Category:British Empire
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possedimenti coloniali dell'Inghilterra e poi del Regno Unito (1607-1997) | |||||
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Questa categoria contiene le 18 sottocategorie indicate di seguito, su un totale di 18.
- British Empire Union (3 F)
- Empire Day (62 F)
- Empire Marketing Board (15 F)
- Festival of Empire (10 F)
- Imperial Conferences (19 F)
- Rhodes Colossus (6 F)
- Royal Over-Seas League (9 F)
File nella categoria "British Empire"
Questa categoria contiene 158 file, indicati di seguito, su un totale di 158.
"British Crown Lands" Sign on Winter Island.jpg 3 840 × 2 160; 1,4 MB
Appendices to the Summary of Proceedings, Imperial Conference, 1923. (IA 1924v60i7p37a 1732).pdf 445 × 697, 128 pagine; 6,35 MB
Allan wilson.jpg 144 × 202; 33 KB
Allegoria sull'impero Inglese by Augusto Grossi.jpg 3 500 × 2 351; 3 MB
An early Canada stamp showing the extent of the British Empire (24772466501).jpg 4 288 × 2 848; 2,88 MB
Anglo-American interventions.svg 2 754 × 1 398; 3,62 MB
Archdale Wilson.jpg 1 628 × 2 095; 563 KB
Are we Afraid? NO! (cartoon) (HS85-10-29954) original.tif 1 791 × 1 206; 6,82 MB
Are we Afraid? NO! (cartoon) (HS85-10-29954).jpg 1 530 × 960; 1,82 MB
As Japanese View It.jpg 1 028 × 878; 165 KB
The Association oath rolls of the British plantations (IA associationoathr00gand).pdf 931 × 1 443, 108 pagine; 4,52 MB
Badge of Bombay Presidency.png 4 100 × 4 085; 1,04 MB
Badge of Bombay Presidency.svg 300 × 300; 187 KB
BB&CI-ticket.jpg 489 × 720; 52 KB
Bernard Rawdon Reilly.jpg 54 × 158; 4 KB
Black Eyed Susan Forget Me Not Songster.jpg 713 × 1 168; 501 KB
Bluefields Mosquito Coast 1845.jpg 862 × 527; 196 KB
Bristol Museum Benin Bronzes interactive display.jpg 2 500 × 1 674; 386 KB
British benevolence LCCN2012647224.jpg 4 148 × 5 507; 4,83 MB
British empire ruled countries.pdf 1 275 × 1 650; 211 KB
British Empire WW1 Memorial Brussels Cathedral.jpg 800 × 1 205; 159 KB
British Imperialism map.png 1 600 × 810; 261 KB
British Royal Army 1932.jpg 472 × 772; 73 KB
The British empire beyond the seas, an introduction to world geography (IA britishempirebey00newbrich).pdf 706 × 1 081, 392 pagine; 19,7 MB
BritishEmpireExhibition HM Government Building.jpg 1 206 × 1 800; 1,92 MB
BritishEmpireExhibition Stadium.jpg 1 179 × 1 800; 1,8 MB
BritishEmpireExhibition.jpg 2 739 × 4 004; 11,9 MB
BritishEmpireWW1MemorialBrussel cropped.jpg 495 × 1 085; 687 KB
BSAC lion.svg 154 × 148; 51 KB
The story of our colonies- with sketches of their present condition (IA bub gb 1mEXAAAAYAAJ).pdf 412 × 625, 437 pagine; 14,69 MB
Calvertcecil.jpg 297 × 450; 16 KB
CAUNTER George 1758-1811.jpg 822 × 1 077; 135 KB
Chaudhry Khaliquzzaman.jpg 266 × 205; 14 KB
Canada and the Federation of the Empire (microform) (IA cihm 06477).pdf 1 135 × 1 364, 31 pagine; 1,57 MB
Colonial and Indian Exhibition, 1886 (microform) - official catalogue (IA cihm 09804).pdf 1 145 × 1 352, 725 pagine; 57,22 MB
Cover of 'Aden' by Barry Stewart Hunter.jpg 787 × 1 200; 163 KB
Cover; Seamen's Hospital booklet Wellcome L0030214.jpg 3 708 × 2 874; 4,61 MB
The British empire series (IA cu31924021043710).pdf 700 × 1 185, 578 pagine; 13,09 MB
The British empire series (IA cu31924066433511).pdf 727 × 1 187, 636 pagine; 14,48 MB
The British empire series (IA cu31924066433529).pdf 739 × 1 189, 396 pagine; 9,52 MB
