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Category:Brunswick Cathedral

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This is the category of the Baudenkmal (cultural heritage monument) according to the Cultural Heritage Protection Law of Lower Saxony with the ID 37226150 (Wikidata (P7900)).
Deutsch: Der Braunschweiger Dom St. Blasii am Burgplatz. Baudenkmal.
English: The Collegiate Church of Ss. Blaise and John the Baptist (Dom St. Blasii) is termed Dom, in German a synecdoche used for cathedrals and collegiate churches alike, and thus inappropriately translated by the English cathedral. It is owned and used by a Protestant congregation within the Evangelical Lutheran State Church in Brunswick. Architectural monument.
Français : Église Saint-Blaise de Brunswick
Íslenska: Dómkirkjan í Brúnsvík
Polski: Katedra w Brunszwiku
Русский: Брауншвейгский собор
<nowiki>Catedral de Brunswick; église Saint-Blaise de Brunswick; Dómkirkjan í Brúnsvík; Brunswickeko katedrala; קתדרלת בראונשווייג; catedral de Braunschweig; Katedrála svatého Blažeje v Brunšviku; Eglwys Gadeiriol Braunschweig; Catedral de Brunswick; Браўншвайгскі сабор; Katedralo de Brunsvigo; 不倫瑞克大教堂; Braunschweig Domkirke; Stolnica svetega Blaža, Braunschweig; ブラウンシュヴァイク大聖堂; Brunswick Katedrali; braunschweigi dóm; Braunschweigs domkyrka; Katedra w Brunszwiku; Braunschweiger Dom; Dom van Braunschweig; Брауншвейгський собор; Брауншвайг җәмигы; Cattedrale di Braunschweig; Braunschweiger Dom; Brunswick Cathedral; كاتدرائية براونشفايغ; Καθεδρικός Ναός του Μπράουνσβαϊγκ; Брауншвейгский собор; Cattedrale evangelico-luterana; édifice religieux allemand; Kirchengebäude in Braunschweig, Niedersachsen; храм в Брауншвейге; church building in Brunswick, Lower Saxony, Germany; templom Braunschweigban; καθεδρικός ναός στο Μπράουνσβαϊγκ της Γερμανίας; kathedraal in Duitsland; catedral de Brunsvic; ブランズウィック大聖堂; Dom St. Blasii</nowiki>
Brunswick Cathedral 
church building in Brunswick, Lower Saxony, Germany
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Instance of
Named after
Patron saint
LocationBrunswick, Lower Saxony, Germany
Architectural style
Commissioned by
Founded by
Heritage designation
  • 1173
Religion or worldview
official website
Map52° 15′ 51″ N, 10° 31′ 27″ E
Authority file
Wikidata Q279402
VIAF cluster ID: 133747382
GND ID: 4359256-9
Library of Congress authority ID: n84225197
IdRef ID: 148338453
J9U ID: 987007260538105171
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