Category:Binary stars
star system consisting of two stars rotating around a common center of mass | |||||
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Different from | |||||
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This category has the following 87 subcategories, out of 87 total.
- Accretion disks (65 F)
- 15 Sagittae (12 F)
- 4FGL J1120.0-2204 (2 F)
- 61 Cygni (8 F)
- Albireo (1 P, 19 F)
- Alcor (17 F)
- Alpha Andromedae (4 F)
- AR Scorpii (4 F)
- AS 205 N (4 F)
- CHXR 73 (5 F)
- EQ Pegasi (2 F)
- Eta Boötis (2 F)
- Eta Cassiopeiae (4 F)
- FU Orionis (5 F)
- Gaia BH1 (7 F)
- Gaia17bpp (3 F)
- GJ 758 (2 F)
- GK Tauri (4 F)
- Gliese 229 (12 F)
- Gliese 623 (2 F)
- Gliese 777 (3 F)
- IRAS 08544-4431 (2 F)
- IRAS 16293-2422 (4 F)
- J1808.4−3658 (4 F)
- LHS 2397a (2 F)
- NaSt1 (4 F)
- Phi Persei (3 F)
- PZ Telescopii (5 F)
- QV Telescopii (14 F)
- Sargas (1 F)
- SCR 1845-6357 (5 F)
- SR 12 (4 F)
- SuWt 2 (4 F)
- Theta1 Orionis B (3 F)
- UY Aurigae (6 F)
- V Hydrae (3 F)
- V838 Monocerotis (1 P, 30 F)
- VFTS 352 (7 F)
Media in category "Binary stars"
The following 152 files are in this category, out of 152 total.
2M1101AB VHS.jpg 351 × 351; 33 KB
2MASSW J0746425+2000321.jpg 350 × 263; 15 KB
A photo of the star Epsilon Bootis.jpg 448 × 448; 4 KB
A Sharp Eye on Southern Binary Stars (noao1402a).jpg 382 × 436; 30 KB
A Sharp Eye on Southern Binary Stars (noao1402a).tiff 382 × 436; 32 KB
Aa44965-22-fig3.jpg 664 × 653; 102 KB
Absorption lines Doppler shift.png 640 × 464; 49 KB
Achird binary system.gif 1,136 × 794; 246 KB
Albireo through Celestron C8.jpg 1,316 × 1,012; 80 KB
Alcor small.png 111 × 98; 15 KB
Alhena.png 1,080 × 1,080; 441 KB
Alkalurops.jpg 472 × 472; 38 KB
Almach double star.jpg 296 × 296; 22 KB
Alula Australis - STF1523AB - HIP 55203.jpg 872 × 564; 9 KB
An eclipse of PG 1550+131 (eso8809a).jpg 1,812 × 1,368; 498 KB
An eclipse of PG 1550+131 (eso8809a).tif 1,812 × 1,368; 1.02 MB
Apdobles.png 303 × 302; 3 KB
Artist's Conception of X-ray Binary System (2002-xtej1550-more-4).tiff 3,300 × 2,550; 3.7 MB
Artist's impression of the evolution of a hot high-mass binary star.ogv 1 min 43 s, 1,280 × 720; 9.33 MB
Artist's impression of vampire star.ogv 28 s, 1,280 × 720; 10.33 MB
Assymmetric envelopes around binaries 01.jpg 1,405 × 937; 339 KB
Astrometric binary.svg 467 × 231; 37 KB
Avior.png 1,280 × 730; 178 KB
Beta Leonis Minoris.gif 440 × 287; 6 KB
Binaire-spectro.png 749 × 345; 28 KB
Binaire-TTL.png 769 × 470; 46 KB
Binaria spettroscopica.png 749 × 345; 31 KB
Binary Stars and SuperMassive Black Hole.webm 16 s, 854 × 480; 1.93 MB
Chandra X-ray Observatory image of the brown dwarf TWA 5B.jpg 2,242 × 1,850; 329 KB
Chi 1 orionis diagram vectorized.svg 284 × 432; 4 KB
Chi 1 orionis diagram.jpg 284 × 432; 5 KB
Compass Image for NGC 7424 (2018-20-4158).png 2,000 × 1,541; 4.81 MB
