Category:C major
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♮ | C | D | E | F | G | A | B |
♮ | c | d | e | f | g | a | b |
♭ | C | D | E | F | G | A | B |
♭ | c | d | e | f | g | a | b |
♯ | C | D | E | F | G | A | B |
♯ | c | d | e | f | g | a | b |
Deutsch: C-Dur
English: C major
Eesti: C-duur
Español: Do mayor
Français : ut majeur
Italiano: do maggiore
עברית: דו מז'ור
Македонски: це-дур
Nederlands: C-majeur
日本語: ハ長調
Polski: C-dur
Русский: До мажор
Српски / srpski: Це-дур
Suomi: C-duuriasteikko
Svenska: C-durskalan
Українська: До мажор
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Said to be the same as | A minor (parallel keys) | ||||
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This category has the following 3 subcategories, out of 3 total.
- C major scales (153 F)
- C major chords (427 F)
Media in category "C major"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 255 total.
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"Texarkana and Northern" Boogie-woogie bassline.mid 4.0 s; 279 bytes
'Oh, Susanna' pentatonic melody.mid 16 s; 361 bytes
1 - cadência perfeita - baixos.png 1,042 × 221; 6 KB
1 - marcha harmônica regular.png 2,270 × 555; 42 KB
14 Bagatelles, Op. 6.jpg 499 × 719; 56 KB
2 - cadência imperfeita - baixos.png 1,042 × 221; 7 KB
2 - Resolução no 1º grau.png 1,342 × 494; 29 KB
201008241206184375 M.mid 11 s; 868 bytes
251progressie.png 196 × 141; 32 KB
29 Lovely Evening.mid 1 min 59 s; 3 KB
3 - cadência plagal - baixos.png 1,042 × 221; 8 KB
3 - Resolução no 1º grau na 1ª inversão.png 987 × 494; 27 KB
3Chinesen Zürich.MID 18 s; 437 bytes
3Chinesen.MID 18 s; 425 bytes
3Chinesen.mid 16 s; 476 bytes
3Chinesen.png 2,283 × 849; 13 KB
5 - cadência à dominante - baixos.png 1,042 × 221; 8 KB
5 - Inversões do Acorde de 7ª da Dominante.png 1,339 × 574; 40 KB
50s progression in C eight beat harmonic rhythm.mid 35 s; 587 bytes
50s progression in C four beat harmonic rhythm.mid 19 s; 371 bytes
50s progression in C two beat harmonic rhythm.mid 11 s; 371 bytes
50s progression in C variable harmonic rhythm.mid 35 s; 603 bytes
50s progression in C variation.mid 20 s; 370 bytes
50s progression in C.mid 20 s; 370 bytes
6b534cambiata.mid 3.0 s; 187 bytes
7-8 retardation organ.mid 4.5 s; 210 bytes
A gironella.jpg 1,875 × 1,096; 193 KB
A Sailor Went to Sea.mid 13 s; 758 bytes
Accented passing tone.mid 5.3 s; 151 bytes
Acciaccatura execution.mid 1.3 s; 141 bytes
Acciaccatura notation.mid 1.3 s; 141 bytes
Acciaccatura.MID 4.0 s; 611 bytes
Accord Position.png 6,842 × 1,891; 376 KB
Acordes C Dm Em F.jpg 301 × 148; 22 KB
Acordes de IM.jpg 1,023 × 427; 92 KB
Acordes em tríade no tom dó.jpg 459 × 148; 32 KB
Acéfalo 1.jpg 300 × 60; 6 KB
Acéfalo-300x59.jpg 300 × 59; 9 KB
Added diminished seventh chord original.png 819 × 203; 5 KB
Adonai malakh on C.mid 8.0 s; 197 bytes
Advance Australia Fair.mid 41 s; 3 KB
Air Barberon 1626.JPG 1,082 × 727; 154 KB
Akordy poboczne major.png 1,021 × 141; 5 KB
Akordy poboczne majorowe.png 787 × 133; 8 KB
Alberti bass 4-4 and 3-4 equivalents 3-4.mid 7.2 s; 314 bytes
Alberti bass 4-4 and 3-4 equivalents 4-4.mid 9.0 s; 368 bytes
Albinoni's adagio realized by Bach's pupil.ogg 37 s; 576 KB
Alle Meine Entchen.mid 14 s; 470 bytes
AllTheThingsYouAre-bar17thru24.jpg 585 × 169; 19 KB
AllTheThingsYouAre-bar1thru8.jpg 585 × 169; 20 KB
AllTheThingsYouAre-bar25thru36.jpg 585 × 278; 34 KB
