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Deutsch: Die Billa AG (Eigenschreibweise BILLA) ist ein österreichisches Lebensmittel-Einzelhandelsunternehmen.
English: The Billa AG is an Austrian food retail company.
<nowiki>Billa; Billa; Billa; Billa; Billa; Billa; Billa; بیلا آگ; Билла; Billa; Billa; ビラ (小売業); Billa; بیلا آق; Billa; Billa; בילה; Billa; Billa; Billa; Billa; Billa; Billa; بيلا; Billa; Bila; Avusturyalı market zinciri; osztrák szupermarket-lánc; obchodná značka siete supermarketov; רשת סופרמרקטים אוסטרית; bedrijf uit Oostenrijk; сеть супермаркетов в Европе и России; österreichisches Lebensmitteleinzelhandelsunternehmen; catena austriaca di supermercati; Austrian supermarket chain that operates throughout Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe; شركة نمساوية; Австрийска верига супермаркети, оперираща в Централна, Източна и Югоизточна Европа; rakouský řetězec supermarketů; Билла; BILLA (firma); BILLA (firma); BILLA (firma)</nowiki>
Austrian supermarket chain that operates throughout Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe
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Instance of
  • Austria
Headquarters location
Legal form
  • Aktiengesellschaft
Founded by
  • 1953
official website
Map48° 04′ 32.9″ N, 16° 19′ 42.8″ E
Authority file
Wikidata Q537781
VIAF cluster ID: 122976476
GND ID: 10110785-7
NL CR AUT ID: pna20211110948
OpenStreetMap node ID: 9820785287
OpenStreetMap way ID: 8018671
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Media in category "Billa"

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