Compass Image for NGC 7424 (2018-20-4158).tif 2,383 × 1,837; 6.39 MB
Construction of Nu Scorpii.png 852 × 472; 14 KB
CW0627-0028AB.jpg 844 × 844; 250 KB
CWISE J0146-0508AB legacy dr10.jpg 512 × 512; 99 KB
CWISE J0617+1945AB.jpg 472 × 472; 33 KB
De Sitter argument against emission theory.gif 405 × 110; 127 KB
Del Vel Pos.svg 300 × 240; 2 KB
DENIS-P J020529.0−115925 Hubble.jpg 284 × 288; 36 KB
DENIS-P J1228.2−1547A and DENIS-P J1228.2−1547B by the WISE.png 925 × 907; 161 KB
Doppelsternsystem Energie.png 1,889 × 1,417; 84 KB
Doppelsternsystem Kräfteverhältnisse.png 449 × 172; 7 KB
Double occultation.png 760 × 684; 81 KB
Double star Alpha Hercules.jpg 516 × 516; 19 KB
Double Stars and Clusters.jpg 8,431 × 9,018; 21.37 MB
DS Tuc A(right)B(left) H+OPEN.png 241 × 156; 37 KB
Epsaur-chart.png 505 × 533; 31 KB
Epsilon Hydrae.jpg 1,650 × 1,740; 284 KB
Eta And AB Orbit.jpg 863 × 531; 30 KB
Eta carinae orbit.png 3,000 × 1,662; 8.1 MB
EtaCarinaeStarSystem-ChandraXRayObservatory-20140826.jpg 3,600 × 3,600; 1.77 MB
Evolution of Type IIb Stripped-Envelope Supernova (2018-20-4156).pdf 1,125 × 1,575; 20.5 MB
Gamma Delphini.png 400 × 300; 13 KB
GD 165.png 909 × 731; 814 KB
Gl570satlas.jpg 438 × 553; 209 KB
Gliese264.1.png 480 × 480; 15 KB
Gravitational Waves.png 458 × 373; 496 KB
GRAVITY discovers new double star in Orion Trapezium Cluster.jpg 2,737 × 2,273; 1.15 MB
Hatsya.png 395 × 541; 178 KB
HD41742.png 480 × 480; 11 KB
HD41742Ab.png 609 × 472; 11 KB
HD41742B.png 480 × 480; 8 KB
HIC 59206.jpg 800 × 800; 263 KB
Hill sphere in dot 2.PNG 620 × 608; 52 KB
HIP 61100.jpg 1,075 × 1,267; 289 KB
Hubble Space Telescope - Brown Dwarf Binaries.gif 1,000 × 508; 1.83 MB
HW Virginis.png 843 × 702; 275 KB
Identifying Eclipsing Star Systems using Light Curves (SVS5290 - eclipsing binary light curves explainer 2160p60).webm 33 s, 3,840 × 2,160; 12.67 MB
Image 13382-4U-1820-30.jpg 580 × 457; 32 KB
Image of the binary star D9 close to Sagittarius A* (eso2418c).jpg 955 × 947; 120 KB
Image of the binary star D9 close to Sagittarius A* (eso2418c).tiff 955 × 947; 4.1 MB
Iota Cancri.jpg 1,000 × 718; 210 KB
Kastor shema.png 1,200 × 1,200; 30 KB
Kelu-1 AB.jpg 1,225 × 1,225; 96 KB
Kic 9832227.jpg 736 × 421; 16 KB
Koenigstuhl1.jpg 1,120 × 1,120; 662 KB
La géométrie des étoiles doubles.jpg 4,689 × 6,852; 4.59 MB
LaNature1874-EtoilesDoubles-1.png 752 × 872; 235 KB
LBA1 - Twinsun.png 640 × 480; 140 KB
Light curve of AKO 9 in 47 Tucanae (eso9703b).jpg 771 × 554; 51 KB
Light curve of AKO 9 in 47 Tucanae (eso9703b).tiff 771 × 554; 22 KB
Location of binary star D9 in the Milky Way (eso2418a).jpg 4,331 × 2,480; 5.26 MB
Location of binary star D9 in the Milky Way (eso2418a).tiff 4,331 × 2,480; 27.59 MB
Meissa.png 396 × 541; 178 KB
Menkalinan.png 1,300 × 1,300; 550 KB
Mizar-A-BS2.png 811 × 616; 17 KB
NGC 4554 SDSS.jpg 964 × 606; 139 KB
NRCMaLightCurve.png 1,500 × 975; 185 KB
