Category:Bavarian Geographer

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<nowiki>Geógrafo Bávaro; Géographe bavarois; Bayerski geograf; Xeógrafu Bávaru; Баварский Географ; Bayerski geograf; Баварин географ; Баварскі географ; 巴伐利亞地理學家; Bavarų Geografas; Bavarski geograf; Bayerischer Geograph; Bavorský geograf; Bavorský geograf; Geograf Bawarski; Баварський географ; Geographus Bavarus; Geographus Bavarus; Баварски географ; Geographus Bavarus; Geografo bavarese; Bavarian Geographer; Bavara Geografo; Βαυαρός γεωγράφος; Geógrafo da Baviera; medieval manuscript listing the tribes of central and eastern Europe; Manuskript; Auteur anonyme du Moyen-âge; Geografo Bavaro; Geographus Bavarus; Descriptio civitatum et regionum ad septentrionalem plagam Danubii; Tzv. Bavorský geograf; Geograf bavorský; Баварский аноним</nowiki>
Bavarian Geographer 
medieval manuscript listing the tribes of central and eastern Europe
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  • Germany
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Inventory number
Publication date
  • 850
Authority file
Wikidata Q646153
NL CR AUT ID: xx0315216
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