GN02007).jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 1 MB
Soğanlıdere martrys çanakkale turkey - panoramio.jpg 2,816 × 2,112; 2.77 MB
SS Devanha lifeboat at the Shrine of Remembrance.jpg 2,825 × 4,266; 12.32 MB
Starboard of Ottoman Empire 1915.jpg 2,048 × 1,502; 603 KB
StateLibQld 1 134719 Landing places at Gallipoli, Turkey, ca. 1915.jpg 1,000 × 672; 67 KB
Statue of the last Turkish Gallipoli survivor, Hüseyin Kaçmaz with his granddaughter.jpg 2,577 × 3,880; 3.32 MB
Stretcher Bearers, Henry Charles Marshall (16599003623).jpg 1,400 × 935; 862 KB
Stretcher cases, Dardanelles Wellcome L0024181.jpg 1,680 × 1,241; 699 KB
Sunday 25th.4.15 (unofficial) (48753376538).jpg 6,068 × 1,708; 1.22 MB
Sunken steamer in ANZAC cove (16654060269).jpg 4,747 × 3,564; 4.38 MB
Sunken trawler (Gallipoli) (14853364473).jpg 3,508 × 2,289; 744 KB
Tents of an Australian hospital (Gallipoli) Turkey.jpg 380 × 654; 190 KB
The "Bomb Factory" at Anzac, Gallipoli 1915 (17609768928).jpg 2,723 × 3,349; 2.53 MB
The 'good oil' (Gallipoli) (14833521365).jpg 3,508 × 2,274; 712 KB
The Battle of Gallipoli.png 800 × 2,000; 1.03 MB
THE GALLIPOLI CAMPAIGN, APRIL 1915-JANUARY 1916 Q13431.jpg 800 × 594; 100 KB
- 1915 in the Ottoman Empire
- Battles of World War I in 1915
- Battles of World War I in 1916
- Battles of World War I by name
- Middle Eastern theatre of World War I
- Australia in World War I
- New Zealand in World War I
- 1915 in Çanakkale
- Gallipoli (Turkey)
- History of Çanakkale Province
- History of Çanakkale
- Ottoman Empire in World War I
- 1915 events in Turkey
- 1916 events in Turkey
- 1915-04-25
- 1916-01-09