America the Beautiful.mid 41 s; 2 KB
Amitabha by Yinguang.mid 23 s; 354 bytes
Andrea Gabrieli Ricercare del 12o tono.wav 33 s; 5.55 MB
Armide, tragédie (1718) (14578849958).jpg 2,584 × 1,892; 837 KB
Armide, tragédie (1718) (14762304621).jpg 2,702 × 2,950; 1.33 MB
Arsis and thesis.mid 6.0 s; 273 bytes
Attaingnant--branle-de-poictou.png 600 × 700; 22 KB
Au clair de la lune (traditionnel).pdf 1,275 × 1,650; 241 KB
Augmented chord progression I+ IV Palmer.mid 5.0 s; 177 bytes
Augmented chord progression I+ IV64 Palmer.mid 5.0 s; 177 bytes
Auth.mid 0.0 s; 239 bytes
B guajeo.mid 0.0 s; 270 bytes
Bar-line shift on metric accent with drums.mid 0.0 s; 1 KB
Bar-line shift on metric accent.mid 0.0 s; 762 bytes
Bar-line shift on rhythm changes B section.mid 0.0 s; 487 bytes
Barretto Amor Artificial.mid 0.0 s; 370 bytes
Bell chord.png 1,096 × 653; 23 KB
Bergeret sans roch.ogg 1 min 6 s; 1.43 MB
Biber - Missa Salisburgensis - Kyrie III.png 1,063 × 668; 37 KB
Biber - Missa Salisburgensis - Miserere Nobis.png 867 × 347; 23 KB
BIII-V7 cadence in C with resolution.mid 0.0 s; 198 bytes
BIII-V7 cadence in C.mid 0.0 s; 156 bytes
Blues shuffle in C.mid 0.0 s; 644 bytes
Bol 54.mid 0.0 s; 1 KB
Bol 60.mid 0.0 s; 1 KB
Bol 64.mid 0.0 s; 1 KB
Bol 72.mid 0.0 s; 1 KB
Bol 84.mid 0.0 s; 1 KB
Boogie Quarten for wikipedia.mid 0.0 s; 791 bytes
Boogie Quarten for wikipedia.png 781 × 113; 10 KB
BoogieWalkingBass1.mid 0.0 s; 1 KB
Bop V of II cliche arpeggio.mid 0.0 s; 205 bytes
Borrowed chord Bach BWV 846.mid 0.0 s; 550 bytes
Breval - Sonata cello double stops.mid 0.0 s; 196 bytes
Breval - Sonata cello double stops.png 1,061 × 480; 10 KB
Britannica Holztrompete Harmonic Series.jpg 235 × 79; 19 KB
Bruckner 8 i 2nd theme.png 545 × 150; 6 KB
BuxWV 104 - Was frag ich nach der Welt.ogg 2 min 11 s; 2.59 MB
BuxWV114.png 4,080 × 1,426; 26 KB
BuxWV137.png 2,922 × 354; 7 KB
BVII-V7 cadence in C with resolution.mid 0.0 s; 198 bytes
BVII-V7 cadence in C.mid 0.0 s; 165 bytes
Byebabybunting.mid 0.0 s; 314 bytes
Byrd - 3. The galliarde for the victorie.mid 1 min 38 s; 6 KB
C aolian.ogg 5.6 s; 58 KB
C Blues.JPG 488 × 286; 16 KB
C dorian.ogg 5.4 s; 56 KB
C locrian.ogg 5.6 s; 57 KB
C lydian.ogg 5.6 s; 57 KB
C major (A minor).png 800 × 463; 19 KB
C major scale melodic pattern.png 1,428 × 475; 14 KB
C major, Middle C, I-IV-V-I chord progression.ogg 4.9 s; 66 KB
C major, Middle C, I-IV-V-I-I-V-I chord progression.ogg 8.1 s; 106 KB
C mixolydian.ogg 5.5 s; 57 KB
C phrygian.ogg 5.4 s; 56 KB
C-Dur-Kadenz.ogg 4.0 s; 60 KB
C-Dur-Kadenz.pythagoreischeToene.png 468 × 328; 27 KB
C-major-scale.png 652 × 646; 52 KB
CA 1D Rule 110 Ocarina 20200507.mid 2 min 37 s; 14 KB
CA 1D Rule 110 Tubular Bells 20200507.mid 2 min 34 s; 14 KB
Cadoret - Kousk Mabig Jezuz, 1916.djvu 4,964 × 7,019; 476 KB
Canon example.png 965 × 533; 16 KB
CDEFGABC.jpg 235 × 75; 15 KB
Cdur cmoll gleichstufig English version.png 625 × 278; 20 KB
Cdur cmoll gleichstufig.png 728 × 194; 7 KB
Cdur cmoll gleichstufig.svg 800 × 230; 124 KB
Changing tones.mid 0.0 s; 195 bytes
Chart of Regions in C major.jpg 474 × 447; 50 KB
ChochoNoSanwaon.png 502 × 66; 2 KB
ChochoNoYonwaon.png 503 × 70; 3 KB
Chopin-Akkord in C.png 559 × 309; 12 KB
Chord rewrite rules I.mid 0.0 s; 872 bytes
Chord rewrite rules II.mid 0.0 s; 872 bytes
Chords in C.png 4,444 × 899; 118 KB
Chromatic mediant chord progressions I bIII I.mid 0.0 s; 198 bytes
