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Category:Camilo Pessanha

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<nowiki>Camilo Pessanha; 庇山耶; Camilo Pessanha; Ка­ми­лу Пес­а­нья; Camilo Pessanha; Camilo Pessanha; 庇山耶; Camilo Pessanha; Camilo Pessanha; カミーロ・ペサーニャ; Camilo Pessanha; 카밀루 페사냐; Camilo Pessanha; Camilo Pessanha; Camilo Pessanha; Camilo Pessanha; Camilo Pessanha; Camilo Pessanha; 庇山耶; Camilo Pessanha; Camilo Pessanha; Camilo Pessanha; Camilo Pessanha; Camilo Pessanha; Camilo Pessanha; Camilo Pessanha; Camilo Pessanha; كاميلو پيسانها; Camilo Pessanha; Camilo Pessanha; Camilo Pessanha; Camilo Pessanha; Camilo Pessanha; Camilo Pessanha; Camilo Pessanha; escritor portugués; পর্তুগিজ লেখক; écrivain portugais; Portugali kirjanik; ލިޔުންތެރިއެއް; португальский поэт; escriptor portuguès; portugiesischer Schriftsteller; poeta português; Portuguese writer; شاعر پرتغالی; poeta portoghese; portugisisk poet; scriitor portughez; كاتب برتغالي; Portuguese poet (1867-1926); scríbhneoir Portaingéalach; portugisisk poet; portugisisk poet; סופר פורטוגזי; dichter uit Portugal (1867-1926); shkrimtar portugez; Portekizli şair; portugisisk poet; 포르투갈 시인; escritor portugués; Portuguese writer; portugalský spisovatel; poeta portuges; Camilo de Almeida Pessanha; Camilo de Almeida Pessanha; Camilo de Almeida Pessanha; Camilo de Almeida Pessanha; Camilo de Almeida Pessanha; Ка­ми­лу Пес­са­нья</nowiki>
Camilo Pessanha 
Portuguese poet (1867-1926)
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Date of birth7 September 1867
Date of death1 March 1926
Manner of death
  • natural causes
Cause of death
Place of burial
Country of citizenship
Educated at
Native language
Authority file
Wikidata Q286722
ISNI: 0000000121266789
VIAF cluster ID: 32016318
GND ID: 118790501
Library of Congress authority ID: n84015707
Bibliothèque nationale de France ID: 12054601f
IdRef ID: 028780795
Libraries Australia ID: 979897, 35511919
NL CR AUT ID: kup20000000075932
SELIBR ID: 336473
National Library of Israel ID (old): 000459370
National Library of Spain ID: XX987994
Nationale Thesaurus voor Auteursnamen ID: 070037388
NORAF ID: 90562978
NUKAT ID: n2006104621
Libris-URI: 75knt6lr48nn7jb
J9U ID: 987007276340205171
NACSIS-CAT author ID: DA13149550
SBN author ID: RAVV050581
Open Library ID: OL73064A
Europeana entity: agent/base/74376
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Media in category "Camilo Pessanha"

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