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Category:Bnei Menashe

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<nowiki>Bnei Menashe; Бней-Менаше; Bnei Menashe; Bnei Menashe; Bney Menaşe; ブネイ・メナシェ; Bney Menase; Bnei Menashe; Bené Menasjé; בני מנשה; Bnei Menashe; Bene Menashe; Bnej Menaše; Bnej Menasze; 브네이 므낫세; Bnei Menashe; บเนเมนาเช; bnei Menashe; மனாசேயின் புதல்வர்கள்; indičtí Židé odvozující svůj původ od kmene Menaše; intialainen juutalaisväestö; group of Jews from India; קהילות של הודים המגדירים עצמם כיהודים; етнічна група; etnische groep; Bnei Menashe; B'nei Menaşe; Bnei Menasseh; B'nei Menashe; Bnei Menaşe; 브네이 므나쎄; Bnei Menashe; Bnei Menashe; Bnei Menashe; B’nay Menashe; Bené Menashe; Bene Manasse; Bnay Menashe; Bene Manmase; Bene Menasje; B’nei Menashe; Shinlungjødar; Shinlungjøder; Bene Menashe</nowiki>
Bnei Menashe 
group of Jews from India
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Bnei Menashe (Hebrew: בני מנשה‎, "Children of Menasseh") are a group of more than 9,000 people from India's North-Eastern border states of Manipur and Mizoram who claim descent from one of the Lost Tribes of Israel. The claim appeared after a Pentecostalist dreamt in 1951 that his people's pre-Christian religion was Judaism and that their original homeland was Israel. Linguistically, Bnei Menashe are Tibeto-Burmans and belong to the Mizo, Kuki and Chin peoples (the terms are virtually interchangeable). They are called Chin in Myanmar.

Media in category "Bnei Menashe"

The following 4 files are in this category, out of 4 total.