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Category:Burgundian Wars

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<nowiki>Guerra de Borgoña; burgundiai–svájci háború; Borgoinako Gerra; بورقوندی ساواشلاری; Rhyfeloedd Bwrgwynaidd; Burgundian Wars; جنگ‌های بورگوندی; 勃艮地戰爭; ブルゴーニュ戦争; Burgundská vojna; המלחמות הבורגונדיות; 勃艮第战争; Burgunderkriege; 부르고뉴 전쟁; Burgonjaj Militoj; Burgundské války; guerre borgognone; guerre de Bourgogne; Burgundia sõjad; Бургундські війни; 勃艮第战争; Бургундские войны; Бургундски ратови; Burgundian Wars; Бургундскія войны; Burgunderkriege; Burgundski ratovi; Perang Burgundy; Wojna szwajcarsko-burgundzka; guerra de Borgonya; Bourgondische Oorlogen; Բուրգունդյան պատերազմներ; Burgundski ratovi; Bourgogne Chiàn-cheng; Бургундски войни; Guerra de Borgoña; حروب بورغندية; guere borgognon; Бургунди вăрçисем; conflitti armati del 1474-1479; guerre entre le duc de Bourgogne et l'ancienne Confédération suisse, 1474–77; konflik antara Adipati Burgundy dan Konfederasi Swiss Lama, 1474–77; svájci győzelemmel záruló, a Burgundi Hercegség ellen vívott háborúk sorozata (1474–1477); 勃艮第公国和旧瑞士邦联之间的战争; Krieg zwischen den Herzögen von Burgund und der Alten Eidgenossenschaft, 1474–77; gwrthdaro rhwng y dugau o Bwrgwyn a'r Hen Gydffederasiwn y Swistir, 1474–77; conflict between the Dukes of Burgundy and the Old Swiss Confederacy, 1474–77; conflicto entre los duques de Borgoña y la Antigua Confederación Suiza, 1474–77; Западно Европейски конфликт (1474-1477); conflict between the Dukes of Burgundy and the Old Swiss Confederacy, 1474–77; Guerra de Borgona; Guerras de Borgoña; Guerras de Borgona; burgundi háborúk; Rhyfel Bwrgwynaidd; 勃艮第戰爭; guerres de Bourgogne</nowiki>
Burgundian Wars 
conflict between the Dukes of Burgundy and the Old Swiss Confederacy, 1474–77
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Instance of
LocationDuchy of Lorraine
Start time
  • 1474
End time
  • 1477
Followed by
Authority file
Wikidata Q315342
GND ID: 4131899-7
NL CR AUT ID: ph618392
HDS ID: 008881
BabelNet ID: 00201771n
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Media in category "Burgundian Wars"

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