Chromatic mediant chord progressions I biii I.mid 0.0 s; 198 bytes
Chromatic mediant chord progressions I bVI I.mid 7.0 s; 198 bytes
Chromatic mediant chord progressions I bvi I.mid 0.0 s; 198 bytes
Chromatic mediant chord progressions I III I.mid 0.0 s; 198 bytes
Chromatic mediant chord progressions I VI I.mid 7.0 s; 198 bytes
Chromatic mediant in Brahms op 90 II.mid 0.0 s; 890 bytes
Chromatic mediants in C major and a minor.png 1,058 × 1,078; 35 KB
Ciaccona.png 398 × 82; 4 KB
Clausula1.mid 0.0 s; 300 bytes
Closely keys in C major.png 5,600 × 1,223; 80 KB
Connection Chords.png 7,048 × 1,653; 328 KB
Cornelius.mid 0.0 s; 1 KB
Cross motif.mid 7.2 s; 118 bytes
Círculo de do mayor.jpg 268 × 188; 19 KB
Dal Segno al fine example short.mid 0.0 s; 204 bytes
De Profundis (Josquin).mid 0.0 s; 710 bytes
Decorated third progression.mid 0.0 s; 202 bytes
Democratic Kampuchea.mid 0.0 s; 10 KB
Descending thirds from mediant progression.mid 0.0 s; 325 bytes
Deva Jazz.mid 3 min 52 s; 16 KB
Dixe's Land Sheet Music.jpg 1,881 × 645; 183 KB
Dixie manuscript.png 1,025 × 657; 196 KB
Dominant parallel in C major.png 1,098 × 513; 13 KB
Dominedeus.ogg 3 min 51 s; 2.81 MB
Dvorak 9, trumpet part exerpt.png 394 × 115; 17 KB
Earth Prelude (ISRC USUAN1100247).mp3 3 min 49 s; 4.47 MB
Earth Prelude (MacLeod, Kevin) (ISRC USUAN1100247).oga 3 min 49 s; 10.86 MB
Emile Paladilhe - Patrie - 1ère page transcription pour cobla (tible en fa).jpg 1,047 × 661; 143 KB
Escala Mayor.JPG 5,100 × 6,600; 1.17 MB
Fantaisie brillante.pdf 1,239 × 1,754, 4 pages; 129 KB
FifthsC.mid 0.0 s; 789 bytes
FifthsCSevenths.svg 450 × 350; 73 KB
Figured Bass.png 513 × 317; 6 KB
FunktionstheorieNBn1.png 1,392 × 234; 15 KB
FunktionstheorieNBn3.png 1,392 × 234; 17 KB
Gabrilobrahms119 4.ogg 1 min 31 s; 1.56 MB
GalliardeVonAttaignant.gif 805 × 217; 8 KB
Gavotte.gif 935 × 413; 13 KB
HaHaIohannes.png 596 × 518; 11 KB
Harmoniques de do.svg 181 × 121; 46 KB
Himnojuanbautista.jpg 399 × 990; 213 KB
Hymne St Jean Baptiste.png 299 × 366; 5 KB
I-II-III-IV Chord Progression.JPG 274 × 90; 4 KB
I-II-III-IV Chord Progression.ogg 17 s; 356 KB
I-VI-II-V Chord Progression.JPG 274 × 110; 4 KB
I-vi-ii-V turnaround in C.png 1,068 × 393; 13 KB
II-V-I progression on C.JPG 486 × 173; 9 KB
III-VI-II-V Chord Progression.JPG 275 × 91; 4 KB
Blanc et clairet sont les couleurs (IA imslp-et-clairet-sont-les-couleurs-anonymous).pdf 1,239 × 1,754, 2 pages; 62 KB
Jazz C modes.jpg 1,045 × 1,095; 226 KB
Jazz I.jpg 999 × 189; 37 KB
Jazz piano over II-V-I on C.jpg 2,415 × 774; 106 KB
Jazz V.jpg 871 × 151; 35 KB
Jazz violin.ogg 11 s; 171 KB
Johannes Ciconia - O Padua, sidus praeclarum.ogg 2 min 37 s; 1.75 MB
Landini - Si dolce non sono.ogg 2 min 12 s; 1.56 MB
Les différents types de Christophe.png 2,466 × 1,186; 199 KB
Li maus d amer.png 2,017 × 1,475; 23 KB
Lloyd-Suite in the Old Style for Clarinet.djvu 2,975 × 3,850, 12 pages; 2.81 MB
Lully Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme - 09. Menuet 1 and 2.ogg 2 min 22 s; 4.13 MB
Lully phaeton overture allegro.png 735 × 478; 55 KB
Lully Phaeton overture.png 718 × 538; 70 KB
Lully; Minuet from "the temple of peace".ogg 3 min 36 s; 1.97 MB
Major bebop scale on C.mid 0.0 s; 171 bytes
Major bebop scale on C.png 1,037 × 225; 6 KB
Missa Saliburgensis - Kyrie.png 586 × 837; 438 KB
MomKy1.jpg 833 × 322; 52 KB
Monteverdi Missa da cappella a sei voci Kyrie.pdf 1,239 × 1,754, 7 pages; 859 KB