Calendar of State Papers, Colonial Series ... preserved in the Public Record Office (IA cu31924087794677).pdf 1 002 × 1 552, 824 pagine; 34,15 MB
East India Company coin for 'one quarter anna' 1835 head 01.jpg 1 920 × 2 560; 1,41 MB
East India Company coin for 'one quarter anna' 1835 tail 02.jpg 1 920 × 2 560; 1,53 MB
Empires - Then and Now.png 900 × 2 438; 390 KB
England-a Destroyer of Nations.pdf 770 × 1 231, 34 pagine; 1,57 MB
Farmer Trueman Cannibals.jpg 2 393 × 3 921; 4,79 MB
Flag map of British Zambia (Northern Rhodesia).png 480 × 418; 29 KB
Flag of British Cameroon.svg 518 × 259; 34 KB
Flag of British Cameroons.svg 1 000 × 500; 17 KB
Flag of the British Empire (Dangarsleigh War Memorial).svg 1 200 × 600; 1,56 MB
Flag of the Governor-General of The Gambia (1965–1970).png 432 × 216; 9 KB
Fugitive Slaves from Arab masters granted freedom by IBEAC on Kenyan coast.png 1 254 × 976; 1,15 MB
Governor Henry Norman, 1894 (cropped).png 396 × 539; 257 KB
Governor Henry Norman, 1894.png 523 × 786; 444 KB
Great Seal of Newfoundland.png 300 × 300; 149 KB
GROWTH1850.JPG 1 056 × 768; 80 KB
The history, civil and commercial, of the British colonies in the West Indies (IA historycivilcomm01edwa).pdf 943 × 1 212, 588 pagine; 31,01 MB
The history, civil and commercial, of the British colonies in the West Indies (IA historycivilcomm01edwa 0).pdf 864 × 1 439, 674 pagine; 28,7 MB
A history of currency in the British colonies microform (IA historyofcurrenc00chalrich).pdf 908 × 1 479, 512 pagine; 35,03 MB
Hugh Low.png 277 × 341; 130 KB
Imperial Federation League flyer.pdf 1 197 × 1 837; 833 KB
Imperial Service Order 1912.jpg 645 × 1 225; 156 KB
Imperial Service Order 1953 en 1912.jpg 617 × 1 877; 215 KB
Interestingnarrative 02 equiano 64kb.ogg 28 min 34 s; 9,32 MB
James Edward Corea and Family.jpg 480 × 304; 34 KB
James George Smith Neill statue, Wellington Square, Ayr - inscription.jpg 1 198 × 683; 359 KB
James George Smith Neill statue, Wellington Square, Ayr.jpg 1 233 × 1 080; 402 KB
James O'Hara, Baron Tyrawley.png 311 × 470; 303 KB
JonathanDickinson (cropped).jpg 556 × 739; 37 KB
Kemmendine attack 1824.jpg 680 × 444; 101 KB
Kissen1910.jpg 923 × 1 276; 203 KB
Lady Anne Andrew Barnard.jpg 928 × 655; 290 KB
Lady Anne Barnard 01.jpg 421 × 522; 138 KB
Lahej market circa 1910.jpg 850 × 515; 174 KB
Letters from the West Indies, during a visit in the autumn of MDCCCXXXVI, and the spring of MDCCCXXXVII; (IA lettersfromwesti00lloy).pdf 672 × 1 189, 302 pagine; 16,67 MB
Lieutenant panter-downes.png 2 564 × 3 094; 4,31 MB
Malayan dollar note, $1, Obverse.jpg 4 608 × 2 489; 2,52 MB
Malayan dollar note, $1, Reverse.jpg 4 608 × 2 590; 2,93 MB
Malayan Dollar note, 20 cent, Obverse.jpg 4 608 × 3 456; 5,09 MB
Malayan Dollar note, 20 cent, Reverse.jpg 4 608 × 3 456; 4,5 MB
Malayan Dollar note, 50 cent, Obverse.jpg 4 608 × 3 456; 4,76 MB
Malayan Dollar note, 50 cent, Reverse.jpg 4 608 × 3 456; 6,53 MB
Malayan Emergency Iban headhunter.jpg 2 272 × 3 312; 1,49 MB
Map 3, Britain and the West Indies (The empire and the century).jpg 2 639 × 4 202; 773 KB
Maratha British Treaty.JPG 1 600 × 1 200; 636 KB
Marquis of Dalhousie.jpg 1 303 × 2 024; 545 KB
Mat Salleh.jpg 258 × 298; 22 KB
Minutes of proceedings of the Colonial Conference, 1907 (IA minutesofproceed00colo).pdf 1 020 × 1 791, 642 pagine; 47,05 MB
MontaguTyrawleyUnknown.jpg 800 × 653; 116 KB
