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English: Biomimetics is the study of the structure and function of biological systems as models for the design and engineering of materials and machines. It is widely regarded as being synonymous with biomimicry, biomimesis, biognosis and similar to biologically inspired design.
<nowiki>biomimesis; Biomimetismo; биомиметика; Biomimetik; Biomimika; بیومیمتیک; 仿生材料學; Biomimetică; バイオミメティクス; biomimetik; ביומימטיקה; प्रकृति अभिप्रेरित निर्माण; 생체모방; bioimitado; Bayo-egekia; உயிரீகள் ஊக்குவிக்கும் ஆக்கம்(Biomimetics); biomimetica; biomimétisme; Biomimikri; Биомиметика; biomimética; bithaithris; Biomīmikrija; Bioddynwared; Биомиметика; biomimetika; Biomimetik; biomimètica; Biomimetika; ไบโอมิเมติกส์; biomimetika; biomimikk; biomimetica; Biyomimetik; біоміметика; Biomimikrija u energetici; Biomimetik; biomimetics; محاكاة حيوية; biomimetiikka; بيوتقليد; ciencia que estudia a la naturaleza como fuente de inspiración de nuevas tecnologías innovadoras; 生物模倣技術; imitation des systèmes biologiques pour la résolution des problèmes humains; teknik inspirerad av biologiskt liv i naturen (ex. kardborreband); ענף של מחקרים מדעיים; Estudi de sintesi de materials nous a partir de materials nous; dynwared natur i ddylunio neu ddeall strwythura cymleth; biologiaa ja teknologiaa hyödyntävä monitieteellinen tutkimusala, jossa ratkaistaan ongelmia ottamalla mallia luonnossa esiintyvistä rakenteista, toiminnoista ja materiaaleista; imitation of biological systems to understand underlying mechanisms and to obtain ideas from nature to benefit science, engineering, and medicine; scienza che studia la natura come fonte di ispirazione per nuove tecnologie innovative; İnsan problemlerinin çözümü için biyolojik sistemlerin taklidi; உயிரினையாக்கம்; biomimética; biomimetismo; 生物模倣; 生物模倣技術; バイオミメティックス; Biomimikry; biomimeteg; bioddynwared; Biomímica; biomimicry; biomimetismo; 擬生技術; 生體模仿學; 仿生技術; Bayo-egekia(Biomimcry, Bionics)</nowiki>
imitation of biological systems to understand underlying mechanisms and to obtain ideas from nature to benefit science, engineering, and medicine
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Said to be the same asbiologically inspired engineering
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Wikidata Q1145644
Library of Congress authority ID: sh2009009163
NDL Authority ID: 001258319
BNCF Thesaurus ID: 51087
NL CR AUT ID: ph705646
J9U ID: 987007570344505171
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