Omicron Sagittarii-small.png 946 × 504; 75 KB
Persistent transient.jpg 777 × 407; 73 KB
PIA21417 - Brown Dwarf HIP 79124 B.jpg 821 × 762; 27 KB
Planet Lost in the Glare of Binary Stars (illustration) (noirlab2120a).tiff 5,120 × 2,880; 22.48 MB
Planet Lost in the Glare of Binary Stars.jpg 5,120 × 2,880; 2.15 MB
Porrima2.gif 653 × 542; 10 KB
Position WR 104.png 1,580 × 1,332; 253 KB
PositionEpsBoo.PNG 300 × 345; 4 KB
PSM V58 D012 Position angle and distance of a double star.png 512 × 731; 26 KB
PSM V58 D018 Radial motion of a binary system.png 849 × 268; 6 KB
PSM V58 D139 Comparative mass of binary stars.png 893 × 493; 10 KB
RCMa-LTT.png 1,415 × 613; 41 KB
RhoGem.png 480 × 480; 19 KB
Roche potential along line of centres q=1.svg 220 × 220; 10 KB
Roche potential along line of centres q=10.svg 220 × 220; 10 KB
Roche potential along line of centres q=3.svg 220 × 220; 10 KB
RT Andromedae system.png 1,280 × 730; 270 KB
Sadobles.gif 303 × 302; 3 KB
SDSS J1416+1348 legacy dr10.jpg 266 × 266; 43 KB
Sirius movement ca.svg 126 × 202; 7 KB
Sirius movement.svg 126 × 202; 6 KB
Spectral of double stars.gif 535 × 396; 82 KB
SR 12 + companion Hubble.jpg 1,164 × 1,164; 406 KB
SR 12 Hubble WFC3 F225W.png 424 × 424; 17 KB
Supernova Companion Star.jpg 3,000 × 2,500; 1.5 MB
The surface of the red giant star π1 Gruis from PIONIER on the VLT.jpg 2,000 × 2,000; 166 KB
Theta1-Orionis-C.png 200 × 200; 13 KB
Tpyx hst big.jpg 388 × 470; 49 KB
Two binary-stars orbiting each other.svg 512 × 511; 3.13 MB
UScoCTIO 108 legacy dr10.jpg 252 × 250; 42 KB
V1479 Cygni Spitzer.jpg 751 × 751; 111 KB
V344LyrCataclysmicVariableSuperhumpsAudioization.webm 5 min 56 s, 640 × 352; 6.9 MB
V390 Velorum - VLTI-R10µmB2µm.png 888 × 710; 84 KB
V390 Velorum.jpg 1,280 × 512; 40 KB
Very sharp images with the ESO NTT at "first light" (eso8903c).jpg 1,752 × 960; 113 KB
Very sharp images with the ESO NTT at "first light" (eso8903c).tif 1,752 × 960; 48 KB
W Aquilae binary cropped.jpg 400 × 400; 20 KB
W Aquilae binary.jpg 788 × 696; 39 KB
W UMa contact binary.jpeg 200 × 200; 4 KB
W1711 JWST MIRI.jpg 644 × 644; 375 KB
W2150AB.jpg 500 × 500; 48 KB
Wavy.gif 320 × 200; 413 KB
WD 0727+482 binary.gif 430 × 405; 198 KB
Wide binary system HIP 43947 (geminiann10012b).jpg 500 × 275; 30 KB
Wide binary system HIP 43947 (geminiann10012b).tiff 500 × 275; 139 KB
Widefield image of the sky around π1 Gruis (eso1741b).tif 11,256 × 9,564; 489.42 MB
Wiki Spect Binaries v2.gif 1,460 × 1,018; 165 KB
WISE 2150-7520AB legacy dr10.jpg 375 × 375; 78 KB
WISE2150-7520-B2.jpg 1,536 × 864; 96 KB
WISEA J044634.16-262756.1.jpg 800 × 800; 54 KB
WZ Cephei binary.png 1,280 × 730; 205 KB
Xi UMa orbit.gif 425 × 285; 5 KB
XiCygni JeffJohnson.jpg 1,000 × 999; 252 KB
Zeta Lyrae.jpg 846 × 642; 43 KB
Zeta Reticuli.jpg 2,048 × 2,048; 5.83 MB
Спектр двойной звездной системы..JPG 758 × 1,024; 65 KB