JonathanDickinson (3).jpg 1 318 × 1 600; 1,17 MB
JonathanDickinson.jpg 1 647 × 2 000; 1,5 MB
Naval Ensign of the Royal Niger Company.png 2 560 × 1 280; 135 KB
Newfoundland BritishEmpireExhibition.jpg 1 236 × 1 800; 2,04 MB
Newfoundland Pavilion BritishEmpireExhibition.jpg 2 560 × 1 613; 4,33 MB
Outlines of British colonisation (IA outlinesofbritis00gresrich).pdf 664 × 1 077, 384 pagine; 17,24 MB
Penang Fort Cornwallis (2).jpg 1 152 × 864; 163 KB
Plano Geografico de la mayor parte de el Reyno de Goatemala (cropped).jpg 4 800 × 3 702; 1,92 MB
Plano Geografico de la mayor parte de el Reyno de Goatemala.jpg 12 047 × 8 037; 11,73 MB
Plaque of the monument.jpg 1 620 × 1 080; 747 KB
Proclamation of annexation of Burma into British Empire.jpg 1 080 × 1 453; 175 KB
PuckMagazine19Jul1882.jpg 3 797 × 5 148; 4,24 MB
Recipe for the Empire Christmas Pudding.jpg 800 × 1 277; 1,09 MB
Rhodes of Africa 1936-Rhodes talking to king Lobengula.jpg 1 185 × 772; 46 KB
Robertcodrington.jpg 515 × 849; 60 KB
Royal Irish Regimental Shield Image.png 17 366 × 12 430; 83,39 MB
A short history of British colonial policy (IA shorthistoryofbr00egerrich).pdf 912 × 1 097, 606 pagine; 24,16 MB
Sir Isaac Isaacs resigns over Mercantile Bank prosecution.jpg 379 × 379; 117 KB
Sir-William-George-Maxwell.webp 592 × 800; 53 KB
Size of Empires (Fuller Projection).svg 1 848 × 3 624; 1,21 MB
Spitfire Fund stamp booklet.jpg 1 060 × 930; 615 KB
T.E. Lawrence 1.pdf 712 × 1 006, 361 pagine; 50,25 MB
Tales from the Outposts, 12 vols.jpg 3 024 × 4 032; 3,89 MB
TE-Lawrence.jpg 597 × 800; 101 KB
The British Empire 5.png 1 920 × 976; 686 KB
The British Empire in the nineteenth century Volume VI.djvu 2 580 × 3 836, 416 pagine; 10,47 MB
The British Empire- A survey.JPG 2 516 × 1 181; 738 KB
The Great Seal of Colony of the Island of Vancouver and its Dependencies.jpg 1 279 × 1 288; 909 KB
The Jubilee Atlas of the British Empire by J. Francon Williams.jpg 827 × 984; 493 KB
The National Archives UK - CO 1069-160-62.jpg 889 × 719; 148 KB
The population of the British Empire by religion in 1901 (HY).png 1 071 × 316; 44 KB
The unveiling of the monument.jpg 1 280 × 720; 103 KB
TheAbleDoctor.jpg 640 × 452; 72 KB
Tobacco cultivation (Virginia, ca. 1670).jpg 794 × 411; 139 KB
Trinidadian souvenir booklet the coronation of George VI in 1937.jpg 5 829 × 9 544; 15,13 MB
Typical road scene in the latest territory to be added to the British empire LOC 3607642551.jpg 2 048 × 2 995; 1 020 KB
UK at it's GREATEST extent.png 439 × 211; 9 KB
Union Jack from Mafficking Nights.jpg 1 908 × 1 181; 1,3 MB
Vision of Imperial Trade.jpg 2 834 × 1 762; 1,12 MB
Weihaiwe 1912.jpg 1 522 × 512; 241 KB
Weihaiwei Admiral Duff 1920.jpg 734 × 420; 109 KB
Weihaiwei Seymour Street.jpg 655 × 409; 70 KB
Weihaiwei. Club house.jpg 975 × 630; 258 KB
Wochenspruch der NSDAP 30 March 1941.jpg 1 086 × 1 500; 212 KB
Ġnien San Anton Duke of Kent Bogħod 1.jpg 3 120 × 4 208; 4,14 MB
Ġnien San Anton Duke of Kent Bogħod.jpg 4 208 × 3 120; 4,76 MB
Ġnien San Anton Duke of Kent Viċin.jpg 3 120 × 4 208; 2,87 MB
Ġnien San Anton Lt Gen Sir William Dobbie Bogħod.jpg 3 120 × 4 208; 5,31 MB
Ġnien San Anton Lt Gen Sir William Dobbie Viċin.jpg 4 208 × 3 120; 3,71 MB
Ġnien San Anton Sir Gaspard le Merchant Bogħod.jpg 3 120 × 4 208; 6,26 MB
Ġnien San Anton Sir Gaspard le Merchant Viċin.jpg 3 120 × 4 208; 4,11 MB