Category:Cambridge, Vermont

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English: Cambridge is a town in Lamoille County, Vermont, United States. The population was 3659 at the 2010 census.
<nowiki>Cambridge; Cambridge; Cambridge; Cambridge; Cambridge; Cambridge; Cambridge; Cambridge; Кембридж; Cambridge; کمبریج (ورمانت); Cambridge; Кембриџ; Cambridge; کیمبرج; Cambridge; Cambridge; Cambridge; Cambridge; Кембридж; Кембридж; Cambridge; Cambridge; ケンブリッジ; Cambridge; Cambridge; كامبريدج; Cambridge; Cambridge; città del Vermont, USA; アメリカ合衆国のヴァーモント州ラモイル郡にある町; ville du Vermont; lungsod sa Estados Unidos, Vermont; місто, США, штат Вермонт; Gemeinde im US-Bundesstaat Vermont; town in Lamoille County, Vermont; sídlo ve státě Vermont v USA; kommun (town) i Vermont, USA; Cambridge, Vermont; Cambridge, VT; Cambridge, Vermont; Cambridge, VT; Cambridge (VT); Cambridge, Vermont; Cambridge, VT</nowiki>
town in Lamoille County, Vermont
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Instance of
LocationLamoille County, Vermont
Located in or next to body of water
  • 1781
  • 3,839 (2020)
  • 63.7 mi²
Elevation above sea level
  • 231 ±1 m
official website
Map44° 37′ 40.06″ N, 72° 49′ 07.2″ W
Authority file
Wikidata Q1028276
VIAF cluster ID: 149104657
Library of Congress authority ID: n98051528
J9U ID: 987007535699005171
OpenStreetMap relation ID: 8890116
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Media in category "Cambridge, Vermont"

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